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Forward from: The General
BREAKING: A federal appeals court ruled against the Amish, rejecting their challenge to New York’s repeal of religious exemptions for school vaccinations.


Yo, diversity!

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Forward from: Insider Paper
BREAKING - Private US lander touches down on Moon, status unclear: mission control

Follow @InsiderPaper for more news

Forward from: I,Hypocrite

Having trouble with it after touchdown and just cut the stream.


This is what the awoooovement is.

No thanks, pass.

It would be a comedy if it wasn't a tragedy and we are the punchline.

Today's cursed protestant nonsense - catholicism and e orthodoxy begin in 1054...

Forward from: The Daily Decade
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 14, Episode 8

Today's Mystery:
The Nativity

Today's Saint:
S. Jean-Marie Vianney

Today's Daily Decade, on this Feast of Ss. Perpetua & Felicity, begs the intercession of S. Simeon the God-seer on behalf of Teresa, a frequent listener and petitioner.

Today's reflection considers S. Jean-Marie Vianney, and the way in which his simplicity and humility made God manifest to his flock as much as if the Nativity had taken place in the parish of Ars.

God love you!


The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:


And @daily_decade on X

The Daily Decade is syndicated by

ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot]  org

Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!


Forward from: The General
BREAKING: Attorney General Pam Bondi has opened an investigation into alleged "Antisemitism" at the University of California.


I quit smoking today once I get the ashes. I also am now on medieval fast (no land animals or anything from them like butter, milk, cheese,) no oil including cooking... so basically I'm a vegetarian plus seafood. No food any Friday. And I all but do not eat all of holy week.

I apologize for my crankiness in advance. You're gonna hear me whine about a bacon & egg cheeseburger for a while ;)

I want to congratulate the Eastern Orthodox this year on getting lent and Easter correct.

Forward from: The Daily Decade
Today we begin our journey to Calvary. On Easter, we may sing with joy, "O death, where is thy sting?"

Today, we recall with trembling the terrible lamentation of Our God Incarnate looking upon the city He had chosen.

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered together thy children, as the hen doth gather her chickens under her wings, and thou wouldest not."

Remember, O man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.

Let us keep before us this Quatrogesima that this may be our last chance to hearken to His voice and seek the protection He offers to His children gathered together.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

Ash Wednesday.

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