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Take 2 minutes to object! and Australians SHARE SHARE SHARE!
Urgent: Australia Digital ID Bill - comment by October 27

This DIGITAL ID, is the 3rd phase, and It is about to be passed in the Australian Parliament.

at provide instructions from nexusnewsfeed. We have no affiliation with them, however, it is important to consider what they have shared here.

If passed, you will pay for your grocery shopping with a QR code!

After this, phase four will be the social credit score system!


Instructions to object!

The Australian government wants to collect and use your biometric data. See page 12 of this report

If you do not object to this legislation, you may be tacitly consenting. You have until 5pm EST 27 October 2021

1) Go to website:

2) Go to the top horizontal menu and click on “Have Your Say

3) Scroll down to “Digital Identity legislation consultation phases”, and Select “Phase 3 – Now Open”

4) This will take you to the submission form page

5) Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Go to the submission form”

6) Scroll down and you will see 7 questions. The only required field is Question 3: “Your Email Address” and Q7 and Q8.

7) Question 7 asks if you are an individual or organization. Select “Individual”, and question 8 will appear below.

8) Question 8 is where you provide your feedback, in 1000 words or less. You can say something really short, medium or longer. Feel free to cut and paste any of them into the feedback field or compose something yourself. It can be as simple as “I do not approve of this legislation”. Samples below:

· I do not approve this legislation and you do not have my permission to enact it

· I do not agree with this legislation in any way shape or form. I reject your proposals/”options” in full, and I do not give any mandate to proceed with this legislation

· I do not agree to, or endorse this DIGITAL IDENTITY LEGISLATION in any way shape or form. I do not give my consent to have my ‘identity’ digitized nor digitalized in any way shape or form, as is proposed by this legislation. I do not consent to having my private and confidential personal data centralised, and potentially made accessible “across the entire digital economy”, nor to any second or third party that may be included in that arena. I unequivocally object to, and therefore reject this proposed “whole-of-economy solution” legislation. Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved.

9) Click on “Complete Form”, and you will be taken to a new page: “Your response has been recorded successfully

10) Nexusnewsfeed then recommends you email them about this. WE WARN AGAINST THIS!
If you do email, we suggest you use a completely anonymous email account like tutanota.
Otherwise, if you would like to let us (@Covid19TruthGroup) know from an anonymous Telegram account, we will compile the results and let them know as a total statistic.

Disclaimer: We are very cautious about revealing personal information to unknown sources. It the near future dissenters are likely to be rounded up and put into gulugs. This is real folks. Please learn real history starting with the "Russian Revolution"
THIS IS COMING. And we don't have much time.

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🔥Live in 5 Minutes🔥
🔥Watch Everyone 🔥
The named Defense did not even submit any affidavit. Obviously they did not want to be cross examined. They only provided affidavits from obviously government biased personnel and contractors, some with extensive links to pharma vaccine funding esp Prof Kathyrn Macartney (see photo attached)

Defense should have their affidavits thrown out by the judge as they are clearly not impartial as expert witnesses need to be.

The defence chose not to cross examine a single of the several expert witnesses that submitted affidavits for plaintiffs. They were obviously afraid of what would be said.

For the judge to award for the defense would result in a plethora of travesty of justice.

There are fake or old links being spammed around. Ignore them. This is the REAL one.

Friday Oct 15th 4PM

Discuss with us here

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Printable PDF - UPDATED New & Improved - The Spike Protein KILLS - it's what the vaccines make!!!
Click either of the below for:
1️⃣ Post for sharing on Telegram
2️⃣ '' rel='nofollow'>PDF for printing
🙏🙏🙏Please Share🙏🙏🙏

Replies can be made in comments below

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DON'T WEAR MASKS IN WA (See Channel 9 clip) - 12 MONTHS LATER - WEAR MASKS!!! Schizophrenic Govt?

12 months ago the science said not to wear masks as they actually do nothing to stop the spread of #CONVID and people should not be wearing them unless they are already sick!
And if you do wear them, instead can harm your own health!
(Australia with Vietnam did research proving dangers of cloth masks)

Did the science change? NO!
Just the orders from the government changed!

Eg Bacterial pneumonia can be contracted from breeding in masks due moisture retention. Fauci in a past research paper said bacteria caused most 1918 Spanish Flu deaths.

The CDC and WHO have given mixed signals on masks the entire time. Yet Anthony Fauci is a chief advisor to them!

For Ivermectin protocols and research see

Welcome to dystopian Western Australia where the science doesn't matter, just the Stasi orders matter!

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Stay Sane And Carry On
British #comedy piss take of the covid rules to lighten the mood

This is a parody of exactly how stupid some of the Covid rules are especially pertaining to speech or singing

If this happens, we probably won't be surprised.

Original Source:

For COVID Truth join:

Chat Group:

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iPhone/iPad WARNING - Don't lose Telegram or other Apps
💥💥💥 Share this UPDATE Everywhere 💥💥💥
to reach all iPhone users before it's too late!
If you shared the previous one, please delete it and share this corrected version.
We are sorry for sharing the misinformation yesterday 😢
The latest version of this post will always be available at:
So check for updates at that link.

There are rumours Apple will REMOVE TELEGRAM from Apple App Store

Telegram is no #2 on App Store, Signal #1
Amazon jsut abrubtly cut hosting for Parlar

The "Elites" are increasingly shutting down communications to prevent their lies being exposed.
If your device settings allow it, Apple can remove any app without notice from it using remote maintentance!

You can PREVENT APPLE DOING THIS by doing the following:

1. DISABLE Apple Operating System Updates
To toggle automatic operating system updates on or off, head to Settings > General > Software Update.
You’ll see whether automatic updates are on or off here.
To toggle updates on or off, tap “Automatic Updates” and set the slider to “On” or “Off.”
Set to off, you will still be alerted to an update, but have the CHOICE to install it manually or not.

2. App Updates - eg Telegram, Signal
This is where you prevent Apple from removing Apps it decides it does not want you to use!
To toggle automatic app updates on or off, go to:
Settings > iTunes & App Store. Toggle the “Updates” option under Automatic Downloads to “On” or “Off.”

Even if automatic APP updates are disabled, you can open the App Store app, tap “Updates” on the bar at the bottom of your screen, and install any available app updates from here.
But beware, this MAY REMOVE apps that Apple does not want you to us. So before choosing to update, just check news to ensure Apple has not removed some of your favourite Apps from the App store (like Telegram).

3. DISABLE Offload Unused Apps
iOS or iPadOS device will automatically remove app program files that you don’t use regularly, and Apple can use this feature to remove apps it does not want you to use, eg possible Telegram in the future. Normally this feature is helpful to auto remove apps rarely used (they then show with a cloud symbol with down arrow and reinstall when you click that icon) to give you more device space.
Turning this off, means you will need to manage apps and offload manually those you don't use (step 4). A small price to pay to have the control yourself!
To disable:
Go to App Store -> settings
Turn off “offload unused apps”, auto-update & auto-download.

4. Manually Offload Apps
Settings app, tap General and then tap iPhone/iPad Storage. Select an app from the following screen, and you will see the total amount of storage used by the app split into two parts — App Size and Documents & Data.
Find the app you want to remove and choose "Offload". This will not remove data so will free up only the app space mentioned.
If you want to get rid of the app completely, tap Delete App instead. That will get you the most storage savings, but you will lose all data.

Previously we were provided incorrect information for which we were sorry.
The previous details it turns out were related to "Screen Time" parental controls.
They prevent users, NOT Apple, deleting the apps. So we have now struck these out by keep them for context:
👉 [Settings]
👉 [Screen time]
👉 [Restrictions]
👉 [Activate] button on top
👉 Choose [Purchases in iTunes and App Store]
👉 Change [Delete apps] to "Do not allow"

Note: This is ONLY for Apple devices.
Google Play may also in future remove Telegram and other apps from Google Play Store.
However, Android devices are mostly much easier to install apps manually.
So do not be concerned if you use Android.
We will put out an Android notice if it is necessary.

Brought to you by COVID19 TRUTH GROUP
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👉 Share this to all truther groups 👈
👉Before truther groups lose more credibility to Qanon scammers👈

Dumbarse #Qanon cult members are promoting videos of a booth at CES 2018 to convince you that "Human Cloning is Real" and you can "dump your consciousness into a cloned human skin".


And only numbskulls like the over 11K followers of "QNewsOfficialTV" are going to believe this.

Here is just one article about the scam.

It looks like the Qanon psyop is pulling out all stops now with desperate #electiongate scams and now this.
If Qanon followers ever had any credibility... It is LONG GONE now.

For actual TRUTH about the Pandemic and other scams, join:

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Comedy skit on the absurd contradictions in LOCKDOWN RULES due to the fake pandemic

The (psycophathic drunk) guy that decides COVID restrictions.

Very funny, well it would be, if it wasn't so true 😜

This was sourced from @jimmyreesofficial on Facebook

For Critical Thinking and Truth join us at

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Don't let the TINO scam you!

TINO = Truther In Name Only
They include shills and useful idiots.

TINO are using a scam website, to search for Tiffany Dover.
👉 The scam site returns records for almost anyone you search in the US.
👉 If you search for "Death" it will tell you they are dead.
👉 When you have paid, there is not death report.

Our original report on this is

If we are to expose the COVID lies, we must also expose the TINO that are used to discredit us!

For real Truthers that Think Critically, join

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They’re trying to change history—don’t let them. In the chaotic atmosphere of 2020, the Wayback Machine is a crucial resource in the fight against disinformation, and now more than ever we need your help. Right now we’re preserving history as it unfolds, keeping track of who’s saying what and when—all without charging for access, selling user data, or running ads. Instead, we rely on the generosity of individuals to help us keep the record straight.

Right now, the Internet Archive (which runs this project) has a 2-to-1 Matching Gift Campaign, tripling the impact of every donation. If you find our public record useful, please chip in.

—Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive

"The admins of recognise the wonderful resource that is and are greatful for it as a resource, without it, much of the essential truths we provide in our group and elsewhere would not be possible. As supports of free speech, truth, transparency and justice, we thoroughly endorse this great resource are happy to be supporters of it. But in this era of Owellian destruction of history, is under great threat, and need support, not just with words but with finances, so we are happy to recommend that those that can support this excellent resource financially do so. We have included the donate link. Love, light, justice and truth/"

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana
"Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future" - George Orwell, 1984 book and film has helped us to find and share resources such as this

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Black/Bubonic Death/Plague - the greatest "pandemic" in history!

It has been attributed to bacterium Yersinia pestis. Bacteria are the clean up squad for other problems. Like firetrucks, just because they are there, does not mean they lit the fire. There is always an underlying condition in the body for which bacteria then respond.

So what "lit the fire" in people causing them to be sick on the first place with "The Black Death"?

Increasing evidence suggests this was an act of widespread poisoning by a certain tribe intent on taking over countries.

Curiously, the area where this tribe was most heavily concentrated, ie Poland, was completely spared from this "plague".

Today this is not disputed & attributed to hygeine practices of this tribe. However... evidence suggests a much more sinister story.

See the excerpts from these resources for the truth.

And to discuss with critical thinking and evidence, the truths related to COVID, join us at

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Trump's Warp Speed has the agenda of:
Within 24 hours of the go order, the military is able to vaccinate (poison) ALL of the American population.

More discussion:

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The #Protocols of The #Elders of #Zion #POTEOZ are claimed by the powers that be to be a "forgery"
Yet they have accurately foretold everything that has been happening to control mankind over the last century!

for yourself in this video: THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 4
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

💥Federal Reserve Banking Fraud 💥Covid19 💥Lockdown 💥Economic Reset 💥Abolition of Private Property💥
All part of a much longer plan for a NWO under a Communist regime!
(See )

Today, we connect for you another dot

Average Jews do Jews no favour by censoring truth. The cabal will discard them as quickly as they will goyim. 😡

We all need to unite against this cabal and expose their lies and their evil agendas 🙏

This ESSENTIAL TRUTH has been kept from you and has been CENSORED!

Join us to discuss and learn more: 😊🙏💚 AND SHARE 💚

We have the template for the NWO control everyone!!!

If an army had to the plans of it's enemy, would it ignore them? That would be crazy!

Would the enemy want to try to discredit them? Of course!

Learn the plans and judge for yourself whether these "Protocols" are actually fake!

We can win this war against us!

Let's do it. Expose the enemies plans...

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💥Federal Reserve Banking Fraud 💥Covid19 💥Lockdown 💥Economic Reset 💥Abolition of Private Property💥
All part of a much longer plan for a NWO under a Communist regime!


What do Fauci, Gates and World Economic Forum REALLY want?

You cannot understand this without understanding the MARXIST BOLSHEVIK ROOTS OF COMMUNISM and WHO IS REALLY BEHIND IT!!!

Connect the dots in just over 1hr!

There is a plan to
😡Create mass Poverty
😡Destroy Property Rights
😡Cause mass starvation

This has all happened in the past in the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana
"Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future" - George Orwell, 1984 book and film


This ESSENTIAL TRUTH has been kept from you!

Invest in your future by learning the truth of the past!

Join us to discuss and learn more: 😊🙏💚 AND SHARE 💚

This is essential to know if we are to win against what his coming with the NWO Communist One World Government Takeover!!!

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24 HOURS LEFT (please share)

The federal Government are trying sneak this through.

If you don't want to be at the mercy of FOREIGN FORCES next "emergency" you must demand this component in the amendments of the Bill be stopped by tomorrow 5pm (Thursday 15th October 2020)

FOREIGN FORCES (armies, police, storm troopers) can be brought onto Australian soil at the direction of the ‘minister’ with complete IMMUNITY from CRIMINAL or CIVIL LIABILITY in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and response.

What could possibly go wrong???
Why would we be ok with giving Foreign Forces, any forces for that matter, full immunity???

This is what I was sent to challenge it - includes link to the bill on the Australian govt website

The Australian Defence Force is trying to give itself unlimited, without time restrictions or sunset clauses, access to call an Emergency and to bring FOREIGN ARMED MILITARY ONTO THE STREETS OF AUSTRALIA.


PLEASE COPY AND PASTE the following onto a Word document; name and sign it; and email it off the the Committee Secretariat Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020

On 8 October 2020, the Senate referred the provisions of the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 4 November 2020

Committee Secretariat contact:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100,
Parliament House Canberra, ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 62773535
Fax: +61 2 62775818

To: The Committee Secretariat

Bill Details: Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies Bill 2020)

From: _____________________(Name) – please state do you want your name public or private Subject: NO! Approval of this Bill is Denied! The Australian Defence Force is not given any further powers!

To the Committee Secretariat,

The People of Australia can no longer trust the Parliament of Australia; the Judiciary System; The Police of any State or Territory and The Federal Police, nor the Department of Defence to act in our best interests.

We will NOT provide the Australia Defence wForce members, other Defence personnel nor any other members of foreign forces, with any immunity of criminal or civil liability in any cases, whether “certain cases” or not, whilst performing any of your duties. We do not support this Bill to Amend the Defence Act 1903, Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001, Australian Defence Force Cover Act 2015, Australian Defence Force Superannuation Act 2015 and Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991, and we will not condone any legislation which takes away the Rights of We the People of Australia. Further, we also say NO to you allowing any foreign countries armed Militia or United Nations armed Militia occupying power over We the People of Australia, and will consider this a further Act of Treason.

We are fully aware of the well documented Australian Defence Force’s 2009 and 2013 War Crime breaches of the Geneva Convention in both Timor and Afghanistan, including the killing of children, and how you covered them up. We are aware that when asked to face these crimes in the “International Criminal Court” in the Hague, that you avoided accepting ANY responsibility and ignored your Human Rights obligations and then stated that “You do not recognise the International Criminal Court”!

In addition to the vital matters herein previously described, there are very worrying implications in this “Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force response to Emergencies) Bill, 2020” being considered in Federal Parliament, including.

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