📝 Bidding my precious greeting for y'all. So kindly drop your pretty @ and let's do SFS main acc with @uTaaehyung. Make sure you're active mutuals & active viewers. Side acc, admin upsubs, homophobic, rprl area please DNI. I'll hit you ASAP👋
👤 @ahTaehyungs everyone's allowed
👤 @lDashaTaran only own of this channel can text me.
👤 @parkjimip
👤 @Joowhyuk
👤 @kicm_jisoo
👤 @iGuccipride everyone's allowed, hmu
👤 @yeontjvn
👤 @tdaeggu
👤 @Jindhwan
👤 @jungkookaseli
👤 @nayeontologys everyone's allowed
👤 @Pawchiko
👤 @Joohyrun
👤 @bloodiebody
👤 @Taeohvung
👤 @KimcVante
👤 @vantaeimc everyone's allowed, but main acc only. adm upsubs / sfs, sideacc, racist, homophobic, dni.
👤 @KimJenrniie
👤 @haiZiyoung
👤 @Tiehyungg
👤 @MiknjeongKim
👤 @jendeeuki
👤 @KsmJennie everyone with main account is allowed
👤 @ahTaehyungs everyone's allowed
👤 @lDashaTaran only own of this channel can text me.
👤 @parkjimip
👤 @Joowhyuk
👤 @kicm_jisoo
👤 @iGuccipride everyone's allowed, hmu
👤 @yeontjvn
👤 @tdaeggu
👤 @Jindhwan
👤 @jungkookaseli
👤 @nayeontologys everyone's allowed
👤 @Pawchiko
👤 @Joohyrun
👤 @bloodiebody
👤 @Taeohvung
👤 @KimcVante
👤 @vantaeimc everyone's allowed, but main acc only. adm upsubs / sfs, sideacc, racist, homophobic, dni.
👤 @KimJenrniie
👤 @haiZiyoung
👤 @Tiehyungg
👤 @MiknjeongKim
👤 @jendeeuki
👤 @KsmJennie everyone with main account is allowed