Are you an SOC student?
First edition of the Unilever Student Ambassador Program is coming up on November 8 with a chance for you to find out all about Unilever and how YOU can become part of the team of Unilever.
Make sure you don't miss it!!!
🔅Register now :
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#AIESECinEthiopia #AIESEC #UnileverEthiopia #Unilever #USAP #university #youth #students #emloyment #youthdevelopment #skills #opportunities #partnership #collaboration #youthambassadors
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First edition of the Unilever Student Ambassador Program is coming up on November 8 with a chance for you to find out all about Unilever and how YOU can become part of the team of Unilever.
Make sure you don't miss it!!!
🔅Register now :
🔅To know more join our telegram channel
#AIESECinEthiopia #AIESEC #UnileverEthiopia #Unilever #USAP #university #youth #students #emloyment #youthdevelopment #skills #opportunities #partnership #collaboration #youthambassadors
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