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Ride driver spamming me with football knowledge I didn't ask for

504 0 2 16 28

for God :)

In a taxi, regretting not wearing a hoodie.

tldr reason why I wear hoodies and jackets most of the time in public is cause I hate exposing my skin and also being touched.

I only wear a shirt, when I'm on a date w a person I'm committed to. Ik ik I'm weird.

589 0 3 15 31


Good night ✨

"ልጄ ሆይ፤ ቃሌን ብትቀበል፣ ትእዛዜንም በልብህ ብታኖር፣ ጆሮህን ወደ ጥበብ ብታቀና፣ ልብህንም ወደ ማስተዋል ብትመልስ፣

እንዲሁም የመለየት ጥበብን ብትማጠን፣ ድምፅህን ከፍ አድርገህ ማስተዋልን ብትጣራ፣ እርሷንም እንደ ብር ብትፈልጋት፣ እንደ ተሸሸገ ሀብት አጥብቀህ ብትሻት፣

በዚያን ጊዜ ፈሪሀ እግዚአብሔርን ትረዳለህ፤ አምላክንም ማወቅ ታገኛለህ።"
— ምሳሌ 2:1-5


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Here's a demo video, enjoy :)

#MyProjects #NativeChat

v1.3.0 — File Support

You can now upload documents, audio files, photos and more to ask even more complex queries.

#MyProjects #NativeChat

Support for Files, Audio and Images 🎉

@Software_Guy implemented these incredible features and it's so amazing. 👏

You can now send documents, photos, and even audio files to Gemini and it would understand your questions alongside the files properly. 🔥

For quiet queries, you can click on the camera button, take a picture, and use that image for your complex queries. 📸

We support mp3 and m4a files so you can upload audio files to transcribe conversations or even recognize recorded music. 🎶

This has been such a wonderful and epic contribution. Extremely proud! ✨

#Contributions #NativeChat


Okay you're not ready for the next version of NativeChat :)


Gives me the same vibe 😂


There's literally no reason we shouldn't have an insanely powerful and context aware, open-source AI chat app :)

I just tested v1.3.0 and you're in for a treat. It's an epic contribution. Will be polishing it up today and release as soon as we're done.

And an awesome friend on Twitter, (a crazy flutter dev btw), offered to give me his Google Play Store account to publish NativeChat to the stores.

Very kind of him but publishing it there is a hassle these days, with googles annoying terms and stuff.

So the app will remain on telegram, GitHub and after multiple major releases on open source stores.

Also I'm seeing a lot of people forking the project to contribute, don't hold back and go for it. I support and guide all contributors so if you've got questions or help reachout :)

If you're excited and interested to contributed, checkout the issues page on our GitHub for some ideas to implement :)

You can also support us by starring

Thank you ❤️


v1.2.0 — Themes

You can now toggle between light and dark mode, both of which are so gorgeous.

#MyProjects #NativeChat

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