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Est. 10.09.2024

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Ertaga soat 21:00 da IELTS ning reading sectioni bo’yicha ushbu kanalda dars bo’lib o’tadi 🤩

Shu linkga kirib qo’ng’iroqchani bosib qo’ying 🤓

Ertaga IELTS ning Reading sectionidan free lesson ko’ramizmi? 😉

Yes ❤️
Yesssss ⚡️


11. Analyze – Tahlil qilmoq
“The scientist will analyze the data before drawing conclusions.”
12. Anticipate – Oldindan kutmoq
“We anticipate that the project will be finished by next month.”
13. Contribute – Hissa qo‘shmoq
“Everyone in the group contributed to the final report.”
14. Establish – O‘rnatmoq, tashkil qilmoq
“The company was established in 1990.”
15. Facilitate – Yordam bermoq, osonlashtirmoq
“Technology can facilitate communication between team members.”
16. Generate – Yaratmoq, hosil qilmoq
“Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight.”
17. Indicate – Ko‘rsatmoq
“The survey results indicate that customer satisfaction is high.”
18. Interpret – Talqin qilmoq, tushuntirmoq
“It’s important to interpret the law correctly.”
19. Maintain – Saqlamoq, qo‘llab-quvvatlamoq
“It is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle.”
20. Modify – O‘zgartirmoq
“We need to modify the design to improve efficiency.”


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2067. Due to the constant dust storms on the planet, the only source of food for mankind is corn. The planet needs more skilled farmers than any other profession. At the height of the dust storm, Cooper (Matthew McConex) and Murphy (McKenzie Foy) determine the coordinates of the area where NASA's covert operation is taking place, from an anomalous situation in their room with gratification ...

P.S. interesting,isn't it


Speaking 🔥

1-unit audiosi pasda 👇🏻

Do you like kabi savollarga javob berish uchun 😍


Keling yaqinroqdan tanishamiz 😃

Mening ismim E’zozabonu, buni bilib olgandirsiz 😌

Toshkent shahridagi Singapurskiy universitetida 3-bosqich talabasiman 👩🏻‍🎓

IELTS ikki marta va Cefr bir marta topshirganman 😎

Birinchi IELTS balim: 7 (2021-yil dekabrda)
Ikkinchi IELTS balim: 7.5 (2024-yil augustda)
Cefr balim: C1-69 (2024-yil oktabrda)

Siz bilan bu kanalda IELTS va Cefrga a’loqodor eng kerakli ma’lumotlarni bo’lishib boraman 🤩

Bugun qaysi skill haqida gaplas


#boost_vocabulary 💡

1. Adapt – Moslashmoq
"Animals adapt to their environment over time."

2. Assess – Baholamoq
"We need to assess the risks before starting the project."

3. Clarify – Aniqlik kiritmoq
"Can you clarify what you mean by that statement?"

4. Collaborate – Hamkorlik qilmoq
"Scientists often collaborate with each other on research projects."

5. Compete – Raqobatlashmoq
"Many companies compete for the best employees."

6. Considerable – Ancha katta, sezilarli
"The storm caused considerable damage to the town."

7. Demonstrate – Ko‘rsatmoq
"He can demonstrate how the machine works."

8. Emphasize – Urg‘u bermoq
"The teacher emphasized the importance of homework."

9. Expand – Kengaytirmoq
"The company plans to expand into new markets."

10. Justify – Oqlamoq, asoslamoq
"They tried to justify their actions in the meeting."


Darslarimizdan fikrlar 🙂

Kursga yozilish uchun @ezozabanu yoki @lingua_admin

O’sha men aytgan speakingilarni 5-5.5 dan 7-8 ga olib chiqadigan kitob 🤩

Bularni bir dunyo audiosi bor, har kuni bittadan unitga tashlab boraman ☺️

100 ta likega arzidimi? 😃


1.4k 0 90 3 105

Manimcha speakingmi deyman?)

Kelilar men qanday qilib speaking balimni 6 dan 7 ga ko’targanim haqida aytib beraman 🤩

Birinchi IELTS topshirganimda, men speaking javoblarini yodlar edim 🙂💔 va bu yaxshi emas rosti, sizga xuddi siz zo’r gapiryotgandek tuyulishi mumkin, ammo examinerga unaqa tuyulmaydi 😟 U sizni yoddan aytib berayotganingizni biladi! Qanday deysizmi? Chunki siz ga u ilovada yo’q savoldan bersa galdiranglab qolasiz 😂 Birdan baliz 8 dan 5.5 ga tushib qoladi 🙂

Ho’p, endi qanday qilib 7 olganimni aytadigan bo’lsam 😍

1. Birinchi o’rinda iloji boricha deyarli har joyda ingliz tilida gapirib ketavering✅ masalan men dukonga kirsam uzbekcha narsa so’reman aytganidan so’ng thank you deb qo’yaman (o’zim bilmagan xolda rosti)

2. Keyin topic based vocabulary yodlang ✅ bu sizga juda qo’l keladi 🔥

3. Menda bitta kitob bor shundan tayyorlanib rasa ko’targanman 🤩

Tashlashimni xohlaysizmi? 👀

Agar shu post 50 marta uzatilinsa va 50 ta ❤️ yig’ilsa tashlab beraman ☺️


Assalomu alaykum, ko’chada ketayotib sizlar bilan ushbu so’zlarni bo’lishgim keldi 😌

1. Traffic jam – Yo‘l tirbandligi
2. Pedestrian crossing – Piyodalar o‘tish joyi
3. Speed limit – Tezlik chegarasi
4. Traffic light – Svetofor
5. Zebra crossing – Yo‘lakcha
6. Roundabout – Aylanma yo‘l
7. Highway – Shosse
8. Intersection – Chorraha
9. Pedestrian – Piyoda
10. One-way street – Bir yo‘nalishli ko‘cha
11. Bicycle lane – Velosiped yo‘lagi
12. Road sign – Yo‘l belgisi
13. Driver’s license – Haydovchilik guvohnomasi
14. Traffic police – Yo‘l patrul xizmati
15. Overpass – Ko‘prik yo‘li (yoki o‘tish ko‘prigi)
16. Underpass – Yer osti yo‘lagi
17. Toll road – To‘lanadigan yo‘l
18. Parking lot – Avtoturargoh
19. Roadside – Yo‘l cheti
20. Accident – Yo‘l hodisasi

Bu so’zlarni birontasini gapda ishlatib komentariyada qoldiring 👇🏻



1. Achieve – Erishmoq
"If you work hard, you will achieve your goals."

2. Avoid – Olib qochmoq, oldini olmoq
"Try to avoid eating junk food every day."

3. Consider – O‘ylab ko‘rmoq
"I need to consider all options before making a decision."

4. Demand – Talab qilmoq
"The project demands a lot of time and effort."

5. Develop – Rivojlanmoq
"He is trying to develop new skills in his job."

6. Effort – Harakat, urinish
"Your effort will pay off if you stay consistent."

7. Encourage – Rag‘batlantirmoq
"Teachers should encourage students to ask questions."

8. Experience – Tajriba
"Traveling to different countries gives you new experiences."

9. Improve – Yaxshilamoq
"I want to improve my English speaking skill"

10. Increase – Ko‘paytirmoq, oshirmoq
"We need to increase our productivity this month."


2k 0 25 5 21

❗️Man second teacherilar bo’laman kesela)

Manzil: Everest Ganga

#lessons #schedule


📆Odd Days: Mon/Wed/Fri

⏰14:30-16:30 Graduation (01.08)
⏰18:30-20:30 Elementary (01.08)

📆Even Days: Tue/Thu/Sa

⏰9:30-11:30 Graduation (01.08)
⏰14:30-16:30 Beginner (19.09)
⏰16:30-18:30 Introduction (01.08)

If you want to join any
of these groups, you should come to EVEREST GANGA and take a placement test first. We will be pleased to answer your questions!


Become an Everester!

Bu hafta tulov uchun oxirgi hafta❗️

Kurslarimizga yozilish uchun: @Lingua_admin

C1 chiqdi Cefr balim 😍

Prosta qanaqadir oddiy kanalda emas, mendek qizni kanalida borligilarni his qililar deb tashayapman 🙂

Listening - 75 🔥
Reading - 75 🔥

IELTS balim 7.5 🙂
(Listening bilan Reading maximum bali 🤭)

Tabriklela 😂

@Boost_Lingua ❗️

noto'g'ri fe'llar.xlsx
Assalomu alaykum!

Ko’pchilik qidirib yurgan Noto’g’ri fe’llar ro’yxati.

Sharing is caring 😃

@Boost_lingua ✏️

1.9k 0 93 10 11

Want to Sound More Fluent in English?

Here’s a quick tip that can boost your speaking skills: record yourself speaking!

🎯 Choose a topic you enjoy.
🎙️ Record yourself talking about it for 1-2 minutes.
👂 Listen to the recording and note areas for improvement (like pronunciation or filler words).
🔁 Keep repeating the process regularly.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly you improve! Give it a try today and see the difference. 💪

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