Deciphering Sociology 2020-21

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We will start again our 2 Old initiative after 11th October- Task for Today by Vinzvar mam and Sociology CurrentAffairs by MaiBhiBharat. It will be on Regular basis so, do Share and Support the initiative again๐Ÿ™ Do Join Main Channel @DecipheringSociology if not and Group @brainstormingsociology

๐Ÿ“Œ Hello everyone!
We will resume Tasks For Today (TFTs) after 11th October 2020.
Thank you!

Be safe. Be healthy. ๐Ÿ†

๐Ÿ”ต UPPSC Sociology Papers ๐Ÿ‘†

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sociology paper 1


๐ŸŒ Understanding the Criminal Act of Rape through the Social Strain Theory.


โœ… RELEVANCE: Crime and Deviance

"The POWER and CONTROL variables associated with the commission of the act of rape calls for additional understanding of those who are committing the acts. As Nicole and Sealock, (2000) examined offender populations, applying ST, 150 youth participants acknowledged key variables, promoting the need for future study. The variables most commonly associated with the commission of rape, promoted by societal strain was ANGER, RAGE, POWER, AND CONTROL. The study highlighted the need for ongoing education and intervention of societal youth, where this lack of oversight and the marginalization of societal norms, with sexual activity now prevalent in every day society, children have become confused. The inability for society to essentially police itself and PROMOTE CLEAR BOUNDARIES AS TO WHAT IS ACCEPTABLE SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR, with governments, teachers, and parents challenging social media and general media DEPICTIONS OF SEX AND SEXUALITY can only serve to reduce the commission of the act of rape. The lack of oversight and education is contributing to the strain and the commission of these types of violent crimes, and without societal revision, it can be expected that the number of reported and unreported rates will continue to climb (Nicole & Sealock, 2000)."

"As calls by sociologists and researchers go out to revise ST and/or integrate the concepts into developing theories such as general strain theory of deviance (GSTD), what is explored is an enhanced understanding of violent acts such as rape through assessment of serious social strains facing males and females in society. As Kaufman (2009), calls for ongoing study into the externalization and internalization of negative emotions while accounting for multiple gendered deviant outcomes, the expectation is that a series of rehabilitation models will result in responding to GTSD variables. These models will address strains contributing to violent crimes such as rape, allowing for INTERVENTION and REHABILITATION to address the strain which is escalating the deviant behaviour. What becomes clear for the criminologist are the interconnections between strain, education, prevention, possible rehabilitation, and the commission of rape, where the body of this research appears to continually be searching for answers, which is a positive aspect of this field of study. However, as the theories evolve, societal norms, challenges, expectations, and strains change, violent acts such as rape unfortunately do not have an end or a finish line, yet. The proactive models seeking to assist offenders are a step in the right direction, with calls for additional study and empirical review are consistent with the previous research (Kaufman, 2009)."

#SociologyInNews #Deviance #Rape #Violent_Crimes

๐ŸŒ Rethinking Sociological Study Of Suicide: Suicide Contagion


โœ… RELEVANCE: Suicide, Durkheim, Suicide Contagion

"Over the last four decades, the sociological study of suicide has become increasingly interested in the potential for suicides to spread between individuals, or what is often referred to asย suicide contagion or suicide suggestionย (Phillips 1974;ย Stack 1987;ย Wasserman 1984). Consistent evidence, for example, has revealed that when people, particularly youth, experience the suicide death or attempt of a role model, they are at increased risk of suicidality themselves (Baller and Richardson 2009;ย Bearman and Moody 2004;ย Farberow et al. 1987; Mueller, Abrutyn, and Stockton 2014;ย Niederkrotenthaler et al. 2012;ย Thorlindsson and Bjarnason 1998).

Despite the mounting evidence that suicide contagion matters, the sociology of suicide has remained largely focused on Durkheimโ€™s admittedly important thesis that social integration and moral regulation are the primary social forces that condition suicidality (for review, seeย Wray, Colen, and Pescosolido 2011). In part this is because we know very little aboutย whyย it is that friends tend to have similar levels of suicidality and if this similarity is in fact indicative of social contagion,ย howย contagion occurs."

"Indeed, we argue that research must now turn from documenting suicide contagion towards identifying the mechanisms behind the spread of suicidality through social relationships. What circumstances transform the generalizedย ideaย of suicide into a meaningful cultural script that individuals may deploy for coping with their own distress? To investigate this question, we examine whether knowing about a friendsโ€™ suicide attempt changes the likelihood that suicide contagion occurs. Additionally, we analyze whether friendsโ€™ emotional distress and suicide ideation, absent concrete actions (such as suicide attempts), promotes suicide contagion. Our research is guided by social learning theories (Akers and Jensen 2006;ย Bandura 1977;ย Sutherland, Cressey, and Luckenbill 1992) and symbolic interactionism (Stryker 1980), in addition to research on emotional contagion between significant others (Hatfield, Cacioppo, and Rapson 1994)."

#SociologyInNews #Suicide_Contagion

Task For Today Paper-1
๐๐ฎ๐ข๐ฅ๐ ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐…๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง, ๐Ž๐ง๐ž ๐“๐š๐ฌ๐ค ๐€๐ญ ๐€ ๐“๐ข๐ฆ๐ž

SYS Test 08.pdf
๐Ÿ”ด Sharpen Your Sociology Test08

๐Ÿ”ต Syllabus For The Test:

Social Change in Modern Society

๐ŸŒ€Visions of Social Change in India
๐ŸŒ€Social Movements in Modern India
๐ŸŒ€Challenges of Social Transformation

โœ… For more mock tests, please visit @SharpenYourSociology.

โœด๏ธ We will post few tests after Prelims.

All the best!

#SharpenYourSociology #Test08

๐ŸŒ Bharat Bandh Against Farm Bills


โœ… RELEVANCE: Agrarian Transformation, Peasants and Farmers Movements

"Farmers and farmer leaders fear that once private markets are set up outside the APMCs, the APMC will have few buyers. This is because a key feature of the new legislation is that in the โ€˜trade areasโ€™ โ€“ย the new markets โ€“ no market fee, cess or levy shall be charged to the farmer or the trader. Under the old system, these charges could add up to a significant proportion of the transactions โ€“ย as high as 8.5% in Punjab."

"One of the methods by which the APMC, in theory, leads to better price for farmers is through a transparent auction mechanism where a bunch of traders bid on the farmerโ€™s produce and the highest bidder buys the produce.ย 
This system does not exist in the private mandis that have come up in Bihar often leading to LOW PRICES for farmers and EXTREME VOLATILITY BETWEEN SEASONS. For instance, the price of maize in Bihar dropped from around Rs 2,200 a quintal last year to around 1,300 per quintal this year."

#SociologyInNews #Protests #Agriculture

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Interpretive Perspective.pdf
โญ #Intrepretivism_vs_Positivism #DECIPHER โญ

New Aspirant's can go Through Anu Mam Blogโซ for Source's to cover. You Can Get different Book's Pdf in group also.

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