Forward from: HateLab
We Are Not Radicals
All of our positions were common sense to all generations prior to 20th Century culture distortion.
Miscegnation has only been legally allowed in the USA since 1967. Our aversion to it is normal, all generations prior agree with us. It isn't radical to be anti-miscegnation.
The Leftwing talking heads argue that all the monuments are symbols of White Supremacy, the Rightwing argues against this. The Leftwing is correct.
Christopher Columbus was a White Supremacist. George Washington was a White Supremacist, albeit a mislead and liberal one. All the icons of the past that were raised up by this system as "heroes" and "Great Men of History", only a few years ago, Were White Supremacists.
Prior to 20th Century cultural distortion, White Supremacy was common sense. Being a White Supremacist is not a radical position.
Seeing women as the maternal aspect of the family, the childbearer and the child rearer, is not a radical opinion. Prior to 20th Century Cultural Distortion, the Female role as a Female was common sense.
The list goes on and on ad nauseum....
No matter how hard the Leftwing screeches, and no matter how ardently the Rightwing tries to explain the Truth away....
Our Position are Common Sense
Our Positions are Not Radical,
pretending that we are or that our positions are taboo, in any way, is purposefully buying into the Grand Progress Narrative.
In the view of history: We, who hold the common sense values of all previous generations, Are the Normal Ones.
All of our positions were common sense to all generations prior to 20th Century culture distortion.
Miscegnation has only been legally allowed in the USA since 1967. Our aversion to it is normal, all generations prior agree with us. It isn't radical to be anti-miscegnation.
The Leftwing talking heads argue that all the monuments are symbols of White Supremacy, the Rightwing argues against this. The Leftwing is correct.
Christopher Columbus was a White Supremacist. George Washington was a White Supremacist, albeit a mislead and liberal one. All the icons of the past that were raised up by this system as "heroes" and "Great Men of History", only a few years ago, Were White Supremacists.
Prior to 20th Century cultural distortion, White Supremacy was common sense. Being a White Supremacist is not a radical position.
Seeing women as the maternal aspect of the family, the childbearer and the child rearer, is not a radical opinion. Prior to 20th Century Cultural Distortion, the Female role as a Female was common sense.
The list goes on and on ad nauseum....
No matter how hard the Leftwing screeches, and no matter how ardently the Rightwing tries to explain the Truth away....
Our Position are Common Sense
Our Positions are Not Radical,
pretending that we are or that our positions are taboo, in any way, is purposefully buying into the Grand Progress Narrative.
In the view of history: We, who hold the common sense values of all previous generations, Are the Normal Ones.