The Scholars' Praise for Sheikh Yahya
1. Sheikh Muqbil rahimahullah
▪️(يحيى بن علي أبو عبدالرحمن الحجوري من حُفّاظ كتاب الله، سمعت بعض دروسه التي تدل على استفادته، وهو قوي في التوحيد)
“Yahya ibn ‘Ali, Abu 'Abdirrahman Al-Hajoori, from the memorisers of the Qurʿān, well learned in various fields of Knowledge. I have listened to some of his lessons which prove him to be well learned. He is strong in Tawheed (The field of Islamic Monotheism).”
[source: The autobiography of Abu Abdurrahmaan Muqbil ibn Haadi (page 48)]
▪️(وقد بذل الشّيخ يحيى -حفظه الله- جهدًا مشكورًا في تخريج أحاديثه وتحقيق ألفاظه ومعانيه، وتنبيهات قيّمة على بعض الأخطاء التي حصلت للمؤلّف رحمه الله، فأصبحت تخاريج الحديث مرجعًا ينبغي لطالب العلم أن يقتنيه، ولو من أجل التخريج ... والأخ الشيخ يحيى بن علي الحجوري بحمد الله قد أصبح مرجعًا في التدريس والفتاوى، أسأل الله أن يجزيه خيرًا وأن يبارك في علمه وماله وولده إنه جواد كريم)
“Sheikh Yahya hafidhahullah made a commendable effort in extracting its hadiths and verifying its wordings and meanings, and [raising] valuable points on some mistakes that occurred from the author rahimahullah, such that his checking of the hadith has become a reference which students of knowledge should seek to acquire - even for the checking alone...and the brother Ash-Sheikh Yahya ibn 'Ali Al-Hajoori, praise be to Allah, has become an authority in the field of teaching and giving legal rulings. I ask Allah, the Exalted, to grant him a good reward and to bless him in his knowledge and his wealth and his children, indeed He is the All-Generous, All-Beneficent.”
[source: Preface to Sheikh Yahya’s Tahqeeq of 'Islaah Al-Mujtama’]
▪️(فقد قُرِئَ عليَّ شطر رسالة "السفر" لأخينا في الله الشيخ الفاضل، التقي الزاهد، المحدث الفقيه أبي عبد الرحمن يحيى بن علي الحجوري حفظه الله فوجدتُها رسالة مفيدة، فيها فوائد تشد لها الرحال ... والأخ الشيخ يحيى هو ذلك الرجل المحبوب لدى إخوانه لما يرون فيه من حسن الاعتقاد، ومحبة السنة، وبغض الحزبية المسَّاخة، ونفع إخوانه المسلمين بالفتاوى التي تعتمد على الدليل)
“Half of the treatise (concerning) 'As-Safar' by our brother in faith, the virtuous Sheikh, the pious ascetic, the Muhaddith, the Faqeeh, Abu 'Abdurrahman Yahya ibn 'Ali Al-Hajoori hafidhahullah was read to me, and I found it to be a beneficial treatise, with benefits which one ought to travel for...And the brother, Sheikh Yahya is that man who is loved by his brothers due to what they see in him of sound belief, love of the Sunnah, hatred for deformed partisanship, and the benefit he brings to his Muslim brothers through (his) evidence based fatwas.”
[source: preface to Sheikh Yahya's 'Dhayaa' As-Saalikeen fee Ahkaam wa Aadab Al-Musaafireen']
▪️(فلله دره من باحث ملم بحواشي الفوائد من عقيدة وفقه وحديث وتفسير ... فالشيخ يحيى حفظه الله فتح الله عليه بسبب تمسكه بكتاب الله وبسنة رسول الله ﷺ، وقد انتهى من تحقيق إصلاح المجتمع ورسائل أخرى فيها فوائد تشد لها الرحال، ذلك فضل الله يؤتيه من يشاء والله ذو الفضل العظيم)
“What a good researcher he is, acquainted with collecting beneficial matters of knowledge in the topics of ‘Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith and Tafseer...Allah has endowed Sheikh Yahya hafidhahullah with knowledge due to his adherence to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He has completed the Tahqeeq (verification & correction) of the book 'Islaah al Mujtama’ and other treatises containing beneficial matters of knowledge for which journeys are made in search of. That is the Grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He wills.”
[source: preface to Sheikh Yahya’s book 'As-Subh Ash-Shaariq']
▪️(فقد قرأت مواضيع مما كتبه الشيخ الفاضل، المحدث الفقيه يحيى بن علي الحجوري في الأربعين الحديث مما تتعلق بالاجتماع على الطعام، فوجدته حفظه الله قد أجاد وأفاد، بل أتى بفوائد تشد لها الرحال)
“I have read portions of what the virtuous Sheikh, the Muhaddith, the Faqeeh, Yahya ibn ‘Ali al-Haajoori has written in 'The Fourty Hadeeth' dealing with (the topic of) gathering together at meal, and I found that he -hafidhahullah- did very well and brought much benefit, rather he mentioned beneficial matters of knowledge which one ought to travel for.”
1. Sheikh Muqbil rahimahullah
▪️(يحيى بن علي أبو عبدالرحمن الحجوري من حُفّاظ كتاب الله، سمعت بعض دروسه التي تدل على استفادته، وهو قوي في التوحيد)
“Yahya ibn ‘Ali, Abu 'Abdirrahman Al-Hajoori, from the memorisers of the Qurʿān, well learned in various fields of Knowledge. I have listened to some of his lessons which prove him to be well learned. He is strong in Tawheed (The field of Islamic Monotheism).”
[source: The autobiography of Abu Abdurrahmaan Muqbil ibn Haadi (page 48)]
▪️(وقد بذل الشّيخ يحيى -حفظه الله- جهدًا مشكورًا في تخريج أحاديثه وتحقيق ألفاظه ومعانيه، وتنبيهات قيّمة على بعض الأخطاء التي حصلت للمؤلّف رحمه الله، فأصبحت تخاريج الحديث مرجعًا ينبغي لطالب العلم أن يقتنيه، ولو من أجل التخريج ... والأخ الشيخ يحيى بن علي الحجوري بحمد الله قد أصبح مرجعًا في التدريس والفتاوى، أسأل الله أن يجزيه خيرًا وأن يبارك في علمه وماله وولده إنه جواد كريم)
“Sheikh Yahya hafidhahullah made a commendable effort in extracting its hadiths and verifying its wordings and meanings, and [raising] valuable points on some mistakes that occurred from the author rahimahullah, such that his checking of the hadith has become a reference which students of knowledge should seek to acquire - even for the checking alone...and the brother Ash-Sheikh Yahya ibn 'Ali Al-Hajoori, praise be to Allah, has become an authority in the field of teaching and giving legal rulings. I ask Allah, the Exalted, to grant him a good reward and to bless him in his knowledge and his wealth and his children, indeed He is the All-Generous, All-Beneficent.”
[source: Preface to Sheikh Yahya’s Tahqeeq of 'Islaah Al-Mujtama’]
▪️(فقد قُرِئَ عليَّ شطر رسالة "السفر" لأخينا في الله الشيخ الفاضل، التقي الزاهد، المحدث الفقيه أبي عبد الرحمن يحيى بن علي الحجوري حفظه الله فوجدتُها رسالة مفيدة، فيها فوائد تشد لها الرحال ... والأخ الشيخ يحيى هو ذلك الرجل المحبوب لدى إخوانه لما يرون فيه من حسن الاعتقاد، ومحبة السنة، وبغض الحزبية المسَّاخة، ونفع إخوانه المسلمين بالفتاوى التي تعتمد على الدليل)
“Half of the treatise (concerning) 'As-Safar' by our brother in faith, the virtuous Sheikh, the pious ascetic, the Muhaddith, the Faqeeh, Abu 'Abdurrahman Yahya ibn 'Ali Al-Hajoori hafidhahullah was read to me, and I found it to be a beneficial treatise, with benefits which one ought to travel for...And the brother, Sheikh Yahya is that man who is loved by his brothers due to what they see in him of sound belief, love of the Sunnah, hatred for deformed partisanship, and the benefit he brings to his Muslim brothers through (his) evidence based fatwas.”
[source: preface to Sheikh Yahya's 'Dhayaa' As-Saalikeen fee Ahkaam wa Aadab Al-Musaafireen']
▪️(فلله دره من باحث ملم بحواشي الفوائد من عقيدة وفقه وحديث وتفسير ... فالشيخ يحيى حفظه الله فتح الله عليه بسبب تمسكه بكتاب الله وبسنة رسول الله ﷺ، وقد انتهى من تحقيق إصلاح المجتمع ورسائل أخرى فيها فوائد تشد لها الرحال، ذلك فضل الله يؤتيه من يشاء والله ذو الفضل العظيم)
“What a good researcher he is, acquainted with collecting beneficial matters of knowledge in the topics of ‘Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith and Tafseer...Allah has endowed Sheikh Yahya hafidhahullah with knowledge due to his adherence to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He has completed the Tahqeeq (verification & correction) of the book 'Islaah al Mujtama’ and other treatises containing beneficial matters of knowledge for which journeys are made in search of. That is the Grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He wills.”
[source: preface to Sheikh Yahya’s book 'As-Subh Ash-Shaariq']
▪️(فقد قرأت مواضيع مما كتبه الشيخ الفاضل، المحدث الفقيه يحيى بن علي الحجوري في الأربعين الحديث مما تتعلق بالاجتماع على الطعام، فوجدته حفظه الله قد أجاد وأفاد، بل أتى بفوائد تشد لها الرحال)
“I have read portions of what the virtuous Sheikh, the Muhaddith, the Faqeeh, Yahya ibn ‘Ali al-Haajoori has written in 'The Fourty Hadeeth' dealing with (the topic of) gathering together at meal, and I found that he -hafidhahullah- did very well and brought much benefit, rather he mentioned beneficial matters of knowledge which one ought to travel for.”