Gainz'z Notepad and Extracurricular Loudmouth Showoff Channel

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Forward from: Eric Striker
Welcome to Weimerica.

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Our children are the most precious gift from God.

Forward from: Thuletide
It's good that people like Charlie Kirk are calling this what it is, but at the same time, it's a sign how just how bad things are.

Faggot capitalizes black but not White. It's always something. You deserve to fall asleep face first against an angle grinder, Charlie Kirk.

Forward from: Emily Youcis
Bet you this bitch won't be prefacing her defense with "my client is a horrible evil man and I'm sickened by all acts of child killing" like some of the Charlottesville "defense" lawyers.
Nope she's gonna go full "good boy din do nuffin victim of system fleeing from racist polees" while petting him like he's a pit bull, knowing no one will give her any problems for it.

In this country murdering white children is considered far less morally repugnant than saying racist comments online.

They know exactly why they put him in a bulletproof vest.

Forward from: Dissident Aesthetics
In remembrance of those hurt or killed by anti-white terror attacks nation wide. We stand in solidarity with you.


Forward from: Proud Boys: Uncensored
It is up to you White man. Unify in opposition to your enemy, because they are unified in your oppression. White Unity at every opportunity, start to resist or cease to exist.


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