ChatGPT is talking bullshit even about Norway ... It's important to note ... doesn't receive extensive coverage ... IF CHATGPT IS THE FIRST ONE! Part 1
Manshaus was charged with terror after the attack on Al-Noor Islamic Centre in the Norwegian municipality of Bærum and the murder of his 17-year-old stepsister in August 2019. His stepsister was adopted from China, and the police believe the murder was racially motivated
Faren til Philip Manshaus sier sønnen truet med å drepe broren sin om han fikk seg utenlandsk kjæreste
The father of Philip Manshaus says his son threatened to kill his brother if he got a foreign girlfriend.
Philip Manshaus, som denne uken møter i retten tiltalt for drapet på stesøsteren og terror, var på det tidspunktet ikledd forskjellig beskyttelsesutstyr og en hjelm med et GoPro-kamera som han ville filme angrepet med
Philip Manshaus, who this week appears in court accused of the murder of his stepsister and terror, was at the time wearing various protective equipment and a helmet with a GoPro camera with which he wanted to film the attack.
Manshaus hadde egentlig tenkt å streame angrepet, men dette lykkes han ikke med.
Manshaus had originally intended to stream the attack, but he did not succeed in this.
Hva var den konkrete begrunnelse for at du måtte drepe henne?
– Jeg anser det som imperativt at de hvite tar tilbake landene sine. Jeg anser det som imperativt i forhold til deres overlevelse
What was the specific reason why you had to kill her?
- I consider it imperative that the whites take back their lands. I consider it imperative to their survival.
Philip Manshaus received a 21-year sentence for the attempted terrorist attack on a mosque and the racially motivated murder of his stepsister in 2019
Manshaus was charged with terror after the attack on Al-Noor Islamic Centre in the Norwegian municipality of Bærum and the murder of his 17-year-old stepsister in August 2019. His stepsister was adopted from China, and the police believe the murder was racially motivated
Faren til Philip Manshaus sier sønnen truet med å drepe broren sin om han fikk seg utenlandsk kjæreste
The father of Philip Manshaus says his son threatened to kill his brother if he got a foreign girlfriend.
Philip Manshaus, som denne uken møter i retten tiltalt for drapet på stesøsteren og terror, var på det tidspunktet ikledd forskjellig beskyttelsesutstyr og en hjelm med et GoPro-kamera som han ville filme angrepet med
Philip Manshaus, who this week appears in court accused of the murder of his stepsister and terror, was at the time wearing various protective equipment and a helmet with a GoPro camera with which he wanted to film the attack.
Manshaus hadde egentlig tenkt å streame angrepet, men dette lykkes han ikke med.
Manshaus had originally intended to stream the attack, but he did not succeed in this.
Hva var den konkrete begrunnelse for at du måtte drepe henne?
– Jeg anser det som imperativt at de hvite tar tilbake landene sine. Jeg anser det som imperativt i forhold til deres overlevelse
What was the specific reason why you had to kill her?
- I consider it imperative that the whites take back their lands. I consider it imperative to their survival.
Philip Manshaus received a 21-year sentence for the attempted terrorist attack on a mosque and the racially motivated murder of his stepsister in 2019