Got rejected but NoFap is why I'm doing just fine if not better.
I got rejected by a girl, but instead of responding as a nice guy or "rubbing one out", I just said "That's okay and it was worth a shot." and I'm moving on faster than I ever imagined I would.
I took a cold shower as a precaution, had a hearty lunch and now I'll start doing my daily Spanish practice, followed up by lifting weights and then doing some work for my research.
All of these habits were picked up after I started nofap sincerely this lockdown.
2 months ago:
\- I could't do a single push-up
\- Was half-arsing medical school and barely keeping up
\- Never thought about my career ahead
\- Wasn't disciplined enough to study a new language everyday
NoFap has given me the confidence of asking a girl (who I thought was way out of my league) out, submitting a research proposal, work out and fail early on (I couldn't even do 5 knee pushups - it was embarrassing!) and then the discipline to stick to it.
10/10 recommend. Peace!
I got rejected by a girl, but instead of responding as a nice guy or "rubbing one out", I just said "That's okay and it was worth a shot." and I'm moving on faster than I ever imagined I would.
I took a cold shower as a precaution, had a hearty lunch and now I'll start doing my daily Spanish practice, followed up by lifting weights and then doing some work for my research.
All of these habits were picked up after I started nofap sincerely this lockdown.
2 months ago:
\- I could't do a single push-up
\- Was half-arsing medical school and barely keeping up
\- Never thought about my career ahead
\- Wasn't disciplined enough to study a new language everyday
NoFap has given me the confidence of asking a girl (who I thought was way out of my league) out, submitting a research proposal, work out and fail early on (I couldn't even do 5 knee pushups - it was embarrassing!) and then the discipline to stick to it.
10/10 recommend. Peace!