fi buat raja cakep @MRDERFCKER👤 CoOl person😮💨😮💨
👤 Kek kakek kakek deh
👤 cool
👤 Cool ! ganteng
👤 cool
👤 cool n handsome, kinda intimidating
👤 keceee
👤 Cool and kinda intimidating ig.
👤 cool if
👤 Cooll
👤 cakep bgt
👤 cool tapi kaya jamet mybe?
👤 jameti??and seems friendly
👤 Wibu to gantebg😎
👤 seems friendly && cool😵💫⁉️
👤 keliatan jamet tapi cool sedikit cute😵💫⁉️
👤 Cool
👤 ganteng sedikit
👤 jamet cakep
👤 Friendly, lil bit jamet?
👤 cool
👤 Cool & seems friendly
👤 Cool !
👤 keren banget 🤩🤩🤩🤩
👤 Jamet tapi keren
👤 ♡. cool n kinda scary ig
👤 you look so cool
👤 🛸. Idk but kek nya cool gitu
👤 cool
👤 ketjeh abiez tp jmetz ck
👤 cool
👤 Keren
👤 awalnya serem, eh ternyata ngabers alay
👤 jamet supra jablay perempatan
👤 Agak serem sih, tapi friendly gitu. Kerenn juga
👤 Jamet, kentutnya bau
👤 Nyeremin ey , tapi keren;3
👤 ketjehh tapi jameties🤯
👤 Alay aneh, freak + tukang cepu anjing!
👤 hm cool asf menyebalkan zz 😎🤯
👤 Ngabers sok alim
👤 jamet boti gajelas
👥 43 people have voted so far.
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