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what a tiring day, have you drank your hot chocolate and wear your pajamas? it seems like the sky turned dark already and it means @Chinchillai had to close now. we're close and please stop sending your format to our account, thank you i really appreciate it ♡

Muts boleh tolong hfw ini tdk? Untuk feedback boleh ke @Chincillaibot TIA 🐇✨

a beautiful and shiny day for a shiny store. and this morning, @Chinchillai is opened. if you want to order something, don't forget to check and obey the regulations then send your order to @jTarot !, and our patner can send their hfw @chincillaibot [ hfw dikirim jam 6 sore] , have a nice day. ♡

what a tiring day, have you drank your hot chocolate and wear your pajamas? it seems like the sky turned dark already and it means @Chinchillai had to close now. we're close and please stop sending your format to our account, thank you i really appreciate it ♡

Hepi setengah ribuu @JamaKara kerennn😎😎

Asikk hepi 300 lebih 20 @kalkulastore tayankk🫵😍

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