👾 : Anomali @EyeOnPal

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Dear @telegram & @durov, this channel is active and doesn't contain anything negative. so please don't try to banned, thank you.
keep your @EyeOnPal
owner: @Tagpan / @Makhlukrobot

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bye qCium

Forward from: Lussac.
Report @jonghyuwk as pornografi ya, makasih yg udah join disana boleh left aja, gue udah males banget buat keep usn nya (gue gak sabaran), kalau mau silahturahmi boleh ke @Cia_imutt dan untuk @proofjonghyuwk gabakal gue hapus👍

Forward from: SAY THE NAME
ufs inrush
@lusciuos 25 @buonds 25 @growvth 3 @klmwinter (canon) 300k nego.

ufs santai
@hpapi @wsunghoon @wjnyoung @wintoer @gisellp @hanjni @phamb @yihyunccho @minnjupark @yunahj @miaoyix @obanain @cutxe @cnyai @hickeyv @dkukun @hyucil @fcarat @jeezin @vtomiokamai @tomwiokamai @kiecn @zirwoo @vchoihan prsetty jongsqeong

tags. luscious, bounds, growth, deals, melancholy, papi, sunghoon, wonyoung, winter, giselle, hanni, pham, yihyun cho, minju park, yunah, miaoyi, obanai, cute, nyai, hickey, dukun, yucil, carat, jeemin, tomioka mai, kien, ziwoo, choi han, mulchar male, enha, enhypen, ive, aespa, newjeans, aktris, actress, illit, kny, cute, dukun, han yujin, zb1, seventeen, izna, arrc.

🍡 contact: @seventeeknbot.

Forward from: hee's collection
username prices:

@huehingbahiyyih: 5.000 nett
@kangyesno: 4.000 nett
@zjihyewon: 12.000
@hhyewonji: 30.000
@leedairn: 11.000
@jungsaebui: 1x.000 "x isi sendiri"
@jungerunchoi: 1.000
@bellarchoi: QYOP

@wxonjung: 20.000
@kimojaewon: 10.000
@hysunmin: 10.000
@jcibeen: 15.000
@gvihyeon: 20.000

@ilooisha: 5.000
@jahyuka: 20.000
@jxayu: QYOP
@ejosei: 8.000

contact: @kep1ians

Forward from: 「 Canadià 」ROMBAK
@eotoritas @ootoritas @ottoritas @intensiitas @intensittas @iintensitas @tembikarr @tembiikar 500p/@
@usatog @usatob @zusato @cusato @esunraku @oikkatzo @oiikatzo 500p/@
HOK ( Honkai Star Rail )
@Diaochano @kYuhuan @iYuhuan @oYuhuan 500p/@
note ▸ setiap pembelian @ di atas 5k akan mendapatkan free wdb prem/nonprem
⚝ check – our collection ( @ccanadia )
cp :: @kpompa / @rebeccao_bot

Forward from: 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐍
@Dbump 10k
@dZena 15k
@hYunha 35k
@jDump 45k
@aJiung 50k
@svebi + @jefmin 120k
@Npiki 2xx isi sndri

Serba 50k

Chat langsung @Shintaa ini inrush yaaa, bisa cek di bbrp ch nya itu ada range usn nya dha underrrrr

hfw ya moots tysm!

Forward from: Lussac.
Hi boleh masuk ke @jonghyuwk gak? Usn ku dicolong ( soalnya dia 2 kali ganti channel, kalau cuman nge keep buat aku kan gak mungkin gak ngasih cp... Bukannya berprasangka buruk. ) Proof nya di @proofjonghyuwk 😁

Forward from: Ruang Username
Paket Username Receh

PAKET A = 10k
@bendahwara + @ghuide + @tiqket + @intoernet

PAKET B = 12k
@disjcount + @lokqet + @chahrt + @tamksir

PAKET C = 14k
@cyukur + @boxtak + @gondrohng + @acomustic

PAKET D = 16k
@glosts + @flawlesas + @sbcrunchie + @bayahng

PAKET E = 18k
@csapung + @hitudng + @gliampse + @moutjh + @faunra

take satuan liat disini.

☎️ : @romhjeongeui

btw moots, aku hfw tiap hari selasa pas malam ya. tapi kalau ada yang minta hfw sekarang juga aku tetep bisa 👍🏻

aku punya moots baik-baik banget, jadi bersyukur

malem! di claim ya all

Aku lagi sebar DANA Kaget nih! Yuk, sikat segera sebelum melayang 💸💸💸 https://link.dana.id/kaget?c=s2y9gykcl&r=fv4r8N

selamat tinggal kesayangan :( tapi kamu pantas ditangan buyyer royal 🤩

(ii. 19:45)──practical joke.
the-pastime : “foremost” 𐁊 rec.
sitting and focused on one point, saying farewell to @.SnoopyD with a very booming laugh. Who would have thought that laughter was a sign of the beginning of a new game?


Forward from: 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐍
Take yukkk chat @shintaa

@Jefmin + @svebi = 120k
Paketan only yap

@hrina 65k
@hYunha 35k
@ySyLus 80k
@Npiki 250k inrush
@ zepna
@dzena 15k
@ajiung 50k
@ bundaF

Lainnya liat kesini aja yah

Forward from: BUFESS, Pinned.
#sibu tolong report @.bgojo dan @.wintewr usn aku dicolong dan dia nipu trade, proof @.proofwintewr @.proofbgojo

(ii. 19:45)──practical joke.
the-pastime : “foremost” 𐁊 rec.
sitting and focused on one point, saying farewell to @.tweork with a very booming laugh. Who would have thought that laughter was a sign of the beginning of a new game?


20 last posts shown.


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