L'Italia e la pena di morte 1:1 Part 6
Part 1 https://t.me/DeathSentenceFAQ/306
Pochissimi intellettuali sono favorevoli, perché pochissimi intellettuali sono idioti
Very few intellectuals are in favor of it, because very few intellectuals are idiots
Are you Ben Shapiro??
Probably yes, because for you bullshit is synonym of intelligence and science, while facts and science is synonym of idiots 🤦♂️ ...
START TO STUDY INSTEAD OF BEING A SHEEP! talking bullshit, because everyone is saying that!
Again, less time to watch naked girls, more time to read important things! CONSIDERING EVEN TABU TOPICS! that everyone is ignoring!
and please, don't use cannabis to justify your ignorance!
One thing is sure, you are not one of the
431 people who read science
or 103k
or or or ...
In India ad esempio avevano inserito la pena di morte pensando di diminuire i diffusissimi casi di stupro. Quello che hanno ottenuto è che il numero di stupri non è calato e che gli stupratori dopo la violenza hanno iniziato a uccidere più frequentemente le vittime per non farle parlare.
= In India, for example, they had introduced the death penalty thinking of reducing the widespread cases of rape. What they obtained is that the number of rapes did not decrease and that after the violence the rapists began to kill the victims more frequently to keep them from talking.
a) where is your source??!
b) 🇮🇳 is 💩!
here the problem IS REALLY EDUCATION!
c) Is your 💩 source Amnesty??? "Quattro esecuzioni in India: la pena di morte non fermerà la violenza contro le donne" https://perma.cc/AGP7-ZXJ3 🤣
See next post
Part 1 https://t.me/DeathSentenceFAQ/306
Pochissimi intellettuali sono favorevoli, perché pochissimi intellettuali sono idioti
Very few intellectuals are in favor of it, because very few intellectuals are idiots
Are you Ben Shapiro??
Probably yes, because for you bullshit is synonym of intelligence and science, while facts and science is synonym of idiots 🤦♂️ ...
START TO STUDY INSTEAD OF BEING A SHEEP! talking bullshit, because everyone is saying that!
Again, less time to watch naked girls, more time to read important things! CONSIDERING EVEN TABU TOPICS! that everyone is ignoring!
and please, don't use cannabis to justify your ignorance!
One thing is sure, you are not one of the
431 people who read science
or 103k
or or or ...
In India ad esempio avevano inserito la pena di morte pensando di diminuire i diffusissimi casi di stupro. Quello che hanno ottenuto è che il numero di stupri non è calato e che gli stupratori dopo la violenza hanno iniziato a uccidere più frequentemente le vittime per non farle parlare.
= In India, for example, they had introduced the death penalty thinking of reducing the widespread cases of rape. What they obtained is that the number of rapes did not decrease and that after the violence the rapists began to kill the victims more frequently to keep them from talking.
a) where is your source??!
b) 🇮🇳 is 💩!
here the problem IS REALLY EDUCATION!
c) Is your 💩 source Amnesty??? "Quattro esecuzioni in India: la pena di morte non fermerà la violenza contro le donne" https://perma.cc/AGP7-ZXJ3 🤣
See next post