ТикТок ищет старшего налогового менеджера (желательно с юридическим бэкграундом). Основные обязанности приведены ниже, детальнее смотрите LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3717755699.
По вакансии можно напрямую обращаться в ТГ к главе налогового отдела, Виктории Мисар: vik_missar.
Выпускники Академии будут рассматриваться в первую очередь.
1. Comprehensive tax analysis of all the questions starting from VAT on a particular transaction to the necessity of opening a local entity. We anticipate a deep understanding of local legislation, as well as international tax law. For example, when you analyse whether the payment is royalty or a service fee by nature, OECD approach should be basic knowledge for you.
2. Preparation of answers to the questions from the tax authorities, dealing with tax audits, communication with the tax authorities in the countries in the region.
3. Project management, including managing in-house XFN teams, as well as tax vendors all over the world.
4. Day-to-day monitoring of tax legislation and practice to ensure that we are aware of all the upcoming changes. Needless to say that it includes preparation of risk mitigation plans, as well as their further implementation.
5. Strong business support, assisting other teams to answer tax questions and resolve tax issues on a day-to-day basis.
По вакансии можно напрямую обращаться в ТГ к главе налогового отдела, Виктории Мисар: vik_missar.
Выпускники Академии будут рассматриваться в первую очередь.
1. Comprehensive tax analysis of all the questions starting from VAT on a particular transaction to the necessity of opening a local entity. We anticipate a deep understanding of local legislation, as well as international tax law. For example, when you analyse whether the payment is royalty or a service fee by nature, OECD approach should be basic knowledge for you.
2. Preparation of answers to the questions from the tax authorities, dealing with tax audits, communication with the tax authorities in the countries in the region.
3. Project management, including managing in-house XFN teams, as well as tax vendors all over the world.
4. Day-to-day monitoring of tax legislation and practice to ensure that we are aware of all the upcoming changes. Needless to say that it includes preparation of risk mitigation plans, as well as their further implementation.
5. Strong business support, assisting other teams to answer tax questions and resolve tax issues on a day-to-day basis.