We already know what happens when we involve the biggest of whales in the MARKET price explodes to ridiculous highs and remains up, without dropping a penny, meaning we’ll have buying support all throughout our pump.
We RECOMMEND initially market buying 75% of balance at market price to catch the first and strongest wave, then laddering the remaining USDT balance as limit orders below current market prices.
We’re expecting at least 3 initial waves to this pump, meaning we’ll be market and limit buying and holding at different price points to get the best average entry
When to sell?
In order to get the highest volume of outsider buying volume for this pump, do not sell into buying walls set by other members, instead sell small parts as price goes.
Up and place limit orders above 500% - 800%
The main objective of this pump is for all our members to make a huge profit, meaning we need to hold price up while outside traders enter the market.
Our whales will be taking care of continuously pushing price up by market buying until we get the most outside buyers
Signed 📝
Whales Team.
We already know what happens when we involve the biggest of whales in the MARKET price explodes to ridiculous highs and remains up, without dropping a penny, meaning we’ll have buying support all throughout our pump.
We RECOMMEND initially market buying 75% of balance at market price to catch the first and strongest wave, then laddering the remaining USDT balance as limit orders below current market prices.
We’re expecting at least 3 initial waves to this pump, meaning we’ll be market and limit buying and holding at different price points to get the best average entry
When to sell?
In order to get the highest volume of outsider buying volume for this pump, do not sell into buying walls set by other members, instead sell small parts as price goes.
Up and place limit orders above 500% - 800%
The main objective of this pump is for all our members to make a huge profit, meaning we need to hold price up while outside traders enter the market.
Our whales will be taking care of continuously pushing price up by market buying until we get the most outside buyers
Signed 📝
Whales Team.