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ulang hehe maap ailopyu💋💋❤️‍🔥

'https://t.me/askalathings/3l' rel='nofollow'>​📝 gimme the first impression when you first met and also be honest about who i am now
singkatnya first impression then vs now

temp. Kishibe Rohan: Seems pretty cool and also attractive. And ngl, you're cute anyway

joshua @eiLEEJEN0: so cutee, talkactive person & humble. banyak lucunya deh

iBeranndalan.t.me: udah lupa tau fi sama lo tuh

velasya @fIuffry: tetep sama kamu lucu, menyenangkan dan ramah

dsz. δ⋆² Yvette ❀ˢᵗᵃᶠᶠ @yellowsnjun: #zphyr kirain anaknya bakal jamet banget, ternyata lucu gemesinnnn

kajennaa @mnjenaa: masii samaa kokk kayakk pertama, jangann sampai berubahh !!

ka theo, marko. #Mugen3rd: ava ch nya kiyowo bingooo

Aezar De luxebern @ChristianYuan: Talkactive and seems friendly

Fazwan, @Berhakikat.: Cuek sih kelihatannya, sekarang asik

@qigarette: talkactive and seems friendly?

cvs³ prajel @wegnesdie: kamu lucu sekalii, adorable, ramah humble dan seruu orang nyaaa

Shã: Awal kenal sampai sekarang ga berubah, tetep lucu anaknya, asik juga, ramah banget

𝗚𝗹𝗲𝗼𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗸𝗮 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗮 @loevaa: awalnya keliatan lucuu bangettt + kalemm, ternyata asikk + talkactive bangettt

Haradya J. @lofiessy: tak kira cool ternyata talkactive 😫! lucu jugaaa

Nares @jeondjkk: masihh lucu talkactive jugaa

@kissedf ; eldrico.: Baru mutualan, tapi lo lucu terus good vibes juga

anthony @rofnaldo: Kamu terlihat sangat menggemaskan, menarik, ramah dan juga sangat cantik

sabumi @jqeh97yun: cantik dan lucu

Riki @mqKontol. 289: Lucu dan juga gemesin.

Sang @Pahlawman, Prabunawarma.: Masih sama. Kamu terlihat menyenangkan, keren, sangat aktif, serta bersahabat.

Melody @Lesserami: anaknya seruu bangett lucuu juga

Rhylee Genevieve.: lucuu, tipikal yang kalem jaim gituu, ternyata talkactive banget anaknyaa

Jērrard. D'Saäkha @iKTHVIEZ95: lucu, kelihatan anaknya asik banget dah ahaha. humble kepada siapapun

👥 65 people have voted so far.
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ada aku nyaaa, kemren

♡   ❍    ⌲ㅤㅤ                     
Liked by @smoothside and 19.790.910 others.

jj akhir tahun, slebew😎😘😜👆🏻

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1 minutes ago • See Translationㅤㅤ                     
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hfw mumuts

Forward from: HFW pin. 𝐉𝐂𝐊𝐕𝐑 : وسيم مجرم
🗳 [HFW] Warm greetings from we to all beautiful souls who read this, and we lookin’ for a new mutuals. interested to do SFS MA with duplicate Haechan & Chenle [ @lleeidonghyuck & @zhchennIe ] please tap here. don't forget to put ur @.usn on display name.
Make sure you’re not a : homophobic, side account, rprl area, upsubs admin and rarely dive, nonchar, strictly DNI, please.

📝 wdyt about me?

Aezar De luxebern @ChristianYuan: Lucu

ette: lucu banget

Mandala Hivi. @vPumpkin: #𝐌𝐇 belum kenal tapi keliatan friendly and talkactive.

Queenie @kimSejeonz: lucu, kerennn, humble dan ramah juga

Melody @Lesserami: #kath cool dan ramah

Kishibe Rohan: Seems pretty cool and also attractive

dsz. δ⋆² Yvette ❀ˢᵗᵃᶠᶠ @yellowsnjun: kala itu anaknya baik, gemes, humble jugaa

abinaya @kitt_i: keren, cool, friendly n talkactive

rest : Vaugh Waltōn: #𝙑AUGH lucu, random orgnya

Jolin @KimGyeoulz: lucuuu

kaa @leeztyongg: #kadit lucu

Haradya J. @lofiessy: keliatan lucu, ramah, friendly & talkactive

k!tten Ki4LL meong-meong! >< @Baedkyun: sangat sangat lucuuukk

Jae. @urlhaechan: lucu

wan, @Berhakikat.: #FZw. Lucu, sih, talkactive juga, cakep

raanan @huanjuni: #jOne kamu lucu sekali

🌺kanaya @girlsomi: Lucu keliatan seru juga

éilla @WvongYiren: lucuu

bumi @jqeh97yun: lucu, keren, anaknya asik kayaknya

Rachaelly A. @yerimiieasea: lucuuu and good person

Abhistà: Lucu, bawel

rain @ileejenl: ¥🚬. so cute, humble, friendly, and positive vibes

Sera @Motthers: #𝐃𝐈ø so cute and so humble

@woibajingan: cute.

. sadam @xadamn: talkactive, friendly and humble

slr. ajey @ryerimissu: kamu tu cantik, ramah, terus juga keliatan asik banget gitu anaknya

alankar monroe! ❀ @ddoliee: kamu lucu sekalii

Hwanglnjunct.t.me: Kala itu lucu banget, ramai juga dan asik. Vibesnya Chenle able.

gleancy logout: I think kamu humble dan lucu

Dara @hiHongSuZu: Kiyowok, and Lo keliatan nya seru anaknga

Arayya @Aarryia: Belum kenal sih tapi kelihatannya kamu humble

@hPhamHanni, kayyisa: belum tau banyak tapi kamu lucuuuu sama sedikit kerenn

gala. @galgalaa: lucu, tapi gemes juga sama ada kerennya dikit

👥 138 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

🗳 [HFW NOT ABSEN] we @zhchennIe, @HrangRenjun, @jungwootr, @mijdo, @cMimji looking for new mutuals to do subs for subs main account. tap participate if you interested, and don't forget use your beautiful @. on your display name.
if you homophobic, toxic phobic, rprl area, adm upsubs/store, racist, nonchara, side account, hate muse face claim, subs 500+ lazy and rarely for diving please DO NOT INTERACT!!

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

🗳 [HFW NOT ABSEN] we @zhchennIe, @HrangRenjun, @jungwootr, @mijdo, @cMimji looking for new mutuals to do subs for subs main account. tap participate if you interested, and don't forget use your beautiful @. on your display name.
if you homophobic, toxic phobic, rprl area, adm upsubs/store, racist, nonchara, side account, hate muse face claim, subs 500+ lazy and rarely for diving please DO NOT INTERACT!!

- kirana @userkayinaespa
- Aezar De luxebern @ChristianYuan
- Kazera Orlia @YOOJlMINl
- Mandala Hivi. @vPumpkin
- Keilanne @dairberyy
- ୡ. Aethra @hinaqasohara ! 💤
- Prettiest, Hazel A. @goodyoun
- @kissedF ; Caiden Y.
- raa @usrrina
- kmh. Abyandika d.z @ijleehaechan
- Oceanna @MinznjiKim
- icho-riki *💤🗯️🐈* @ikcatto
- rié. Hazelynn @hhaewonir
- Rayeisha D. @Jisomoblackpink
- 𝐀shila @bluebiesi
- namjoon's gf @sowtiegurl
- Rajevā A. @AmiablestMoons
- dni
- egy kang gojek. victoryking¹⁰egl³كيروم @leftsharkq
- AdamVögegl² @p_pchanyeol
- ૮꯭🎀꯭♡ ◌ 𝙿𝙰𝚆𝚂 ֹ : bibbᧉl ૮ ◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა 💭 ֹ 𝅄 @Kiiteuns
- mstr. BA mixue @iBaekhyunn
- zaza @sweeterj
- Patricia Evander. @PatChoose
- aiko @uhaewonx
- Seta. @sieungmin
- admus. Bintang @qlisam
- naja @jiminysu
- Olaa ārctiͼ @tyRoseanne
- Grace Matwous @HuYunjind
- Kaheza xuminqhso.t.me
- kaela @kayelayn
- $ᵃᵒ⁵mrv⁴ovk.jeandra @fsexro0m #NAVTHIRMIN
- markha r. @onyrchild
- Valdenn ; t.me/pMuscle
- Mai. @Mikahhh
- Karina's baby, aubie @cuteminjeeong
- dexter @thvdexterl
- Dayana @broghttz #Main rapper
- ibra @LIH3ESEUNG
- Syahda Jihan @ChoiYewyone
- ׁ ׅ ଓ Jovanka, @prettyjungii
- dallas @kqimtaehyng
- Delano @jenoasly
- Reivan @gGqnteng
- Daniēl t.me/danielrhino
- Limit | Calvin. @lmoax
- gerald @idDPRIAN sao³
- Shaeya Anindya. [t.me/bearloav]
- leen @Lesserami
- Helcyi @Leekseo
- @qigarette
- ka theo, marko. @vogueracer
- chıbeyfα @nyawst
- rara caramella. @iJISOOLYS
- dex @thvdexterl
- Arsi @Babbiesn
- Lillie Daverië @deukKIMJENNIE
- t.me/kijmyerim celcel
- ୨୧ ─ · {O! Zerownar balerhina.t.me
- lo'ak gf @samvbo
- Lyo @youjinmin
- kysha @GcYuonjung
- Haradya J. @lofiessy
- @zKarinaaYoo ⚘ Lucy
- mtc. Kelvin @NaDaemanK
- yiumin @B09788
- Rayyan. @eayrth
- Terraciel, @tyleez.
- @HadnJihy0 shafa :D
- raa @usrrina
- Kareline Myredith. @PetiteModel
- raanan @huanjuni
- Abinaya P @Imjenoslee
- Jemian @urfavsboy #JJCHIRMIN
- aska @ddhiisska
- Randy @SpearH
- @sshaniindiraa
- akaa @leeztyongg
- Queenie @kimSejeonz
- zoé @yerimios
- Prajanu Aksán. @prajanuaksan
- 444. zhaa @inizlynn
- Jērrard. D'Saäkha @iKTHVIEZ95
- Rachaelly A. @yerimiieasea
- sabumi @jqeh97yun
- Adhiraj @brandwaI
- メ𝘊𝘬ź mᥙᥱᥣ @skzhyunj1nnie
- ฅ Hanif tuing ฅ @hansquirrle
- @xadamn, sadam.
- Glassie @parkchaewwyon
- Raezal A. @submishit
- alankar monroe! ❀ @ddoliee
- jav @ileejenl
- Jave. @xSaejin
- 𝕷𝖊𝖛𝖆𝖓𝖆۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪ᶜʳᵗˢ @notjisooreal
- laurënt @Yourkjane
- 𝅄 ִ♡୧ ׂ ᜔Irish @xxcupcake
- arion pejā¹, @bbrightvcwt
- Arayya @Aarryia
- Digta. @gimJungwoo
- off. prajeyna @ryerimissu
- joyee @vyopiee
- Kaivan @woibajingan
- 🦋🥣🥚 naoOmi chiyoko ୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ @sweetrosses
- Bulan Delphino @AsEunchaelsrfm U$²
- Briella E. @IR0siePark
- Arshaka. @jeongjaehyunna
- t.me/dKriswu Maxime
- @nyimpht zhemie, your xmast gift

the song perfect tells the story of a man who likes a woman, where the woman is his friend since childhood. he had feelings for him until he grew up, even though now he is still a friend. until the time when he was determined, and prepared to express his feelings to the woman.

this is where he knows everything, where the woman he has loved since childhood turns out to have the same feeling for him. the meaning of this song perfect is that the woman also fell in love with him, but because in childhood they both did not understand what love was, the woman could only be silent and harbored it, so did the man.

when she grew up, she was actually waiting for the expression of her feelings from her husband and sure enough, it came true. the two of them then determined to start upholding their commitment, namely being faithful to each other in living love, and living together forever. well, that's the message in the perfect song by ed sheeran. this song is suitable for those of you who have feelings for their own friends. but be careful too, the message in this Perfect song is, don't let excessive feelings make friendships destroyed.

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