Many people hang around me or Dave to learn the law so they can help themselves in their situations, but the focus on your pain will be a block to your learning.
You are too invested emotionally to learn, as in, your motivation to not feel pain is greater than the desire for truth.
Like when Simon the Sorcerer offered Peter money for the Spirit, people see something they want for the e power and not because it’s true.
I recommend you help teach others & help others. If nothing else, you will be less emotional in the action and better able to see patterns & things in simplicity.
I didn’t really start understanding things until I started helping people with their problems - getting children back - which let me handle serious business with no threat to me.
Now, I get powerful people coming after me and my heart rate stays the same - it used to skyrocket.
Christ taught those who seek to gain their life will lose it, but those who seek to lose their life for His sake will find it. This is about salvation AND it has application in everything else.
Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, & strength and love others as yourself & so fulfill ALL the law.
You are too invested emotionally to learn, as in, your motivation to not feel pain is greater than the desire for truth.
Like when Simon the Sorcerer offered Peter money for the Spirit, people see something they want for the e power and not because it’s true.
I recommend you help teach others & help others. If nothing else, you will be less emotional in the action and better able to see patterns & things in simplicity.
I didn’t really start understanding things until I started helping people with their problems - getting children back - which let me handle serious business with no threat to me.
Now, I get powerful people coming after me and my heart rate stays the same - it used to skyrocket.
Christ taught those who seek to gain their life will lose it, but those who seek to lose their life for His sake will find it. This is about salvation AND it has application in everything else.
Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, & strength and love others as yourself & so fulfill ALL the law.