Fill this form correctly and then send it to @cactusierosbot.
Your Name:
Account Type (RP/CA/BA):
Partner Type (BĂG/GĂG/BĂB):
Renting Duration: .... day/s.
Additional Request/s (Ava, Typing, and Personalities) :
Payment (DANA/GoPay/TSEL) :
For the price of additonal requests also if you want to ask something, just contact us through the bot!
Fill this form correctly and then send it to @cactusierosbot.
Your Name:
Account Type (RP/CA/BA):
Partner Type (BĂG/GĂG/BĂB):
Renting Duration: .... day/s.
Additional Request/s (Ava, Typing, and Personalities) :
Payment (DANA/GoPay/TSEL) :
For the price of additonal requests also if you want to ask something, just contact us through the bot!