Revelation 7 - The 144,000 and the innumerable multitude
In Revelation 7 we read about the second and third visions of the sixth seal judgment. I covered the first of these in the previous Searchlight, which deals with a violent earthquake and the eclipse of the sun and moon (Revelation 6:12-17). Here it is about the 144,000 sealed on earth and an innumerable multitude in heaven. The question is, who are these redeemed ones of the end times? And should we distinguish these two groups from each other?
Many see in the 144,000 the Church militant on earth, and in the innumerable multitude the great triumphant Church in heaven. The traditional thought of the Church is that the number 144,000 is a symbolic number denoting her fullness (12) x 12,000). But why shouldn't we just take this number literally? The fact that there is symbolism in the numbers does not take away from the literalness. Why it cannot be about the Church in Revelation 7 is clear from the fact that she has already been taken up (Revelation 3:10; 5:9-10).
Replacement Theology
In replacement theology there is no insight into God's future plan of salvation with Israel. The prophecies in the Old Testament about the Kingdom of Peace are applied to the Church on earth, rather than to the believing remnant of Israel in the future Kingdom of Peace. If you have no insight into the Millennium and God's rescue plan with Israel, then you must also spiritualize the 144,000 from the twelve tribes. But John did hear that there are 144,000 from all the tribes of the children of Israel (verses 5-8). It is therefore really about Israel!
The 144,000 and the innumerable multitude
A "dispensationalist" is one who interprets the Word literally and discerns the dispensations. The term 'dispensation', incidentally, is simply a Biblical concept (cf. Ephesians 1:10, ESV). Someone like Johannes de Heer, the founder of The Searchlight, was also a 'dispensationalist, because he distinguished between Israel and the Church. In Revelation we must also rightly divide (divide) the Word, by distinguishing the 144,000 from Israel and the innumerable multitude from the
nations, because the Scripture clearly teaches this!
What are the differences?
Importantly, we note that in both the 144,000 and the innumerable multitude, the seer begins with the words, "Then I saw (verses 1 and 9). So he saw two different visions in chapter 7. In the first, the redeemed on earth, and in the second, the saved in heaven. Thus we see that the 144,000 come from all the tribes of Israel and are called firstfruits (Revelation 14:4). They are an advance on 'all Israel' who will be saved (Romans 11:26). But the innumerable multitude comes from all peoples, tribes and nations (verse 9) and has come to repentance after the rapture
of the Church: "These are they who come out of great tribulation... '(verse 14).
The tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing
In Revelation 7:1-8 the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing, Joseph and Levi have replaced them. It is not strange that none of Dan and Ephraim are sealed. For example, Ephraim is known for his idolatry and apostasy (Hosea 7:8,11). And Dan is likened to a serpent, Church father Irenaeus therefore assumes that the antichrist comes from the tribe of Dan (Genesis 49:16-17; Jeremiah 8:16-17), However, we see that Dan and Ephraim are there again in the Kingdom
of Peace (Ezekiel 48). Then instead of Levi, because no Land promises were made to Levi. And Ephraim instead of Joseph his father, because of Joseph are Manasseh and Ephraim. So we see that Revelation 7 is about a literal sealing of those from the tribes who will be His servants during the Tribulation, but Ezekiel 48 is about the division of the Land,
Safe From God's Wrath
A selection of 144,000 from Israel will be sealed in the Tribulation. That sealing
In Revelation 7 we read about the second and third visions of the sixth seal judgment. I covered the first of these in the previous Searchlight, which deals with a violent earthquake and the eclipse of the sun and moon (Revelation 6:12-17). Here it is about the 144,000 sealed on earth and an innumerable multitude in heaven. The question is, who are these redeemed ones of the end times? And should we distinguish these two groups from each other?
Many see in the 144,000 the Church militant on earth, and in the innumerable multitude the great triumphant Church in heaven. The traditional thought of the Church is that the number 144,000 is a symbolic number denoting her fullness (12) x 12,000). But why shouldn't we just take this number literally? The fact that there is symbolism in the numbers does not take away from the literalness. Why it cannot be about the Church in Revelation 7 is clear from the fact that she has already been taken up (Revelation 3:10; 5:9-10).
Replacement Theology
In replacement theology there is no insight into God's future plan of salvation with Israel. The prophecies in the Old Testament about the Kingdom of Peace are applied to the Church on earth, rather than to the believing remnant of Israel in the future Kingdom of Peace. If you have no insight into the Millennium and God's rescue plan with Israel, then you must also spiritualize the 144,000 from the twelve tribes. But John did hear that there are 144,000 from all the tribes of the children of Israel (verses 5-8). It is therefore really about Israel!
The 144,000 and the innumerable multitude
A "dispensationalist" is one who interprets the Word literally and discerns the dispensations. The term 'dispensation', incidentally, is simply a Biblical concept (cf. Ephesians 1:10, ESV). Someone like Johannes de Heer, the founder of The Searchlight, was also a 'dispensationalist, because he distinguished between Israel and the Church. In Revelation we must also rightly divide (divide) the Word, by distinguishing the 144,000 from Israel and the innumerable multitude from the
nations, because the Scripture clearly teaches this!
What are the differences?
Importantly, we note that in both the 144,000 and the innumerable multitude, the seer begins with the words, "Then I saw (verses 1 and 9). So he saw two different visions in chapter 7. In the first, the redeemed on earth, and in the second, the saved in heaven. Thus we see that the 144,000 come from all the tribes of Israel and are called firstfruits (Revelation 14:4). They are an advance on 'all Israel' who will be saved (Romans 11:26). But the innumerable multitude comes from all peoples, tribes and nations (verse 9) and has come to repentance after the rapture
of the Church: "These are they who come out of great tribulation... '(verse 14).
The tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing
In Revelation 7:1-8 the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing, Joseph and Levi have replaced them. It is not strange that none of Dan and Ephraim are sealed. For example, Ephraim is known for his idolatry and apostasy (Hosea 7:8,11). And Dan is likened to a serpent, Church father Irenaeus therefore assumes that the antichrist comes from the tribe of Dan (Genesis 49:16-17; Jeremiah 8:16-17), However, we see that Dan and Ephraim are there again in the Kingdom
of Peace (Ezekiel 48). Then instead of Levi, because no Land promises were made to Levi. And Ephraim instead of Joseph his father, because of Joseph are Manasseh and Ephraim. So we see that Revelation 7 is about a literal sealing of those from the tribes who will be His servants during the Tribulation, but Ezekiel 48 is about the division of the Land,
Safe From God's Wrath
A selection of 144,000 from Israel will be sealed in the Tribulation. That sealing