Let's check together what the king of bullshit wrote about Telegram. We already shared a post previously. Obviously just reading this article we can immediately understand that Ben is a very low usage Telegram user, who writes just bullshit without having an idea about how Telegram really works and which problems are really an issue for a proper Telegram usage.
PS: keep in mind that we just wrote few things. If we need to be honest by writing a full answer, this will require much more than just 1 picture. Just for example about point 7: almost every social now require a signup with phone numbers, directly (like for example Vk, Ok, WhatsApp and other message apps that are NOT a social network like Telegram, Imgur, almost all E-Mail when you signup the first time, ...) or to verify you are not an robot (Instagram, Twitter, sometimes Linkedin / Facebook, etc). Here we just talked about signup, without considering all what is related to login, login after you changed location, multiple logins, inactivity, etc.
PS: keep in mind that we just wrote few things. If we need to be honest by writing a full answer, this will require much more than just 1 picture. Just for example about point 7: almost every social now require a signup with phone numbers, directly (like for example Vk, Ok, WhatsApp and other message apps that are NOT a social network like Telegram, Imgur, almost all E-Mail when you signup the first time, ...) or to verify you are not an robot (Instagram, Twitter, sometimes Linkedin / Facebook, etc). Here we just talked about signup, without considering all what is related to login, login after you changed location, multiple logins, inactivity, etc.