Due to
@Telegram’s new policy. as the person who manages the activities on this channel, I would like to make a statement to all who read this. This channel doesn’t have any relation with Yuzuha Shiba, from Tokyo Revengers. This channel I made is for roleplayer purposes only.
ㅤㅤThis account will be using English and Indonesia as the main language. Therefore, there must be a lot of grammatical errors. Don’t hesitate to contact me with the polite language (
ㅤㅤThe source of the updates will not be coming from the mundane own. However, mundane finds them on the internet and different platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok and others.
ㅤㅤI never forbid anyone to view this channel, but I confirm not to copy and re-upload it. because the wording in here is purely the result of Mundane’s own thoughts, and if there are similarities with others please contact Mundane with the polite language (
ㅤㅤI will use (‡. text) for my bracket when Muntalk or Out of Character