Jarrin Jackson

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Category: Politics

Christian, veteran, homeschool dad, husband of one wife

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For first time, SCOTUS offering public seating for oral arguments.

As though they want people to observe them in action…

God has flipped the nation.

758 0 11 1 64

For law, many (rightly) complain about government corruption and spend decades lobbying for changes, but they never build basic competence of law in their children, so that the children learn life with a correct view of government (this is why many people struggle now with the law; they understand that the constitution is the law just fine, but they’ve been programmed to process information according to bad narratives that attack people’s sovereignty over government, which makes them doubt and/or confused). The Bible says wisdom is for teaching children, not adults; meaning, we should be teaching wisdom to children and implies adults already have it; but if we are learning wisdom as adults then that shows our children aren’t learning wisdom as children (imagine the generational effects of teaching children Christ’s wisdom - that touches all things in creation and not just salvation from sin).

Lastly, the gospel is the driving message of the church of Christ bc Christ commanded us to make disciples (Matt 28:18-20). Salvation from sin is the BEGINNING of new life we have in Jesus. If you have followed Christ for 50 years, the gospel message is just as powerful now as it was when you first heard it. Amen. If you have been walking with Christ for 50 years, you will know so much more than just the gospel message. Making disciples is a process. Endurance doesn’t happen overnight. Christ’s command for His church is ongoing and never ending, and so the “punch the ticket” thinking (get them the gospel and convert them so we win) is insufficient; the gospel is the main message of the lifelong commitment to Christ that bears fruit all over the place.

We have a great time to think differently (Bible word is repent) and God is showing Himself faithful. I pray folks don’t miss this opportunity to return to foundational principles in all things and thus enjoy the blessing God built into His creation.

Navigating the changing spiritual landscape is a mega-issue.

1) Christ is King now & forever.

2) The election of Trump, the way I see it, is a blessing from the Lord.

3) Each blessing (grant/gift) should be stewarded/cared for.

I’m not a Q guy and so I believe it is insufficient to “see what happens”.

I’m not a “focus on ethnicity guy” so I believe it is insufficient to focus on the most superficial part of people.

I’m not into politics anymore - in the sense of “let’s get more Republicans in office and grow our majority so we can increase our chances of passing this bit of legislation I like” - so I believe it is insufficient to let the day-by-day headlines sway me this or that way (one of the most sobering realizations I had was that headlines were written to provoke a response; the media is a tool for those who control it).

I’m not a denominational/“evangelical” Christian - in the sense of caring about brands of certain strains of Christianity, past theologians, nor academic discussions that dissect the Bible like a corpse instead of planting it in my mind’s soil (tell tales signs are using big words not found in the Bible to serve as the frame for words the Bible does say) - so I believe it is insufficient to put my identity (and therefore, my thinking) in Paul or Apollos or Calvin or etc etc.

I see God changing things by restoring them to Him. Just like Israel had many opportunities in the OT to return to God, and then God answered them and destroyed their enemies, I believe now is such a time.

The purpose of this post (taking the risk of the aforementioned list of “I’m not…” above) is that I believe submitting everything in your life with fresh eyes towards the Bible will be rewarded now.

Finances, in that, questioning why you do what you do financially. CJ alleging the idea of needing money reposed in banks. Testing why stock investments are vehicles of wealth creation. Exploring alternatives as though “social security” or other government programs won’t be there. These foundational ideas that rebuke 20th century economics open up incredible possibilities.

With relationships, politics is in flux and so it may be possible for drastic forgiveness now that ideological barriers are fracturing. Get “underneath” politics and reject party labels (here, universally agreed ideas are useful; everyone deserves justice, don’t take people’s stuff, property rights, etc) as a way to abandon the politics of division (purposefully curated by headline writers) and return to a Christian repentance model: directly engaging people in private, owning your mistake, and mortifying pride to win the soul.

For future plans, I believe most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. I could be wrong, but the factoid isn’t as important as the thinking underneath that situation. I grew up not learning about money (and I’m not just talking about how to balance a checkbook). It took me 37 years before I started thinking about money as a decision instead of a tool (this is a longer topic than I have room for here). Point here is that if I were to die today, I know that my money wouldn’t be equally distributed to my four children (which thinks no longer than the next generation) but would be permanently held in trust with assets that generate wealth (the key issue is understanding that money is not to buy you stuff but that it reflects your decisions). Decisions that don’t think in multiple generations restrict the effect of that money to only the next generation (unless, of course, you consider your child getting something with that money and then building with it as multi-generational, then amen). Here, the point is that families that think generationally deploy their money generationally (it is not lost on me that the consumer-driven economy we have facilitates single-generation wealth exchange, if at all).

Key to happiness: get chickens

2k 0 9 49 109

The times are changing

Spoke to a friend/mentor last night.

Takeaway: the world is full of sin.

We aren’t “getting out of here” without dealing with it & engaging it.

What I’ve learned from him (among other things), is that each moment is a moment for Christ to get glory, and every if we give Him glory each second of the day except a couple, then that’s a couple more we can improve on.

This is where I’m learning to slow down and think about the things I do, which, is dare for me bc I usually jump into things.

And so, my meaning is not that literally every second is “Jesus Jesus Jesus” as though thinking of Him is the only thing we think about; I think that’s impossible bc of our sin and, at some point, I must think about necessary things (“go to bathroom”, “pay bills”, “speak with wife”, etc), but that each time I think about something, I discipline myself (and I’m still working on it) to ensure Christ’s get glory.

And, for those wondering how Christ gets glory whenever you go to the bathroom, which was something I’d never have really considered, once you see someone who struggles and has “plumbing” issues, you realize how blessed you are to have things freely flow. Therefore, good health is a glorious gift from Christ that you should never take for granted.

It is a good spiritual discipline to frame the things we do as efforts to glorify Christ, and I’m learning, that the more I do that, the better things go.

Christ is so good.

2.9k 0 12 23 165


4.5k 0 26 8 267

Prayer requests?

I ask for my mother & a woman at church. Mom fell on Saturday and will be with us for foreseeable future. We’re doing carnivore diet and she’ll do physical therapy; she won’t be by herself so as to mitigate times alone when she is most vulnerable.

And the woman at church, her husband was arrested after what I think was domestic abuse. Not good.

3.8k 0 3 47 240

Love your parents. Spoke to my mom today. She fell again. Getting strength back.

She said my father would’ve loved to know this stuff about the law. Dad often said the legal system was corrupt. He chose Oologah as our hometown so he could be home at 5pm each night, and probably…so he didn’t become an ambulance chasing lying attorney scamming people.

But, love your parents.

3.7k 0 3 12 153

Many people hang around me or Dave to learn the law so they can help themselves in their situations, but the focus on your pain will be a block to your learning.

You are too invested emotionally to learn, as in, your motivation to not feel pain is greater than the desire for truth.

Like when Simon the Sorcerer offered Peter money for the Spirit, people see something they want for the e power and not because it’s true.

I recommend you help teach others & help others. If nothing else, you will be less emotional in the action and better able to see patterns & things in simplicity.

I didn’t really start understanding things until I started helping people with their problems - getting children back - which let me handle serious business with no threat to me.

Now, I get powerful people coming after me and my heart rate stays the same - it used to skyrocket.

Christ taught those who seek to gain their life will lose it, but those who seek to lose their life for His sake will find it. This is about salvation AND it has application in everything else.

Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, & strength and love others as yourself & so fulfill ALL the law.

4k 0 15 27 190

Elon suggesting people sue government officials…

4.9k 0 36 25 270

Remember your first love: Jesus Christ

Fighting & overcoming evil is commanded (Rom 12:21). Amen.

But do not let the pursuit of fighting evil & wickedness replace the King.

I remind myself of this bc fighting is appealing for me. Crushing evil is something I want to do. Building earthly wealth using His wisdom is a good thing.

All of it is garbage is Jesus is lowered and/off the focus is on winning. The victory is complete already.

Jesus Christ is my first love. I must live like it.

4.5k 0 25 40 54

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Elon's son's advice

4.6k 1 42 51 188

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What you draw matters

SCOTUS = ready to pounce - https://rumble.com/v5xy3w8-scotus-ready-to-pounce-12-10-2024.html?mref=a1rnj&mc=duimz

SCOTUS is ready to pounce 12-10-24

Proverbs 10:2-4 KJV

1) Indiana Jones as illustration: SCOTUS v. Lower Courts
2) The text (gun) v. government action (scheme/statute)
3) EXPLAIN SKETCH: Constitutional rights are ALWAYS protected

Buy 100% American manufactured products (& support Jarrin in the process):

Biblical Nation-building (only join if you want to restore America using Christ's wisdom)

4.1k 0 22 6 190

World got you down? Beat down? Depressed? Frustrated? Lonely?

This song blends compassion with power & victory.

Complete. Total. Conquest. By. Christ.

Listen on repeat until you submit your problems to Christ, but be careful, it’ll make you want to obey Him and get Him glory.


Matthew 10:14 that junk.

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