Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

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Category: Medicine

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The Wellness Company Donates Emergency Medications to Frontline Farm Workers to Protect Against Bird Flu

“American farmers – who are on the front-line of the developing bird flu disaster – need to know that they can keep themselves, their families and their workers safe. We can’t simply wait on the government to get it right, the time to act is now, which is why The Wellness Company is stepping up to make this happen.” – Foster Coulson, Founder and Chairman of The Wellness Company @FosterCoulson @twc_health @ChrisRBarron

(Boca Raton, FL) – Today, The Wellness Company, announced that it was launching a program to donate critical medication to farmers at risk from the bird flu. Announcing PREVENT & PROTECT: Real H5N1 Safety For Frontline Farmers

Measles Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination

Neither is Perfect, but Natural Measles Patients End Up Well Protected. Bianchi et al published a report from 2014 when the Hygiene Department of the Bari Policlinico University Hospital implemented a biological risk prevention program for medical students and residents of the Medical School of the University of Bari. @McCulloughFund

Routine Iodine vs. Hypertonic Saline Nasal Sprays for H5N1 Prevention in Dairy and Cattle Front-line Workers

Preventive strategies necessary to reduce human and animal infection risk of serious bird flu. Both are effective, safety profiles well-characterized; many will choose dilute iodine based on the better strength of data. Regular twice daily use suggested for direct contact workers in dairy and cattle industries. @NicHulscher @twc_health @USDAFoodSafety @USDA @NIH @USDAFoodSafety @SecRollins
@USDA @uscattlemen @nmpf @RepAdrianSmith
@RepJimCosta @RepDustyJohnson
@RepJimmyPanetta @dairyidfa @USTradeRep @USDairyExporter

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What Do Doctors Want to Know About Modern Measles Outbreaks?

How did it start? Was an immuno-compromised child MMR vaccinated starting the chain of spread? Exactly how many MMR vaccinated and unvaccinated--"unknown" from public health agencies is not acceptable. Was there a measles party? How are current patients being treated? Was maximum supportive care given and full escalation in fatal cases? Measles deaths should be almost unheard of in the modern era. Each needs case investigation, baseline risks, final diagnoses (pneumonia, encephalitis), and full review of course of care. Dr. McCullough with Dr. Gina Loudon on American Sunrise, Real America's Voice. @RealDrGina @RealAmVoice @McCulloughFund @AaronSiriSG @ICANdecide @HighWireTalk @delbigtree

Why Bird Flu May Have Taken a Turn for the Worse

Mutation and Genetic Reassortment Changed the Risk Calculus.

Principal biosecurity measures of culling and sterilization not working because migratory birds continue to reinfect the farms. Personal protective equipment not stopping zoonotic spread. It's time to get serious about protecting our dairy and cattle workers. @USDAFoodSafety @SecRollins @USDA @twc_health

Mass Depopulated Poultry Farms Remain Non-Operational for ~4 Months After H5N1 Pooled PCR Test Positive

Current biosecurity protocols prevent separating healthy birds from infected ones, resulting in “stamping out” entire flocks and disrupting the food supply chain. Biosecurity as the main @USDAFoodSafety @USDA is failing. Time to rethink strategy as mallard ducks and other migratory waterfowl continue to reinfect farms when they come back online. @SecRollins @NicHulscher

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BIG EGG Commercial Egg Producers Have Double Incentive to Cull for "Biosecurity"

Government payment for destroying healthy chickens for "biosecurity" and higher egg prices at market mean more profits. We don't hear BIG EGG complaining about bird flu! @RealAmVoice @jsolomonReports @AmandaHead @Feedstuffs @RoseAcreFarms @DaybreakFoods @VersovaFoods @InterstatesCo @McCulloughFund @twc_health

Why Are People Slow to Recognize Reality?

Reviewing Dr. Fritz Lickint's 1929 & 1935 papers on smoking and lung cancer. Similar to current doctors refusing to acknowledge manuscripts reporting serious problems with COVID-19 vaccines, years ago they were unwilling to face the music about smoking and lung cancer. Why can't the medical community capitulate on being wrong and make things right? By John Leake @johnsearsleake @McCulloughFund

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