Surviving Amerikwa

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What went wrong with the West and in particular the European diaspora. How might collectively Western people survive? We attempt to answer this question

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Posts filter ( An interesting proposal for anybody who has been doxxed. Charles, one of the guests from Surviving Weimerika, who got on the radar of the establishment for exposing the white Replacement, has devised a potential solution for doxxing being used as a weapon against truth telling dissidents. )

Forward from: HateLab
“You want, if possible—and there is no more insane “if possible”—to abolish suffering. And we? It really seems that we would rather have it higher and worse than ever.. The discipline of suffering, of great suffering—do you not know that only this discipline has created all enhancements of man so far?”


In case you missed the latest Surviving Weimerika with Rob Rundo ( one of the founders of RAM) then be sure to watch it here on the Surviving Weimerika bitchute:

Forward from: HateLab
We Are Not Radicals

All of our positions were common sense to all generations prior to 20th Century culture distortion. 

Miscegnation has only been legally allowed in the USA since 1967. Our aversion to it is normal, all generations prior agree with us. It isn't radical to be anti-miscegnation.

The Leftwing talking heads argue that all the monuments are symbols of White Supremacy, the Rightwing argues against this. The Leftwing is correct.

Christopher Columbus was a White Supremacist. George Washington was a White Supremacist, albeit a mislead and liberal one. All the icons of the past that were raised up by this system as "heroes" and "Great Men of History", only a few years ago, Were White Supremacists.

Prior to 20th Century cultural distortion, White Supremacy was common sense. Being a White Supremacist is not a radical position.

Seeing women as the maternal aspect of the family, the childbearer and the child rearer, is not a radical opinion. Prior to 20th Century Cultural Distortion, the Female role as a Female was common sense.

The list goes on and on ad nauseum....

No matter how hard the Leftwing screeches, and no matter how ardently the Rightwing tries to explain the Truth away....

Our Position are Common Sense

Our Positions are Not Radical,

pretending that we are or that our positions are taboo, in any way, is purposefully buying into the Grand Progress Narrative.

In the view of history: We, who hold the common sense values of all previous generations, Are the Normal Ones. ( RIP Maxim Marsinkevich, didn't know of you until your death,regrettably but it appears you fought for your people and for the greater white race. Thanks for your dedication ! May you soul continue within the Halls of Vahalla!)

Forward from: Goy Talk™
Join the Army to fight for globohomo and die for Israel while your White wife gets BLACKED by Tyrone back at home. #ArmyStrong

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Forward from: The Noticer
“Let me issue & control the nation’s wealth & I care not who writes the laws” - Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Patriarch of the Richest Family in Human History

Fun Fact: The Rothschild Family made its fortune financing both sides of European wars, creating centralized banks (like the Federal Reserve), & subjecting Europeans to debt slavery.

Remember folks, it’s antisemitic to criticize the Rothschilds or ask just how rich they truly are

The Rothschilds - #2000

“The Rothschilds are the wonders of modern banking…we see the descendants of Judah, after a persecution of 2,000 years, peering above kings, rising higher than emperors, & holding a whole continent in the hollow of their hands. The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice...Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people. He holds the keys of peace or war, blessing or cursing" - Niles Weekly Register (1836)

Forward from: Memory Holed
How can one simple comic grind my gears so much?

Printers make small identification marks in yellow ink on every printed sheet. This is so our alphabet boys can always connect it to your printer in case you want to print money or God forbid "It's OK to be White" fliers.
SOURCE (archive)
Since 1990 all hi resolution photocopiers and scanners have to print underlying dot pattern of yellow tied to specific firmware, as divulged in congress in testimony in 1991. Modern printer drivers re-encode your IP address into your printed sheets.

Forward from: 🔥Faustian Fire🔥
Oh wow I'm so shocked.

Forward from: Hoobzone
The creation of Jewry was a perfect storm: first there was the Semitic type, which we know about from before there were Jews, who probably came into existence in the second half of the second millennium BC. Greeks tell stories about Arabs and Phonecians as unscrupulous, as liars, as devoted to gain and slaving and a host of other bad practices. This has something to do with neurological substrate – the same thing that makes the Yanomamo so vicious or Negroes the way they are – and partly to do with family structure. The standard Middle Eastern nomadic-clannish family structure encourages the development of values that are just bad.

The first is the Hyksos occupation of Egypt, which I think went on for three centuries. They were eventually expelled and ended up in the Levant. They worshipped Set, the god of storms and foreigners, who was also the murderer of his brother, Osiris.

Secondly was the traumatic Amarna period, also involving a god-against-the-gods, Akhenaten’s ‘Aten’ disk. This episode was so traumatic to the Egyptians that they destroyed all traces of Akhenaten’s reign and the rest of the world knew nothing of it until the 19th century. Akhenaten’s reign was characterized by the destruction of images, the suppression of all competing cults, etc.

The Amarna priesthood was expelled into the Levant as well.

I think the experiences of the Hyksos and the Amarna priesthood are the basis of Judaism. They took ruling positions in Canaan and then started the first Big Lie, or the Biggest Big Lie of all time.

Critical for the formation of Jewish character is their time in Babylon. This is the crucible where the Canaanites, the Amarna priests, and the Hyksos were both introduced to civilization-wide financial manipulation – and so I suspect where the true origin of the Joseph story comes from – and to the necessity to ‘keep the race pure’. The redaction of Torah is sometime in the 6th century BC in Babylon, probably by Ezra, scholars now believe.

So, as I say, a perfect storm: the Semitic temperament, which never really understood that other people had rights that needed respecting, combined with a facility for verbal manipulation, corralled and husbanded by Hyksos Set-worshippers and Amarna priests, both of whom have a burning hatred for Egypt and anything like Egypt.

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Rest in Piss Ruth Bader Ginsberg !

Forward from: Living off the Land
Gents, if you’re not already, you need to be training. Not just in the gym, not just the range, but in the field. Get into the woods and train in your local area. Determine bug out or bug in locations, and multiple routes to each. Have a kit set up so you can leave at a moment’s notice. Cache extra gear near your bug out locations if they’re secure enough. Practice the necessary skills that you'll need in the future, foraging, shelter building, fishing, hunting --that is the best way to learn them.

This summer has been a wild ride, and I think it’s just gonna get worse from here.

Forward from: HateLab
15.) Master of Your Region

   •Learn your local geography, wildlands, roads and towns. Learn what it would take to survive in all of the environs, construct

Forward from: Fascist Quotes
It is part of the Jews to be sneaky and sly. The genius of our people has ever been joyous strength, robust forcefulness, directness, manly courage, and flaming heroism. When the Jews, with their economic terrorism, jails, bullies and hangmen, scare the White man into laying down his cudgel and goad him into trying to out-sneak Jewish tyranny, the Jews have completely emasculated the once-strong White man, and doomed him to dishonor and defeat. The White man can NEVER win by sneaking!

-George Lincoln Rockwell

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