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Authorities Warn of Dangerous Disease Transmitted Through Cats — Daily Mail

Minnesota officials are seriously concerned about an outbreak of tularemia, an infectious disease that resembles typhoid fever in its course.

The North Star State has already recorded 21 cases of the infection this year, matching the total number of incidents from all of last year.

Infections are also on the rise across the country, with a 60% increase in cases from 2011 to 2019.

Medics say the reason for this spike is the growing contact between cats and wild animals. Pets are picking up the infection from hares, rabbits, and voles, and can then pass it on to their owners.

The disease begins with a sudden spike in temperature to 38.5 - 40°C, severe headache, and dizziness. The infection is treated with antibiotics, but if treatment is not started in time, deadly sepsis can develop.

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Congress Mulls Whether to Require Women to Register for the Military Draft — NYT

Lawmakers are considering a proposal that could require women to register for the military draft.

The U.S. currently has a military draft registration law that mandates all men between the ages of 18 and 25 living in the U.S. to register with the Selective Service System. Typically, states automatically register men when they get a driver's license or apply for college.

Military registration does not mean conscription, as no draft has been implemented since 1973. However, authorities maintain a list of potential draftees for use in case of an emergency.

The media notes that this requirement has little chance of becoming law, but the very discussion of the issue illustrates the acute shortage of men in the U.S. Armed Forces at a time when readiness has come to the forefront.

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Mass Shooting in Arkansas: Multiple Fatalities — NBC

An unidentified gunman opened fire in a Mad Butcher Shop in Fordyce, Arkansas, killing two people and injuring eight others.

Among the injured is a police officer.

The gunman was severely wounded and taken into custody.

"I am grateful to law enforcement and first responders for their swift and heroic actions, which saved lives," said Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

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USA and China Begin Talks on Nuclear Weapons — Reuters

The two countries initiated semi-official talks on nuclear weapons in March—the first such discussions in five years, according to two delegates who attended the meeting.

The United States is concerned that China might resort to using nuclear weapons in the event of a conflict with Taiwan. In response, the Chinese assured the Americans that they would not take such drastic measures.

David Santoro, the scientist who organized the talks on the American side, stated that the Chinese are confident they can prevail without resorting to nuclear weapons.

The delegates are currently preparing a report on the first round of talks for their respective governments. It is likely that future discussions will occur at a higher level.

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More Than Half a Million Chargers Recalled: Two Fires Reported — CBS

Michigan-based company myCharge is recalling 567,000 portable chargers sold at Costco nationwide.

So far, there have been 120 reports of the devices overheating. In two cases, the use of these chargers has resulted in fires.

The company is recalling the 10,000 mAh capacity POWER HUB All-In-One models numbered AO10FK-A, AO10FK-B, and AO10FK-C.

These models were sold in Costco stores and online from January 2022 through November 2023 for about $40.

Owners of these devices should stop using them immediately and contact myCharge for a replacement.

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Donald Trump says he believes "the CIA was probably behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy" and promises to declassify more information about the event if he returns to the White House

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Chinese Own Land Near 19 US Military Bases — NYP

Chinese investors are buying up farmland near U.S. military bases. Journalists have drawn up a map marking 19 strategically important sites.

These include some of the most important military bases: Fort Liberty in Fayetteville, North Carolina; Fort Cavazos in Killeen, Texas; Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base in San Diego, California; and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.

In total, Chinese investors have spent an estimated $1.9 billion to buy U.S. land near these strategic sites.

Military sources the reporters spoke to are extremely concerned about the situation. They fear that the Chinese could use this land for espionage by installing radar equipment or launching drones.

The military complains that the U.S. still has no laws to regulate the purchase of land by foreign entities, specifically the Chinese, near strategic sites.

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Pollution from Ohio train derailment spreads to 16 states — ABC

The February 2023 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, spread a plume of chemicals across 16 states, according to a study.

Scientists estimate that the total area of the cloud from the burning chemicals was 540,000 square miles (14% of the U.S.). The contamination affected 110 million residents, or one-third of the country's population.

Researchers determined the impact of the disaster by collecting sediment samples from 260 locations.

Reminder that 11 of the derailed railcars were carrying hazardous substances. Five of them contained the volatile colorless gas vinyl chloride. The others also contained ethyl acrylate and isobutylene, which are considered very toxic and possibly carcinogenic.

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Pollution from Ohio train derailment spreads to 16 states — ABC

📍The February 2023 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, spread a plume of chemicals across 16 states, according to a study.

📍Scientists estimate that the total area of the cloud from the burning chemicals was 540,000 square miles (14% of the U.S.). The contamination affected 110 million residents, or one-third of the country's population.

📍Researchers determined the impact of the disaster by collecting sediment samples from 260 locations.

📍Reminder that 11 of the derailed railcars were carrying hazardous substances. Five of them contained the volatile colorless gas vinyl chloride. The others also contained ethyl acrylate and isobutylene, which are considered very toxic and possibly carcinogenic.

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⚡️ More than 1,400 buildings have been destroyed by wildfires in New Mexico, according to the State Forest Service

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⚡️US Further Eases Restrictions on Ukraine's Use of US-Supplied Weapons — Politico

The United States has notified Ukraine that it can now utilize US-supplied weapons to target any Russian forces and facilities, not just those in the Kharkiv region. This marks a significant easing of previous restrictions on the use of these weapons, potentially expanding Ukraine's tactical options in its ongoing conflict with Russia.

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Canadian company PLAEX is introducing an innovative construction method inspired by LEGO, utilizing bricks that resemble construction sets

These blocks are made from 90% recycled plastic, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional building materials.

The PLAEX bricks offer several advantages:

📍Weight: They are 35% lighter than concrete.
📍Cost: They are 15-30% cheaper than traditional building materials.
📍Strength: Despite their lightweight nature, the bricks are stronger and more durable.
📍Flexibility: The bricks do not require mortar, allowing structures to be easily disassembled and reassembled.

Currently, these bricks are approved only for non-residential buildings. However, PLAEX aims to secure the necessary permits to use them for residential construction by next year.

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"This New Product Will Change the World": Elon Musk Confirms Starlink Mini at Half the Price, Fits in a Backpack

Elon Musk has announced that Starlink Mini, a compact and more affordable satellite internet antenna, will soon be available. Priced at around $250, the Starlink Mini is designed to be portable enough to fit in a backpack and is set to revolutionize internet access globally.

"I have just installed Starlink Mini and am writing this post from space. Installation took less than 5 minutes. Easy to carry in a backpack. This product will change the world," Musk posted on X.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved Starlink Mini last year. According to SpaceX's application, the antenna measures 289 x 248 mm. The product is expected to be available for purchase in the coming months.

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Oregon High School Coach Fired for Speaking Out Against Transgender Participation in Women's Sports — KATU

John Parks, a high school coach in Oregon, has been dismissed from his position after voicing concerns about transgender athletes competing in women's sports. Parks had written multiple letters to officials, urging them to prohibit biological males from participating in women's events.

He reported observing negative reactions towards transgender athletes at several competitions, including instances where the audience booed a transgender individual who won a women's cross-country event. Parks proposed the creation of a separate league exclusively for transgender athletes.

Although officials have not provided a specific reason for his termination, Parks believes his outspoken stance on the issue led to his dismissal.

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At a tournament in the United States, a nine-year-old skater from Japan made history by becoming the world's first skater to successfully perform the 900 (two and a half turns in the air) three times in a row

The record-breaking feat was performed in front of skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, who was the first to complete the 900 in 1999. Hawk expressed his excitement and pride at witnessing the emergence of a new generation of skateboarders.

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A Small Moose Rescued in Alaska — CBS

Spencer Warren arrived at work and was preparing to launch his seaplane when he heard a sound resembling a bird call. Moments later, he discovered a moose calf stuck between the dock and the watercraft.

Police officers soon arrived on the scene. Two officers, along with Spencer, began a rescue operation while the mother moose watched nearby.

The small and exhausted moose calf was successfully pulled out and helped to its feet. It was soon reunited with its mother.

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Every Louisiana School Classroom is Now Required to Display the Ten Commandments — AP

📍 Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has signed a law mandating that every classroom in all public schools, including kindergartens and universities, display a poster featuring the Ten Commandments.

📍 The law frames the Ten Commandments not as religious texts, but as "the foundational documents of our state and national government."

📍 The law has faced immediate criticism, with opponents threatening to challenge it in court, arguing that it effectively merges church and state. Additionally, critics claim the law violates the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of religious belief.

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Earth residents will have the opportunity to witness a star 'explode' with the naked eye this summer, according to FOX

NASA scientists predict that a star located approximately 3,000 light-years from Earth will undergo an explosion, making the phenomenon bright enough for people on our planet to observe without telescopes.

The star in question is Blaze Star, classified as a recurrent nova. Stars of this type experience powerful flares akin to a supernova eruption every few decades. It's important to note the distinction: a supernova flash marks the death of a star, whereas recurrent nova flares do not destroy the star itself.

Blaze Star's flare occurs approximately every 80 years, with documented sightings dating back to 1217 and the most recent event observed in 1946.

While the exact date of the upcoming flare remains uncertain, NASA is actively monitoring the situation and cautions that it may be visible in the night sky for several days.

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Elon Musk Reveals Assassination Attempts

New York Post reports that Tesla CEO Elon Musk disclosed that two attempts on his life have been made in the past seven months.

Speaking at Tesla's shareholder meeting, Musk stated, "The likelihood of a homicidal maniac trying to kill you is proportional to how many homicidal maniacs hear your name. They hear my name a lot, so I'm like, 'OK, I'm on the list,' you know."

Musk also mentioned that he no longer signs autographs for fans who approach him.

He compared his situation to that of John Lennon, the Beatles member who was shot and killed by a fan shortly after signing an album for him.

⚡️Snow in June: abnormal snowfalls hit Argentina

Local forecasters predict that up to 1.6 meters of snow may fall in the coming days.

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