Мальчик становится подмастерьем в лавке, по-прежнему ощущая над собой власть запахов, ради постижения которых он совершает долгие прогулки по Парижу. Во время одной из них он встречает прекрасную рыжеволосую девушку, несущую корзинку с желтыми сливами. Привлеченный не столько ее красотой, сколько запахом, он не может оторваться от нее. В исступлении он убивает красавицу, стремясь сохранить аромат ее кожи. Однако сделать это ему не удалось, и он чувствует себя опустошенным и беспомощным.
The boy becomes an apprentice in a tanning shop, still feeling the power of smells over him, for the sake of comprehending which he takes long walks around Paris. During one of them, he meets a beautiful red-haired girl carrying a basket of yellow plums. Attracted not so much by her beauty as by the captivating smell, the teenager cannot tear himself away from her. In a frenzy, he kills the beauty, trying to preserve the fragrance of her skin for himself. However, he failed to do this, and he feels devastated and helpless.
The boy becomes an apprentice in a tanning shop, still feeling the power of smells over him, for the sake of comprehending which he takes long walks around Paris. During one of them, he meets a beautiful red-haired girl carrying a basket of yellow plums. Attracted not so much by her beauty as by the captivating smell, the teenager cannot tear himself away from her. In a frenzy, he kills the beauty, trying to preserve the fragrance of her skin for himself. However, he failed to do this, and he feels devastated and helpless.