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🔥Heil Agni Vaisvanara🔥

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ऊँ महाज्वालाय विद्महे अग्नि मध्याय धीमहि |
तन्नो: अग्नि प्रचोदयात ||

Om Mahajwalay Vidmahe Agni Madhyay Dhimahi |
Tanno Agnih Prachodayat ||

“Om, Let me meditate on the great flame, Oh, God of fire, grant me with higher intellect, Oh, let the radiant God of Fire illuminate my mind.”

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1.1.50 Mantra 50 – Surya

1 HIS bright rays bear him up aloft, the God who knoweth all that lives, Surya, that all may look on him.
2 The constellations pass away, like thieves, together with their beams, Before the all-beholding Sun'
3 His herald rays are seen afar refulgent o'er the world of men, Like flames of fire that burn and blaze.
4 Swift and all beautiful art thou, O Surya, maker of the light, Illuming all the radiant realm.
5 Thou goest to the hosts of Gods, thou comest hither to mankind,
Hither all light to be belield.
6 With that same eye of thine wherewith thou lookest brilliant Varuna,
Upon the busy race of men,
7 Traversing sky and wide mid-air, thou metest with thy beams our days,
Sun, seeing all things that have birth.
8 Seven Bay Steeds harnessed to thy car bear thee, O thou farseeing One, God, Surya, with the radiant hair.
9 Surya hath yoked the pure bright Seven, the daughters of the car; with these, His own dear team, he goeth forth.
10 O God Almighty! I am steeped into the darkness of ignorance.
I need to be moved into the light of your wisdom.
11 Rising this day, O rich in friends, ascending to the loftier heaven,
Surya remove my heart's disease, take from me this my yellow hue.
12 To parrots and to starlings let us give away my yellowness,
Or this my yellowness let us transfer to Haritala trees.
13 With all his conquering vigour this Aditya hath gone up on high,
Giving my foe into mine hand: let me not be my foeman's prey.—RigVeda


“The blood of the heroes is closer to God than the ink of the philosophers and the prayers of the faithful.”🌲

-Julius Evola

“Savitri Devi was a supremely cultured woman with deep philosophical, philological and classical knowledge; a student of history, mythologies, symbols and comparative religion. An absolute Hitlerist until the end of her life on this earth. Now she resides in Asgard. Even beyond all these things she was the High Odinic Priestess of Esoteric Hitlerism. She was first to recognise the emergence of the Avatara and the divinity of Hitler. She erected a temple in India to Adolf Hitler and became a priestess to the cult of his memory. She kept the faith, guarding the sacred flame, by illustrating her own books with the influence and inspiration of the Führer while living in India. A faith destined to prevail and succeed mystically and magically on all continents and the future Millenia, if this sacred flame, this faith, is guarded and burns.”

—Miguel Serrano

1.1.1 Mantra 1 – Agni

1 I glorify Agni, the divine Priest and the messenger of my
oblations to God who is the bestower of prosperity.
2 May Agni, the divine Priest who is glorified by both the past and the present sages, increase and strengthen our bond with the Devas.
3 Praying to God though Agni, the Angel Priest, may we the worshippers
obtain valiant offspring, and daily increasing prosperity and glory.
4 Agni, the perfect sacrifice which thou encompassest about
Verily goeth to the Gods.
5 May Agni, sapient-minded Priest, truthful, most gloriously great,
The God, come hither with the Gods.
6 Whatever blessing, Agni, thou wilt grant unto thy worshipper,
That, Angiras, is indeed thy truth.
7 O Lord, the remover of darkness! We pray to you morning and evening
with sincere thoughts of reverence. Through our prayers we come close to you. 8 Ruler of sacrifices, guard of Law eternal, radiant One,
Increasing in thine own abode.
9 God! Be unto us easy of access, as is a father to his son.
Be ever present in our midst, giving us happiness.—RigVeda


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