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I have decided to leave telegram completely.

The channels won't be deleted, but there won't be any new posts either. The invitation links for the private channels will stop working once i delete my accounts, so join them now if you want to see them:
- The Bunker
- The Radicalization Library
- Also throwing in this one, will be probably deleted soon
Nigger Hate Archive

If you donated for the new hardware a few months ago and feel scammed now, you can send me (to the contact E-Mail) the tx hash and tx private key and the address you want the XMR refunded to, and i will send you your donation back.

I will check the E-Mails for another month before deleting that as well.

Finally thanks for your interest. I hope you got something out of it. Good Bye!

Welcome to Bunker Documentaries & Talks!
Updated 2022-02-16

For the alphabetical index CLICK HERE.
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Animated Soviet Propaganda Part 1-4
#Communism #History #Propaganda


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Tracy Gapin — The Testosterone Epidemic - How Endocrine Disruptors are Crushing Men
#Speech #Science #ChemicalIndustry


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The Great Invasion (2010)

A documentary by Stéphane Horel on endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Our ordinary everyday lives are steeped in chemical products. Invisible, they are encrusted in plastic, in detergents and toasters, concealed in our food, in toys, in shampoo. They have invaded everything, including our bodies.
Thanks to the consumer society, petrochemicals, with their magicical powers and unfamiliar barbaric names are happily strolling around our little insides. These phthalates, brominated flame retardants, parabens, bisphenol-a, all have the regrettable habit of invading our hormonal intimacy. They are endocrine disruptors. The pioneer scientists taking part in this documentary say that from breast cancer to obesity, this chemical invasion is closely tied up with the diseases of modern society.
#ChemicalIndustry #Science


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Soviet Propaganda Compilation - "Shining Future"
#Communism #History #Propaganda


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Scientific mechanisms of the Anti-White paradigm - Their modern origins and evolution — Aaron Kasparov (2021)

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” -H.L. Menken
#Politics #JQ


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YURI BEZMENOV - Complete Interviews & Lectures (1983-1984)
#Speech #Politics #Communism #Psychology


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It's Elementary (1996)

Gay Propaganda for K-12 Goy Children:
"The groundbreaking film that addresses anti-gay prejudice by providing adults with practical lessons on how to talk with children about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. Part of The Respect for All Project."
#Homosexuals #Politics


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Hearing Examines Anti-Semitism on College Campuses (Nov 7, 2017)

This is a pretty well known hearing, which led to a lot of great memes.
#JQ #Politics


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Geheimnis Tibet (Secret Tibet) (1943)

Movie documenting a 1930's German Expedition to Tibet.
#NS #History


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Gulag (2000)

Interviews with veteran survivors of Soviet prison camps in Siberia, who had been imprisoned for political offences. Also interviewed are former prison guards who remain unrepentant. All this is contrasted with archive footage of Soviet propaganda.
#Russia #History #Communism


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The Diamond Empire (1994)

Second only to Christmas, Valentine’s Day is the holiday when diamonds are most often given as the ultimate token of love. Central to the diamond’s role as a romantic symbol is the belief that diamonds are one of the rarest, most precious gifts for a loved one. But it’s only a myth–diamonds are found in plentiful supply. FRONTLINE examines how the great myth about the scarcity of diamonds and their inflated value was created and maintained over the decades by the diamond cartel. This report chronicles how one family, the Oppenheimers of South Africa, gained control of the supply, marketing, and pricing of the world’s diamonds.
#Africa #JQ #Politics


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Deadly Dust - Depleted Uranium (2007)

This is a research documentary made in 2007 by Frieder Wagner to analyze the long-lasting health effects of Depleted Uranium weapons used starting in 1991 in Iraq and continuing in Kosovo-Bosnia.
#War #NuclearEnergy


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Operation Gladio - False Flag Terrorism (1992)

Operation Gladio was the codename for a clandestine NATO post-WW2 "stay-behind" False Flag operation in Europe during the Cold War. Its purpose was to galvanize public opinion against the Radical Left and provoke armed resistance in the event of a Soviet invasion.

Operation Gladio formed part of the 'Strategy of Tension', which was a theory that Western governments during the Cold war used tactics that aimed to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions in order to achieve their strategic aims. [...]
#Politics #History


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The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (2003)

In April 2002, an Irish film crew is making a documentary about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, when a coup from the opposition is made.

Documentary directly funded by Venezuela's Government.
#Politics #Hispanics


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The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax (2015)

Between 2012 and 2014, British Archaeologist Dr. Caroline Sturdy Colls conducted investigations on the grounds of the former Treblinka camp with the intention to refute Holocaust Deniers' claims once and for all. This documentary analyzes Sturdy Colls's investigations and exposes them as a massive fraud.
#Holocaust #Revisionism #JQ


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The War of the Flea (2011)

In South Africa there are 38 000 commercial farmers. Since 1991 more than 3000 farmers have been murdered in more than 18 000 attacks. This group of people is in danger of genocide and it is going unnoticed by the South African government and international relief,support groups. This film tries to understand why it is happening by looking at the past and how it affected modern day society in one of the most violent countries in the world.
#SouthAfrica #Blacks


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Come To Haiti

Documentary about Voodoo practices in Haiti.
#Blacks #Cult


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White Socialism WORKS - The Incredible German Christians, the Hutterites!

Presentation by Jan Lamprecht
#Politics #History #Traditional


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