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Former big pharma & biotech research executive telling the truth about monumental frauds.

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The truth is, there is quite a large group of climate scientists and academics in the field that disagree with the oversimplified view of climate change that is constantly being spouted, but the public is not told this.

The whole system revolves around the idea that the majority can be made to believe 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, so long as it is repeated loudly and often. And it works.

— NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden

Well worth a read, as it ties together principles of deception that apply to both main elements of the long-planned deception: civilisation-threatening human-caused climate change and global pandemics, both of which are flat lies.

While I’m no expert in climate science, I’m an adequate scientist and quite capable of understanding the published literature. Having spent months doing exactly that, I have found sufficient holes in the rather weak claims, very loudly made, that there’s a crisis related to climate change. Not only is this a lie, but release of CO2 is proven to be a minor factor in global temperature change and in fact follows temperature changes, not leads them. It therefore cannot be a major driver of climate change. This has been demonstrated beyond doubt decades ago. The rest is just lies. Scientists are no harder to buy that politicians.

Best wishes


I recall Ed Dowd saying that the one place where he was sure it wouldn’t be possible to hide the effect of the (intentionally harmful: my words) covid injections was the insurance industry.

That is a truly huge sector. Very large sums are paid in life premiums & policies are payable under various circumstances. If the insurance company pays out less in legitimate claims than it receives in premiums, they have a business. If not, they go bust. This would constitute a monumental problem. Individuals cannot hedge personally against the worst outcomes in life, and an inability to secure a hedge in the form of affordable insurance policies will be devastating to the entire way our societies and economies function.

What we’re seeing now is a very large (more than 20%) increase in claims related to the deaths while insured (presumably mostly through their employers’ group life plans) on behalf of young adults. Now, people in this category die only rarely. But the payouts can be large, being a multiple of their salary in most cases.

Look at the tragic scale of the increase in claims resulting from the increase in deaths in young people. Unless you’re like the medical profession, who are “completely baffled” as to what might be causing this excess in deaths, you will regard this as proof that these injections are doing exactly was intended them to do.

Finally, I would argue that this is eminently shareable with normies. Perhaps present them with the facts and ask their opinion as to what it might mean. If they say “It’s covid, obviously”, tell them that deaths in young people are increased the most in those in employment. These typically are the most healthy individuals. Unfortunately many were pressured to get jabbed.

If they cannot refute the evidence, state that politely and leave them to think about it. While many people are very resistant to persuasion, I do think this evidence is compelling. I see no way out of concluding what we know to be true.

Best wishes and good luck in helping those you care about join us in our awful realisation.



I noticed an article in the Telegraph that Tobias Elwood suggested that we might feel reassured if a senior military officer was to be laced inside No. 10.

This is obviously appalling. Way to end up with a military dictatorship. This particular gentleman is potentially responsible for my very tight censorship and routine smearing.

Yet my (& others’) efforts to warn everyone, including his constituents, of the coming tyranny originating in fraudulently imposing a public health emergency, are very likely being actively frustrated by a member of parliament.

Elwood should not have made the proposal & if it was in jest, he should apologise to the country as well as the House.

This well written piece tells us about the incompatibility of a military role in a serving MP.

Best wishes

I’ll be posting regularly through this, my new solo channel.
Best wishes,

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