Al-Azhar Assiut Medical School

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a poor sensitivity and insufficient specificity of high ACE for diagnosis of sarcoidosis suggesting a limited role of ACE in clinical practice.

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme in Sarcoidosis

Rectal examination in acute back pain with neurological features

tree-in-bud in CT chest of Bronchiectasis ... زي براعم الزهرة في غصن الشجرة في الربيع

The efcacy of azithromycin to prevent Non CF bronchectasis.pdf
2022: Azithromycin treatment benefts to prevent the exacerbations among patients with non-cystic fibrosis

Intravenous fluid therapy in patients with severe acute pancreatitis admitted to the intensive care unit

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The role of internist in diabetic impotence.Guidlines
Impotence needing non invasive vacuum apparatus or surgery is out of our scope and should be referred to andrology doctor
Assesment.of diabetic impotence ;
1. -Assess renal fiunctions,CKD causes impotence
2. -Thyroid disease may be associated with type 1 DM.Measure S.T3,T4,TSH
3. -S.testosterone levels is low in obese type2 DM. Increased visceral fat leads to raised secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, leptin, estradiol and insulin. These substances may inhibit the activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary gonadal axis at multiple levels, thus lowering the concentrations of testosterone .
Testosterone deficiency, which is also called “male hypogonadism,” contributes to reduced response of insulin to glucose, increased insulin resistance and eventually the onset of Type 2 diabetes. In vivo, insulin is capable of stimulating testosterone production . Low testosterone precedes elevated fasting insulin, glucose, and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1C) values and may even predict the onset of diabetes
4. -High S.prolactin may occur in DM(due to associated myxdema,prolactinoma,drugs,stress). prolactin interferes with FSH and LH secretions.
5. Vacular impotence needs US on penile A.
6. -Biochemical profile HBA1c,Lipids,Creatinine,Liver functions .
1. -Low testosterone;testosterone undecanoate amp.Nebido 1gm/monthly IM. Long-term treatment with testosterone therapy in men with hypogonadism and type 2 diabetes improves their glycemic control as well as their insulin sensitivity, according to a new study.,
2. -Before sexual act;sildenafil 25.50,100mg or tadalafil ceiles 20mg-tadanerfi thin oral film sublingual or ananavil with fast onset of action.
Ceiles 5mg daily can improve erectile dysfunction.Ceiles the safest drug for erectile dysfunction for diabetes.Cialis does not alter blood sugar levels in people with diabetes
3. -High S.prolactin cabergoline Dostinex 0.5mg/week
4. -In associated myxdema;Eltroxin
5. -Control of S.glucose,lipids,BP.-Stop smoking-Excersise,weight reduction
6. -tt.of depression.the antidepressant Trazadone Trittico helps erection and as a side effect causes priapism
7. vitamin B6 which lowers prolactin levels by increasing the neurotransmitter dopamine
8. Other lines of tt is out of our scope

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Cardiac output monitoring – invasive and noninvasive.pdf
Cardiac output monitoring – invasive and noninvasive

Ventilatory support in the intensive care unit.pdf
Ventilatory support in the intensive care unit

Rx of severe traumatic Brain injury.pdf
Second- and Third-Tier Therapies for Severe Traumatic
Brain Injury

Dopamine use in ICU.pdf
Dopamine use and its consequences
in the intensive care unit: a cohort study
utilizing the Japanese Intensive care PAtient

COPD GOLD-2022_teaching-slide-set-v1.1-4Nov2021

Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease


COPD initial Rx

COPD Rx pathway 2022

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