Sexual Subversion - LGBT Agenda

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We cover news, opinions and memes related to the subversion of sexual morals and family values by the Liberal and feminist elite of the west

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Imagine paying for your daughter's college, only for her to learn to despise you, God, and her own nation and traditions, and then be left a mental and suicidal wreck.
Universities are taking our best and turning them into broke, deranged, and dysfunctional individuals who are only useful as pawns for the political elite.

As Feminism and LGBTQIA+ ideology take over the west, this is the future we can expect for western armies:
Transgender soldiers too mired in their collection of mental illnesses and suicidal tendencies to be able to perform any meaningful combat activities
Rampant homosexuality constantly undermining unit cohesion
50% female quotas, meaning that a huge portion of soldiers are unable to carry heavy equipment or drag their wounded comrades out of harm's way, while being more prone to being harmed themselves.
Meanwhile the nations which have stuck to traditional gender norms are laughing at this charade.

Just another instance of "alternative forms of family"

The Churches are being subverted as well.
Religious leaders were supposed to stand up to degeneracy and fight against it, instead they are silent at best, and actively promoting it at worst.

Liberal activists are now trying to normalize public nudity.
Be prepared to see weirdos legally showing their genitals in playgrounds.
Just know that for the liberal left there is no red line that shouldn't be crossed, no action too degenerate, no taboo that shouldn't smashed. They will stop at nothing, and your children will not be safe.

"CNN producer charged with shocking underage sex crimes"

Wow! Who would have thought that those who believe in an ideology which glorifies giving in to abnormal sexual urges, would end up giving in to abnormal sexual urges.
Pedophilia is the next step after LGBT.

The British government has censored a Volkswagen commercial just because it showed a woman with a baby carriage. The reason they give is that it promotes "harmful" gender stereotypes.
Note that they never have a problem with female characters in TV cheating on their husbands, dissolving their families for the slightest reasons, aborting their children, or engaging in other self-destructive and/or anti family activities. These are not seen as "harmful", but a woman caring for her child is.
It is time people realized that the elite are not merely indifferent to our fate, they are actively seeking our destruction.

This is Michel Foucault, an intellectual who is revered like a god in humanities schools around the world. He is the most cited "scholar" in the history of the humanities, and his philosophy is the basis for much of what is going on in the world of today when it comes to liberal progressivism.
Yet something which is rarely mentioned in the mass media and academia, is that he was a vile pedophile who raped many innocent boys in Tunisia while simultaneously preaching about "Anti-colonialism".
He was also a homosexual who knowingly infected many men with AIDS, likely resulting in their deaths. He eventually succumbed to AIDS in 1984.
Despite such vile actions, this man is still taught in universities throughout the world. Billions of dollars of taxpayer money is spent to pollute innocent minds with Foucault's corrupting ideologies, the result being a horde of left-wing college students who are now threatening to dismantle every pillar of a functioning civilization.

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