If you are experiencing connection issues (can not connect, slow speeds, etc.) with Plus Messenger, this can be due to a number of factors.
These can be but are not limited to: extreme load on Telegram’s servers, ISP throttling Telegram, ISP blocking Telegram’s servers, bad network connection, network overloaded (too many people using network at once), Telegram throttling speeds for your connection, your device is slow, etc.
If your ISP is throttling/blocking Telegram, then you can use a proxy to bypass the restriction.
If it is your connection that has issues, we can’t assist. Use a different network and try again.
To check if there is some issue with Telegram DataCenters you can look at this channel. If some of those gifs doesn't load it might mean there is an issue with the connection to that DataCenter.
Note: internet speed does not matter. You can have a 1 Gbps connection, but if your ISP throttles Telegram to 1 Kbps this is the limit for Telegram communications.
Keep in mind, Plus Messenger is simply a Telegram client. You are connecting to Telegram’s servers when you use Plus Messenger. Therefore, connection issues are between you, your ISP, and Telegram themselves.
These can be but are not limited to: extreme load on Telegram’s servers, ISP throttling Telegram, ISP blocking Telegram’s servers, bad network connection, network overloaded (too many people using network at once), Telegram throttling speeds for your connection, your device is slow, etc.
If your ISP is throttling/blocking Telegram, then you can use a proxy to bypass the restriction.
If it is your connection that has issues, we can’t assist. Use a different network and try again.
To check if there is some issue with Telegram DataCenters you can look at this channel. If some of those gifs doesn't load it might mean there is an issue with the connection to that DataCenter.
Note: internet speed does not matter. You can have a 1 Gbps connection, but if your ISP throttles Telegram to 1 Kbps this is the limit for Telegram communications.
Keep in mind, Plus Messenger is simply a Telegram client. You are connecting to Telegram’s servers when you use Plus Messenger. Therefore, connection issues are between you, your ISP, and Telegram themselves.