Forward from: GenRevolution Telegram Announcements
Well Durov, we just noticed you continue to increase the amount of our channels NOT visible with a preview at all = not indexed by third software = posts not visible outside Telegram = channels not accessible outside Telegram = channels cannot be archived on other plattforms = ...
We find it really ridiculous! We find even a shame that until now you haven't approved any of our channels as official channel! EVEN IF WE ARE THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD MAKING TELEGRAM LESS SHIT! because otherwise is just porn / pedo / illegality / bullshit / terrorism / fake news ... is not a case that channels released by us that people are interested are related to such topics!, even if we obviously do the opposite of what they wish to see!
You prefer to keep active spamming / illegal channels and removing legit content (with no option to say something), by keeping active real channels who have illegal things. You ignore all our requests (no matter if contrasting such things, banning channel because they abuse our channel name, etc.), like you ignore other people request / support. You still have stolen our usernames! without option to get it back ...
So like said, Telegram support IS SHIT! Would be time you improve that! Yes, we are honest even related to Telegram. So Telegram is good, but Telegram support is just shit! and we are really disappointed about that.
We find it really ridiculous! We find even a shame that until now you haven't approved any of our channels as official channel! EVEN IF WE ARE THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD MAKING TELEGRAM LESS SHIT! because otherwise is just porn / pedo / illegality / bullshit / terrorism / fake news ... is not a case that channels released by us that people are interested are related to such topics!, even if we obviously do the opposite of what they wish to see!
You prefer to keep active spamming / illegal channels and removing legit content (with no option to say something), by keeping active real channels who have illegal things. You ignore all our requests (no matter if contrasting such things, banning channel because they abuse our channel name, etc.), like you ignore other people request / support. You still have stolen our usernames! without option to get it back ...
So like said, Telegram support IS SHIT! Would be time you improve that! Yes, we are honest even related to Telegram. So Telegram is good, but Telegram support is just shit! and we are really disappointed about that.