Unveiling Telegram Secret!Telegram will not react to any type of data leak that is against Gaza supporters, but immediately after releasing data against the infanticide Zionist regime, the channel will be restricted and their access will be taken or it will be given to other rookie groups and channels. And they falsely call this action “hacking”!
It appears that Telegram has just faced serious critical bugs and refuses to inform its users from them, and at the same time, in Dark web, its admins trade the username of channels which work against child-killer Israel. Close ties of Telegram with hostile countries like the usurper regime and its activities in political arena are other reasons for such actions by this filthy platform.
All the above mentioned are clear violations of Telegram rules (about Personal Details, etc.), and it also violates the freedom of speech. As for clear examples, the Pro-Palestine channels that have been deactivated for several times are listed below:
Anon_israel – Handala - Hunter Killers - Gaza Now – Killnet - Rootkit
The issue has been discussed with Telegram support, but they didn’t even respond to that.
This message addresses all groups and channels which support Palestine and the oppressed people of Gaza, those who work against the infanticide Israel and who must be alerted to unfair practices of Telegram, they are called to support CyberAveng3rs and all accounts that are under oppression of Telegram platform.
Your support will be an end to the lawlessness and bias of Telegram!