Bugun Navoiy davlat konchilik va texnologiyalar universiteti jamoasi bilan Yangi yil bayrami oldidan tantanali uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi. Mazkur uchrashuvda rektor B.Mardonov barchani bayram bilan qutlab, universitetning bugungi faoliyati va kelgusi yildagi maqsad-rejalariga to‘xtaldi. Samimiy muloqot davomida xodimlarni ijtimoiy himoya qilish masalalari ham tahlil qilindi.
Today, a ceremonial meeting was held with the staff of Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies in celebration of New Year. During the event, rector of the university Bakhtiyor Mardonov extended his holiday greetings to everyone and outlined current activities of the university, as well as objectives for the coming year. The issues related to the social protection of staff were also discussed.
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Bugun Navoiy davlat konchilik va texnologiyalar universiteti jamoasi bilan Yangi yil bayrami oldidan tantanali uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi. Mazkur uchrashuvda rektor B.Mardonov barchani bayram bilan qutlab, universitetning bugungi faoliyati va kelgusi yildagi maqsad-rejalariga to‘xtaldi. Samimiy muloqot davomida xodimlarni ijtimoiy himoya qilish masalalari ham tahlil qilindi.
Today, a ceremonial meeting was held with the staff of Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies in celebration of New Year. During the event, rector of the university Bakhtiyor Mardonov extended his holiday greetings to everyone and outlined current activities of the university, as well as objectives for the coming year. The issues related to the social protection of staff were also discussed.
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