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Psychological tricks
Or how to control a person.

⭐ If you want a person to be more honest with you, ask him about something when he is tired or sleepy.
-In this state, he will be less able to control his emotions and lie.

⭐ If you want a person to be more amenable to your requests, put him in the position of choosing whether to agree with you or do something else he doesn't like.
-This is called the "double bind" technique and creates the illusion of freedom of choice.

⭐ If you want a man to be more into you, spend time with him in exciting and adrenaline-pumping situations.
-This will increase his physiological activation and association with you as a source of pleasurable sensations.

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Strength is matter of a made up mind.



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Understanding is an art. Not everyone is an artist.

To bed, now!

Many people consider sleep a waste of potentially productive hours. But this approach is fundamentally wrong, since sleep increases the ability to think. One hour of sleep gives several hours more high productivity in the next day.

Driving for 24 hours without sleep or having an average of only four to five hours of sleep a day every week does not matter. Both are equally deadly for our cognitive abilities.

The Biggest comeback πŸŒ»πŸŒΏπŸ¦‹

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Say it with me:

I deserve.
I deserve to be here.
I deserve to be seen.
I deserve to enjoy this life.
I deserve to be loved for my truth.
I deserve to live up to my potential.
I deserve to be gentle with myself.
I deserve to be confident.
I deserve to want more for myself.
I deserve to live a nourishing life.
I deserve to respect my body.
I deserve to be proud of myself.
I deserve to be loved and to love.
I deserve to let that s*** go.
I deserve to give others honesty.
I deserve to be honest with myself.
I deserve to be experience peace.


No matter who you are, a girl will definitely reject you.

Don't think becoming super rich or famous will automatically attract women to you or grant you the "secret sauce" to let every woman fall for you.

Do some digging and research. Rich men and celebrities are getting their hearts broken on low key, every now and then by women.

It can hurt to have good plans and intentions for someone, yet that person may not think same about you.

Rejection or "No" from a woman doesn't make you "useless", and you must not feel terrible or depressed if a woman doesn't show interest in you.

In most cases, her "No" means, "please focus on someone else who would value and appreciate you".

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How to trust after cheating?

If you are in a classic monogamous relationship and you have been cheated on, the question "How to trust a person again?" is no longer appropriate. The answer to it is one β€” no way.

You will no longer be able to trust this person the way you trusted/trusted before. And you have two options: either be in a relationship with him further and just accept your distrust as a given and inevitable, or break up. Well, to live, remaining in a relationship, to suffer and be tormented by the question "How to trust?" β€” this is not an option. It's just a neurotic mockery of yourself and nothing more.

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Self-discipline is the bedrock upon which self-respect is built.

It’s not just about willpowerβ€”it’s about proving to yourself that you’re capable of showing up, day after day, even when it’s hard.

Every time you honor a commitment, push past resistance, or choose actions that align with your values,

You’re sending a message to your own mind:

I am reliable.
I am worthy of trust.

Think about itβ€”respect isn’t something handed to you by others.

It’s forged in the quiet moments of effort, in the decisions no one else sees.

When you skip the excuses, silence the inner critic, and do the work, you earn a deeper sense of pride and integrity.

Those small, consistent victories stack up, transforming how you see yourself.

How do you quickly recognize a manipulative person?

✍🏻 They appears to be β€œtoo much caring β€œ. If you are getting too much of attention from a stranger then take a pause often and evaluate

✍🏻 A standard technique they apply is : whenever you ask them anything which you find suspicious they will start blaming you. Blame Game is a great tool they use to divert questioning

✍🏻 To gain brownie points they will slowly instigate you against your closed ones . You start suspecting your closed ones

✍🏻 Most of the manipulators are good communicators. Not the vice versa always though. They know how to extract your thoughts without revealing anything about others .

✍🏻 Most of the manipulators tell emotional stories which are often lie or fictional. You start empathizing and then you fall into trap. When someone tells you such stories from beginning then take a pause

✍🏻 They will again and again say you β€œhow close they are to you” even though you just met them few days ago or have interacted few times before . If you feel that superimposing vibe wait for a while

✍🏻 Most of the manipulators show their real colors only after a while and soon they will ask you for big

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Start speaking Inspirely into your life. Change the way you think, change the way you speak.

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Your life is taking an extraordinary shape

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Lessons learned the hard way will stick with you forever

Guilt Trip - What to Do About It?

Parents reproach their children for not calling them every single evening. Children reproach their parents for not giving them something.

Mom through the feeling of guilt manipulates her son and makes him "her own man" to serve her needs. Because she "spent her whole youth to raise him". Wife is constantly manipulating her husband, who once cheated on her but stayed in the family...

If you are really guilty to someone, the most HEALTHY attitude is to ask for forgiveness and find out what you can do to make things right.

BUT! That doesn't mean you have to pay for one transgression, mistake, or favor for the rest of your life.

Toxic relationships increase your risk of heart disease, anxiety, depression and weaken your immune system

Positive relationships reduce stress, improve confidence, self-worth and boost your sense of belonging


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