While the Pumpkin gets all the love, the Apple was also an important symbol of Halloween along with other Tubers and nuts that formed the Fall harvest. Apples reach back to ancient times and the Apple has been a symbol of fertility, love, and the sun for quite a while. Many of the traditions involving "Apple Bobbing" tie into traditions of scrying for ones spouse, some women would carve their initials on the apple and see if a suitor would bite theirs out of the tub. If it took too many tries the romance likely wouldn't work out. Others believe that as both Water and Apples are symbols of the faerie realm, bobbing for apples increases your chance of seeing a Faerie. Apples were so popular that parts of Canada did not always say "Trick or Treat" but instead would say "Halloween Apples" as they went door to door, and those candy apples, well they were a tasty treat invented at the turn of the 1900's. -TLK