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Bye sayang @ elisiay

Heh lupa, farewell @ Hyuein thanks M 😭😭😭😭

Hi hi @lGadis

Ayo ayoo ikutan, hari ini klus bebihh💋🤯


Jangan lupaa ikutan @Hyuein yuk! Sudah day 3 coyyy mw tunggu apalagi

Forward from: Rock N Board
Hello, sincere greetings to all of you, Regthzen! We are part of @REGTHROS, opening our gates again for HIRING ADMINS. Come on take a seat and enjoy the fun together with us. Furthermore, please pay attention to the rules that we have agreed upon below!

1. Wajib untuk subscribe @Regthros & menyebarkan poster ini terlebih dahulu ke channel, bot, lpm, atau akses publik apapun yang kalian punya. We only accept those who use boys as their PFP. (Kami tidak membawa hal ini dalam ranah real life, hanya akun yang wajib)
2. Wajib menggunakan akun utama saat mengirim form nantinya.
3. Memiliki pemahaman yang cukup terhadap dunia username, dan mengoleksi maksimal tiga username yang sesuai dengan rumus yang telah ditetapkan. (Tidak memiliki spesifikasi terhadap jenis username, semua diperbolehkan)
4. Aktif dalam bersosialisasi dan ikut serta dalam kegiatan galeri nantinya. Tidak menerima sider, ghosting, maupun numpang nama.
5. Bisa menjaga dengan baik nama galeri dan bebas dari rumor apapun yang bersangkutan dengan username, misalnya HNR atau pun penipuan.
6. Jika sedang mendekati masa LBA, atau pun sedang dalam masa rest, tidak diperbolehkan untuk join. Pastikan untuk beberapa waktu kedepan ini bisa aktif ikut serta.

Without delay, do copy this format and send it to the contact provided.

"Hello, Regthros! I'm (your name + your ID) want to join the adventures of the Avengers world. Thank you!"

Send form nya ke @RegthrosHirminBot, yaa! If you're miss the point and something bewildering, kindly reach @RegthrosBot for more detailed information. We will wait for your enthusiasm in participating with us. Good luck, Regthzen!

Jam 14.00 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Forward from: 예쁜, Hyein — Day 3! ♡
• | Poignant Ballad. Were melancholy consensus @ElationY "The Long and Winding Road" 1962: been held Hyein, New Jeans on Offer.

@Hyuein @Hyuein @Hyuein

Encapsulates scream its road defiance by The Beatles during winding phase, twist been relentless as driving sign force band's breakup.. might avow “Leading to worsened uncertainties within them.” They may be long, but mounting pressures seem to persist.

𝀵 Offer best beatles this username will be commence on 6 to 10 February at 14.00 WIB, to new home.
𝀵 Give your an outstanding best price: offer start on 25.000 with a minimum jump bid 5K, hit and run are strictly prohibited. So please drop the price with notes you had a sufficient budget.
𝀵 Only for serious people, payment can be clear by: DANA. Hotline ownered by @Giaat.

Jastip with diligenter handled heartthrobs hey jude blues o’ placabilis @ElationY's property.

Forward from: 예쁜, Hyein — Day 3! ♡
• | Poignant Ballad. Were melancholy consensus @ElationY "The Long and Winding Road" 1962: been held Hyein, New Jeans on Offer.

@Hyuein @Hyuein @Hyuein

Encapsulates scream its road defiance by The Beatles during winding phase, twist been relentless as driving sign force band's breakup.. might avow “Leading to worsened uncertainties within them.” They may be long, but mounting pressures seem to persist.

𝀵 Offer best beatles this username will be commence on 6 to 10 February at 14.00 WIB, to new home.
𝀵 Give your an outstanding best price: offer start on 25.000 with a minimum jump bid 5K, hit and run are strictly prohibited. So please drop the price with notes you had a sufficient budget.
𝀵 Only for serious people, payment can be clear by: DANA. Hotline ownered by @Giaat.

Jastip with diligenter handled heartthrobs hey jude blues o’ placabilis @ElationY's property.

Forward from: ¡! ⋆ ࣪. Guardian's 𖧧˚¡!

buat kalian yang ngelihat bubble chat ini aku mau minta tolong buat subscribe channel @karinayoog and kalo ga keberatan pake display name “return @karinayoog to @naughtyy” proofnya ada di @prooftajirk, dan kalo sekiranya keberatan gaperlu dipake dn cukup subs aja gapapaa, sebelumnya terimakasih banyak orang baik🥹🫶🫶🫶

Forward from: Catety's property
Up for sale only, contact person: @catetybot


hwa @Wibwaw
a 15k/@
@cBagong 20k


@Mabbal @Emosioonal @Jjiwit @Goocek @Antenng @Kaggok @Deccak @Commblang @Ppubertas @Magelaang SOP 50k/@
@Khawatirnya @Beremosi @Lawanlah @Lebaynya @Sinisnya OP 35k/@
@Beebas SOP 150k
@Kwetansi OP 85k
@Jiwlt CANON 50k


@yScamp @wScamp @fezss @Rebedl @Touhr 12k/@
@rebeyl @reLbel @ncoquet @coquetn @scoquet @ocoquet @mannerd @mannerh @mansiomn 20k/@


@anaLogousIy CANON 15k
@Beautlcian @Beauticlan @Skeptlcal CANON 50k/@
@Sstumble @stummble @stumblee @Baseement @Intervview @Halvve SOP 35k/@
@Pprissy SOP 50k


@maswculin 50k


Zb1's username

@rickyshsn @shtnricky @shfnricky @shenriiky @shenriwky @shenripky @gyuvinkgm @gyuvinkbm @hanbinsun 20k/@
@shenrickz @matthewsgeok @seokwooyun (matthew's real name) @zuerose (zb1's fandom) 8k/@

Treasure's username

@wauwan @wawcan (junghwan's nickname) @samkilm (doyoung's english name wmar) 8k/@
@hhwanyoung (shipper junghwan doyoung) 15k

Baemon's username

@chaizkong (pharita's marga) 20k
@pharitahhaikong 15k/@
@dainlke 5k

Stayc's username

@aSeeunyoon 60k

Tag's: bagong, Wibawa, mabal, emosional, jiwit, Bebas, Gocek, Anteng, Kagok, Decak, Comblang, Pubertas, magelang, kwetansi, mapan, scamp, manner, Mansion, fess, Tour, rebel, coquet, analogously, beautician, Skeptical, stumble, Basement, Interview, Halve, masculin, shen ricky, kim gyuvin, sung hanbin, seok matthew, seok woohyun, zerose, wawan, sam kim, hwanyoung, pharita chaikong, dain lee baemon, yoon seeun stayc.

Hi hi @Hyuein

Forward from: Cravindrugs.
belom menyala kalau belom ikutan hirmin cravindurgs abangkuh 🔥🔥🔥 cekidot icikiwir💯💪❤️‍🔥 yakali gak mau ikutan abangkuh kapan lagi nihh🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
kelaz abangkuh🔥🔥💪💪
jangan kasih kendor💪💪🙌🙌
kelas idola🙌🙌🚀🚀
menyala abangkuh🔥🔥👑👑
panutan 🔝🙌🏼
manyala ilmu padi 🌾
kelas boskuuuh 🔥👍🏼
kelas banget kanda 🙏🏼🕺🏻
manyala Abangkuhh🔥
jangan kasih kendor ee🕺🏻
janlup cek rules nya ya abangkuh, yuk yuk join skrg juga kirim format "hi, etmin akuh @username pengen ikut hirmin crapindrugs biar menyalaa🔥🔥🔥" kirim ke @cravindrugsbot ya abangkuh🔥

Hi @Slakuya langsung ufs ya! @AsFrienndBot

@Elisiay up for sale under 80! Only for tonight @AsFrienndBot

Bye @ Bonekax thanks a bunch M! 🤍

Forward from: Ambrossial Vivace, Bbadass.

Cigarette extremities that were scattered in an asphalt urban with a stun urban rockpile were from a clutch of cheerio who were known as tough sovereign, who did not know any fear, so they were called tough robbers. They are connected in a part that looks safe and doesn't deviate, looks fierce but has a gaiety side, and is now looking for half of their lost soul; HIRE ADMIN—ONLY FOR BOYS.

“Hello i'm interested to be a part of yours, and i'm ready to do the interview task. And this is my personal use (@.username).”
— Send the form and screenshot to @Bbadassbot

               THE REGULATIONSㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ


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