Forward from: Female and male rape facts on Telegram by GRT : women / girl sex abuse - male / men group sexual violence
It's easy to manipulate stats, by writing it "suicide" as dead reason, like they generally write "suicide due to depression", instead of checking the real facts behind such things.
If a suicide is done due to rape, we cannot call that a normal suicide. It's crazy how rape in 🇺🇦 Ukraine is called a war crime, but a rape of a normal girl is considered just as 💩 not important!
Like United Nations is writing, crimes is much worse than war!
Raping a girl (or male) is much more than doing a terroristic attack to such body! (most people just see it as a abuse penetration, not a terroristic penetration).
Cool that in such homicide stats all homicides done due to rape suicide are not considered, otherwise they would be much worse.
So near 🔫 💊 🔪 we should now add 🍌 too.
It's like when a mother now commit infanticide, by killing the baby, but we forget that USA implemented a no sense abortion ban! (which is against the right of women to choice what to do). The only decent country in Europe is 🇳🇱, which allow almost all.
Even this has not been done "Die Erhöhung des unbedingt zu vollziehenden Strafteils auf 25 oder 30 Jahre (Vorschlag 1) ist abzulehnen. Eine Erhöhung auf 25 Jahre dürfte unter EMRK-Gesichtspunkten zwar noch zulässig sein, befindet sich rechtsvergleichend betrachtet aber im oberen Bereich" but they just increased it to 17 years for multiple homicides ...
38% of a group of Swiss adults who had been convicted were reconvicted within ten years
Swiss Criminal Code
The court shall expel foreign nationals from Switzerland for a period of 5–15 years if they are convicted of any of the following offences, irrespective of the sentence imposed ... sexual acts with children (Art. 187 para. 1), indecent assault (Art. 189), rape (Art. 190), sexual acts with persons incapable of judgement or resistance (Art. 191), encouraging prostitution (Art. 195), pornography (Art. 197 para. 4 second sent
If a suicide is done due to rape, we cannot call that a normal suicide. It's crazy how rape in 🇺🇦 Ukraine is called a war crime, but a rape of a normal girl is considered just as 💩 not important!
Like United Nations is writing, crimes is much worse than war!
Raping a girl (or male) is much more than doing a terroristic attack to such body! (most people just see it as a abuse penetration, not a terroristic penetration).
Cool that in such homicide stats all homicides done due to rape suicide are not considered, otherwise they would be much worse.
So near 🔫 💊 🔪 we should now add 🍌 too.
It's like when a mother now commit infanticide, by killing the baby, but we forget that USA implemented a no sense abortion ban! (which is against the right of women to choice what to do). The only decent country in Europe is 🇳🇱, which allow almost all.
Even this has not been done "Die Erhöhung des unbedingt zu vollziehenden Strafteils auf 25 oder 30 Jahre (Vorschlag 1) ist abzulehnen. Eine Erhöhung auf 25 Jahre dürfte unter EMRK-Gesichtspunkten zwar noch zulässig sein, befindet sich rechtsvergleichend betrachtet aber im oberen Bereich" but they just increased it to 17 years for multiple homicides ...
38% of a group of Swiss adults who had been convicted were reconvicted within ten years
Swiss Criminal Code
The court shall expel foreign nationals from Switzerland for a period of 5–15 years if they are convicted of any of the following offences, irrespective of the sentence imposed ... sexual acts with children (Art. 187 para. 1), indecent assault (Art. 189), rape (Art. 190), sexual acts with persons incapable of judgement or resistance (Art. 191), encouraging prostitution (Art. 195), pornography (Art. 197 para. 4 second sent