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Navoiy davlat konchilik va texnologiyalar universitetida “Hududiy elektr tarmoqlari” aksiyadorlik jamiyati Navoiy hududiy filiali direktori Bobur Islomov ishtirokida Energo-mexanika fakulteti talabalari bilan o‘tkazilgan uchrashuv tafsilotlari Navoiy viloyati teleradiokompaniyasining “Diyor 24” informatsion dasturida yoritildi.
The meeting held at Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies with the students of the Energy-Mechanics Faculty, attended by Bobur Islomov, the Director of the Navoi Regional Branch of the "Regional Electric Networks" Joint-Stock Company, was featured in the "Diyor 24" information program of the Navoi Television and Radio Company.
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Navoiy davlat konchilik va texnologiyalar universitetida “Hududiy elektr tarmoqlari” aksiyadorlik jamiyati Navoiy hududiy filiali direktori Bobur Islomov ishtirokida Energo-mexanika fakulteti talabalari bilan o‘tkazilgan uchrashuv tafsilotlari Navoiy viloyati teleradiokompaniyasining “Diyor 24” informatsion dasturida yoritildi.
The meeting held at Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies with the students of the Energy-Mechanics Faculty, attended by Bobur Islomov, the Director of the Navoi Regional Branch of the "Regional Electric Networks" Joint-Stock Company, was featured in the "Diyor 24" information program of the Navoi Television and Radio Company.
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