What assist the rendering false of the claim of the presence of many of the Imams of the Sunnah differing in Creed and the foundations of the Sunnah is that whatever is claimed to have occured in this, didn't bring about any disputation at all between them, not in speech nor in action, as differing in Creed and the foundations of the Sunnah brings about animosity and hostility and disunity.
Shaykh-Ul-Islam, may Allah have mercy upon him, in Minhaaj Us-Sunnah (336/6) said:
What's intended is that the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, never fought due to differing on a principle from the principles of Islām, at all, and they haven't differed in any Islamic principle, nor about the attributes, nor about the predecree, nor in the affairs of names and titles and rulings, nor about the subject of leadership, they haven't differed in this through disputing with speech, let alone by fighting with swords, rather they would affirm the attributes of Allaah which He informed us about Himself, and negate its resemblance with that of the creation.
End of speech.
How would opposition occur from the Salaf and the Imams of the Sunnah after them, when the reasons which bring it about are not found with them, of using desires or intellect or personal preference or opinion or other than this as a returning point which would bring about differing and contradiction, as the Most High said:
(أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ ٱلْقُرْءَانَۚ وَلَوْ كَانَ مِنْ عِندِ غَيْرِ ٱللَّهِ لَوَجَدُوا۟ فِيهِ ٱخْتِلَٰفًا كَثِيرًا)
"Do they not then consider the Quran carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradictions."
The decisive ruling with them was in the returning back to the Book and the Sunnah, and 'when the river of Allaah comes the river of Ma'qil is of no use'. [Proverb]
Due to the source of their taking and their judgement being the same, and their establishment of this is in everything small and big, and they were the most rightly guided of the creation in this ummah after its Prophet ﷺ, and his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, those that Allaah stipulated upon those that came after them, to take them as a lead and to tread upon their path and understanding, so that they can be upon guidance and far away from the causes of splitting and differing.
The Most High said:
(فَإِنْ ءَامَنُوا۟ بِمِثْلِ مَآ ءَامَنتُم بِهِۦ فَقَدِ ٱهْتَدَوا۟ۖ وَّإِن تَوَلَّوْا۟ فَإِنَّمَا هُمْ فِى شِقَاقٍۖ فَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ ٱللَّهُۚ وَهُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلْعَلِيمُ)
"So if they believe in the like of that which you believe, then they are rightly guided, but if they turn away, then they are only in opposition. So Allah will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower."
What assist the rendering false of the claim of the presence of many of the Imams of the Sunnah differing in Creed and the foundations of the Sunnah is that whatever is claimed to have occured in this, didn't bring about any disputation at all between them, not in speech nor in action, as differing in Creed and the foundations of the Sunnah brings about animosity and hostility and disunity.
Shaykh-Ul-Islam, may Allah have mercy upon him, in Minhaaj Us-Sunnah (336/6) said:
What's intended is that the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, never fought due to differing on a principle from the principles of Islām, at all, and they haven't differed in any Islamic principle, nor about the attributes, nor about the predecree, nor in the affairs of names and titles and rulings, nor about the subject of leadership, they haven't differed in this through disputing with speech, let alone by fighting with swords, rather they would affirm the attributes of Allaah which He informed us about Himself, and negate its resemblance with that of the creation.
End of speech.
How would opposition occur from the Salaf and the Imams of the Sunnah after them, when the reasons which bring it about are not found with them, of using desires or intellect or personal preference or opinion or other than this as a returning point which would bring about differing and contradiction, as the Most High said:
(أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ ٱلْقُرْءَانَۚ وَلَوْ كَانَ مِنْ عِندِ غَيْرِ ٱللَّهِ لَوَجَدُوا۟ فِيهِ ٱخْتِلَٰفًا كَثِيرًا)
"Do they not then consider the Quran carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradictions."
The decisive ruling with them was in the returning back to the Book and the Sunnah, and 'when the river of Allaah comes the river of Ma'qil is of no use'. [Proverb]
Due to the source of their taking and their judgement being the same, and their establishment of this is in everything small and big, and they were the most rightly guided of the creation in this ummah after its Prophet ﷺ, and his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, those that Allaah stipulated upon those that came after them, to take them as a lead and to tread upon their path and understanding, so that they can be upon guidance and far away from the causes of splitting and differing.
The Most High said:
(فَإِنْ ءَامَنُوا۟ بِمِثْلِ مَآ ءَامَنتُم بِهِۦ فَقَدِ ٱهْتَدَوا۟ۖ وَّإِن تَوَلَّوْا۟ فَإِنَّمَا هُمْ فِى شِقَاقٍۖ فَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ ٱللَّهُۚ وَهُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلْعَلِيمُ)
"So if they believe in the like of that which you believe, then they are rightly guided, but if they turn away, then they are only in opposition. So Allah will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower."