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`· . ꔫ ꒰ peek a b♡♡!?A radiance in the upper atmosphere métiering my pulchritude name. An individual with jewel heaviness of heart' that captured my surveillance. 🎀 @coaLesces_bot
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Waktunya @coalesces untuk close, mengucapkan beribu ungkapan terimakasih dan rasa hormat kepada coaleis yang sudah mau mampir dan jajan disini semoga harimu menyenangkan, selamat beristirahat🙇🏻‍♀️🫶🏻

Ily Coaleis

Coaleis liat deh ak terharu bgt😔😭😭😭 huhu imut banget Oddysey 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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Omooo boleh bnaget kaks🥺 100000/10 buat @coalesces muantep puoll inimah wakak sumpah ya ini udah yang ke 6× nya aku jajan disini baik wording bahkan sampe moodboard pun aku ngga pernah kecewa sama sekali🥺🥺🥺 JUJUR AKU JAJAN DI @coalesces GAPERNAH REVISII😭😭😭 *NANGIES TERHARU*🥹🥹🥹 terimakasih banyak loh buat @coalesces dan kak juvelle yang selalu ada dan siap sedia buat aku bahkan tengah malem pun dilayanin bahkan itu pas kalian lagi kelos❤️😍😍 intinya tuh kayak aku beneran bergantung banget deh sekarang sama @coalesces sama kak juvelle wkwk jangan pernah bosen sama aku ya kak wufyu buat @coalesces muach ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘💋

@cDialogue hepi 300 Jeti manusia, sukses selalu ya semoga banjir orderan 😘😍

Nih guys literasi lagi hshs soalnya aku taro semua di comsect

Happy debut @intocam semoga banjir orderan di hari pertama sampai seterusnya ya,wufyu❤️😘

🎀. Info diving mutual's 💭

{ beseech all mutuals to ask for help so that this announcement will be mailed on your channel }

Flummery grows hues between red and white. fuchsia destroys all the passion and strength o' red and weather with the immaculateness o' white, we are suffused with hues o' warmth and craving and need that so often fluctuate on their own. Boosting the passion to fulfill what is lacking in something and making them excel in an identity, presenting @coalesces so they can fill the void in the heart making it the most alluring gem, calling the entire cosmos to take its rights and fill the void that exists by looking at the careful substantiation that many which makes @coalesces their haven fulfilling a need they may not have.

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Dri kmrin ngumpulin niat Mulu ke kumpul kagak🥹🥹

Admin disini cuman satu doang @ajuvellian doang makanya kadang ni store rame kadang sepi bet kek sekarang,males euy wtb sumpah kudu ngumpulin niat😭

⊹ ♡ We open the shop 💭 with a big smile and the warm hope that all our customers 🎀 tap this for the form and enjoy the service of this shop.

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Buat kalian yang selalu nanya results nya mana? Please ya inituh ada di comsect, scroll aja mulai dari https://t.me/CoaLesces/897 semua results ada di comsect sesuai type wording nya aja.

⊹ 🎀 #damsel don't you demand to perceive supposing that candy floss that equitable faded ever survive? A young child carrying candy floss to the flush abundance athwart the boulevard entangled scrutiny lang syne.

                MOODBOARD READY.
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⊹ 🎀 #soon don't you demand to perceive supposing that candy floss that equitable faded ever survive? A young child carrying candy floss to the flush abundance athwart the boulevard entangled scrutiny lang syne.

⋆ 3 slide : 1,500 IDR
⋆ 6 slide : 2,500 IDR
⋆ 9 slide : 3,500 IDR

⊹ 🎀 #candy don't you demand to perceive supposing that candy floss that equitable faded ever survive? A young child carrying candy floss to the flush abundance athwart the boulevard entangled scrutiny lang syne.

⋆ price setiap wordingnya berbeda-beda sesuai dengan yang tercantum.

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