Cultured American

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The channel focuses on traditional America as opposed to the cosmopolitan intelligentsia society. This is an educational channel about America and its philosophy. This channel is not affiliated with any ideologies or political movements.

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Meeting Between Napoleon and Metternich

Austrian policy, which was essentially determined by Metternich, kept open the option of continuing the alliance with Napoleon or joining the coalition. Metternich acted as a mediator between the Allies and Napoleon. On the one hand, he wanted to end French hegemony in Europe, but on the other hand, he did not want to exchange it for Russian hegemony. Eventually the Austrian dissolved the alliance and joined the coalition knowing Napoleoon would not give any concession to relinquishing all lands gained through the Coalition Wars which were mostly pinned against him.


".... So you want war? ...."


"War and peace are in your Majesty's hands... Today you can still make peace, tomorrow it will be too late..."


"...Never! I will know how to die, but I will not cede an inch of ground. Your rulers, born on the throne, can be defeated twenty times and still always return to their residences; I cannot do that, I, the son of fortune! My reign will not survive the day on which I cease to be strong and therefore feared..."

"...Fortune may fail you a second time, as it did in 1812. In normal times armies form only a small part of the population; today it is the whole people that you are calling to arms... I have seen your soldiers, they are children... And if this youthful army that you have called to arms today is wiped out, what then?"


"... I grew up in the field, and a man like me cares little about the lives of a million people... The French cannot complain about me; to spare them, I sacrificed the Germans and the Poles. I lost 300,000 men in the Moscow campaign; there were no more than 30,000 Frenchmen among them."

"You forget, Sire, that you are speaking to a German!"

At the end, the Corsican conqueror is said to have said:

"It may cost me the throne, but I will bury the world in its ruins."

Metternich is said to have replied:

"You are lost, Sire. I suspected it when I came here; now I know it."

Martin Luther Was Almost Cremated By Anti-Luther Catholic Aristocrat But Saved by Kaiser Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire

"Leave him alone. He has already met his judge. I wage war on the living, not the dead."

– Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain Responding to Fernando Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, the Duke of Alva, Who Proposed to Desecrate the Tomb of Martin Luther, Burn his Body, and Scatter his Ashes to the Wind

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How to Live Like a Habsburg — Interview with Archduke Eduard of Austria

Archduke Eduard of Austria shares life lessons from his book The Habsburg Way to help you start your own dynasty and live like a Habsburg.

Video Chapters:

0:00 – Intro
1:21 – Interview Begins
2:42 –Rule 1: Get Married (and have lots of children)
25:36 – Rule 2: Be Catholic (Or simply follow the faith of your family/ancestor and practice your faith)
53:38 – Rule 3: Believe in the Empire (and in subsidiarity)
1:10:04 – Rule 5: Know Who You Are (and live accordingly)
1:21:30 – Rule 4: Stand for Law and Justice (and your subjects)
1:33:15 – OréMoose
1:35:02 – Rule 6: Be Brave in Battle (or have a great general)
1:47:17 – Rule 7: Die Well (and have a memorable funeral)
2:03:41 – Final Takeaway

"Few serve the truth in truth, because only a few have the pure will to be just and even of these, very few have the strength to be just."

"Der Wahrheit dienen wenige in Wahrheit, weil nur wenige den reinen Willen haben gerecht zu sein und selbst von diesen wieder die wenigsten die Kraft, gerecht sein zu können."

— Friedrich Nietzsche, Untimely Reflections, Second Part, Chapter 6

“There is only one interesting politician in Europe, the Emperor of Austria.”

– Theodore Roosevelt (1910)

Where Is Our Worst Enemy?

"He who can promote his cause well, and is aware of the fact, is usually conciliatory towards his opponent. But to believe one's cause is a good cause and to know one is not skilled in defending it that inspires a wrathful and unconciliatory hatred of the opponent of one's cause. Let everyone judge from this where his worst enemies are to be sought!"

– Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak
Book IV, Aphorism #416

Italian School of Elitism

Gaetano Mosca was credited with developing the elite theory and the doctrine of the political class and is one of the three members constituting the Italian school of elitism.

He was skeptical towards democracy, and placed his lifelong liberalism in direct opposition to mass democracy. In a 1904 interview, he stated:

"I can certainly call myself an anti-democrat, but I am not an anti-liberal; indeed I am opposed to pure democracy precisely because I am a liberal. I believe that the ruling class ought not to be monolithic and homogeneous but ought to consist of elements which are diverse in regard to origin and interests; when, instead, political power originates from a single source, even if this be elections with universal suffrage, I regard it as dangerous and liable to become oppressive. Democratic Jacobinism is an illiberal doctrine precisely because it subordinates everything to a single force, that of the so-called majority, on which it does not set any limits."

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An Economic Comparison: Minimum-Wage Workers and 19th-Century Slaves – Academic Agent


Good Manners

Beyond physical beauty, the nobles of the ages have been renowned for their elevated sense of etiquette and good manners. Developing these traits can also help to give an impression of nobility, gentility and sophistication.

Over many centuries, the above traits and features have become hallmarks of aristocratic beauty, so much so that people who possess these characteristics can give an appearance of nobility, regardless of their true standing in society.

Like the aristocracy itself, those who seek beauty are concerned with the finest and most pleasing aesthetic. For hundreds of years, this was the province of those with leisure time and fortunes to pursue the epitome of beauty. Yet, these traits are not limited to those with great fortunes or noble families. Aristocratic beauty can be found in all areas of society. It can also be cultivated and enhanced by anyone who feels a keen desire to embody this classic style of refinement and allure.

Decline of Good Manners
The Ultimate Nobility of Character

Aristocratic Beauty: Meaning & Definition

There are two kinds of aristocratic beauty. The first kind can be explained using some of the facial features and popular aesthetics that have been prevalent in the highest echelons of society throughout the centuries.

1) Physical Appearance

A Long Thin Nose

The aristocracy has long been associated with a particular type of nose, one that has come to represent both noble beauty and also strength of character. This type of nose was common among many aristocratic families, which is perhaps what led to this facial feature becoming a hallmark of the noble classes.

A Defined Jawline And Chin

The famous names of the aristocracy have traditionally been represented in fine art paintings that show the men in military uniform and the ladies in exquisite dresses. A perfect complement to these costumes and settings was a strong chin for the males and a beautifully defined jawline for the women and girls. This is perhaps why this kind of profile ultimately became a feature associated with aristocratic beauty.

An Oval-shaped Face

In terms of classical beauty, symmetry and proportion play an important part of the overall appeal of a face. One of the most admired face shapes is that of an oval, which is regarded as more pleasing than an overtly round or square-shaped face. This face shape has thus become an ideal to attain or enhance, something that the aristocratic classes would have had the time and the means to pursue.

Lustrous Hair

In some cultures, beautiful hair could be a representation of good health and affluence. The noble classes would go to great lengths to ensure their hair looked its best, not only with good maintenance (something the working classes had less time for) but also with lavish decorations and jewels to show off their locks as impressively as possible.

2) Aesthetics

A Proud Stature

Aristocratic beauty is about more than facial features, it also extends to the way a person holds themselves, their stance, and the position of their head. It’s well known that stature is a good reflection of self-esteem and self-confidence, and aristocrats were raised to believe in their superiority and value – something that came to be embodied in the stature of the noble classes.

An Unhurried Walk

Beyond facial features and body positioning, aristocratic beauty can be witnessed in the way a person moves. Royals and nobles were trained from an early age to be dignified at all times, so rushing and dashing is not a feature of aristocratic behaviour. As such, an unhurried walk and graceful cadence have come to signify a noble character and represent a type of aristocratic beauty. 

These traits and characteristics have become associated with the finest aristocratic aesthetics, based on many centuries of evolution within this esteemed noble class. 

These features were deemed to be the epitome of aristocratic beauty, and as such, portrait painters would be keen to highlight or enhance such traits in a bid to please and honour their patrons. This practice of creating portraiture that reflects the desirable traits further entrenched the idea that these facial and physical appearances were a core feature of aristocratic excellence.

Noble Airs & Graces

The above traits and features are typical of some of the most famous and admired aristocrats of the ages, and they have come to collectively represent an imagery that’s often associated with the noble classes.

Poise & Grace

Maintaining an air of poise and dignity is not the reserve of the noble classes. Self-composure and emotional balance are qualities that people from all walks of life can acquire or attain. Yet, an appearance of poise can suggest the kind of composure and grace that the most beautiful nobles are famous for.

Elegance & Refinement

These traits can be represented in physical beauty, and family genetics can also play a part. Yet, they are available to all, and with a focus on elegance and refinement, it’s possible for anyone to develop a more aristocratic air.

Main Deficiency of Active People

"Active men are usually lacking in higher activity - I mean individual activity. They are active as officials, businessmen, scholars, that is, as generic beings, but not as quite particular, single and unique men. In this respect they are lazy.

It is the misfortune of active men that their activity is almost always a bit irrational. For example, one must not inquire of the money-gathering banker what the purpose for his restless activity is: it is irrational. Active people roll like a stone, conforming to the stupidity of mechanics.

Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar."

– Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human, Section Five: Signs of Higher and Lower Culture, Aphorism #283

The World-Destroyers

"This man fails in something; finally he exclaims in rage: 'Then let the whole world perish!' This revolting feeling is the summit of envy, which argues: because there is something I cannot have, the whole world shall have nothing! the whole world shall be nothing!"

– Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak
Book IV, Aphorism #304

On Benevolence

"Is it virtuous when a cell transforms itself into the function of a stronger cell? It must do so. And is it wicked when the stronger one assimilates the other? It must do so likewise: it is necessary, for it has to have abundant indemnity and seeks to regenerate itself. One has therefore to distinguish the instinct of appropriation and the instinct of submission in benevolence, according as the stronger or the weaker feels benevolent. Gladness and covetousness are united in the stronger person, who wants to transform something to his function: gladness and desire-to-be-coveted in the weaker person, who would like to become a function. - The former case is essentially pity, a pleasant excitation of the instinct of appropriation at the sight of the weak: it is to be remembered, however, that 'strong' and 'weak' are relative conceptions."
– Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science
Book III, Aphorism #118

Punishable, Never Punished

"Our crime against criminals is that we treat them like scoundrels."

– Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human, Section Two: On the History of Moral Feelings, Aphorism #66

Greek Ideal

"What did the Greeks admire in Odysseus? Above all, his capacity for lying, and for cunning and terrible retribution; his being equal to contingencies; when need be, appearing nobler than the noblest; the ability to be whatever he chose; heroic perseverence; having all means at his command; possession of intellect, his intellect is the admiration of the gods, they smile when they think of it: all this is the Greek ideal! The most remarkable thing about it is that the antithesis of appearance and being is not felt at all and is thus of no significance morally. Have there ever been such consummate actors!"

– Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak
Book IV, Aphorism #306

Forward from: An Appeal To Pragmatism
Update on Trump legal immigration policy:

H-1B visa entry-level wage requirement will be raised to the 45th %ile or higher, high-skilled workers at 95th %ile. These higher standards restrict foreign workers, cutting their presence by a third or as much as 90% in some businesses.

INA section 243(d) is to be employed, pausing legal immigration from uncooperative countries, while INA section 212(f) will be imposed to begin a partial moratorium of migrants into the United States. Travel Ban is to return, including nations with risk of jihadis., terrorism, spying, and more.

Vetting will expand, keeping out the anti-White or otherwise undesirable types, even those likely to lean left. What migrants do enter are subject to extreme filtering and can be swiftly removed if found to be a negative impact. The Denaturalisation Office will open, allowing migrant-became-citizens to be stripped of citizenship and deported. In short, massive improvement on the legal migration front.

Forward from: Канал им. Хьюи Лонга 🇷🇺
(перевод для англмовных) All this talk about Indians and H-1B visa demonstrates the true nature of the modern American elite. Instead of reforming the school education system and reviving the engineering school in their country, they are trying to introduce a foreign element, get more Indians, but just not spend money on ordinary people! Doesn't remind you of anyone? The same “people are not the same” and other liberal elitism, only with a different cover.
It is believed that from 1963 to 1974 as a time of “creeping coup”, which began with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and ended with the impeachment of Richard Nixon. These events contributed to the increase in the influence of TNCs on the domestic and foreign policy of the United States, and as a result, the combination of TNCs + Intelligence Services seized power over the United States in the mid-70s. Accordingly, the current US elite, which is the spokesman for their interests, is not interested in the development of their country, but in their own benefit, aka “What is good for General Motors is good for America.” Actually, “elitist liberalism” is ideal as an ideological wrapper for the current system.

There is an opinion that the implementation of the Long program could have prevented this scenario, preserving the United States as a nation-state of white Americans, but alas, it was killed by the elite, and the United States did not have someone who could kill the so-called. "Deepstate in embryo."
Why does Donald Trump support immigrant visas for highly skilled professionals, siding with Elon Musk? Yes, because he is a servant of MNCs interested in creating techno-feudalism and forming an Indian caste of loyal servants who will be personally loyal to their techno-masters!

After all, there is a reason why Long helped white Americans and Trump's team (Musk and Vivek) wants to import Indians...
P.s. I'm often asked why I think Long is suppressed and banned to the point of "he doesn't exist, he's a Kaiserreich fashion character." Let me explain - any alternative to the current system is subject to bans, ridicule, slinging, etc. Some people do this out of stupidity and herd instinct, but others organize this crowd with chants. Longism as a real alternative to this whole neoliberal nightmare is not needed by anyone, not the democrats, nor the servants of future techno-feudal lords. They hate and fear Huey Long so much that he was killed for his proposal, and his legacy has been dragged through the mud for almost 100 years.
Think about why among young people, various LOMs are so actively promoting various ideologies: libertarianism, Trumpism, woke-liberalism, various versions of “Council of Deputies 2.0.” and others. However, when it comes to a more equitable distribution of the country’s wealth or, God forbid, the expansion of the welfare state for the indigenous population or an increase in the minimum wage, then an argument immediately begins about “take away and divide”, “Sharikovs” and other elitist nonsense.

Mencken's Critiques of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

"But let us not forget that it is oratory, not logic; beauty, not sense. Think of the argument in it! Put it into the cold words of everyday! The doctrine is simply this: that the Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg sacrificed their lives to the cause of self-determination — 'that government of the people, by the people, for the people,' should not perish from the earth. It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers in that battle actually fought against self-determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of their people to govern themselves. What was the practical effect of the battle of Gettysburg? What else than the destruction of the old sovereignty of the States, i. e., of the people of the States?"

– H.L. Mencken, Note on the Gettysburg Address

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