The Yeager.

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Was born in Shiganshina District on November 15th, 2002, in the southern region of Wall Maria to Carla Yeager and Grisha Yeager.
Archive: @Shiganshihna
Contact person: @Aussierbot

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Kok gak ada yang ucapin gua, Happy Comeback Gibran😊

Finally!! Music Video "Hot Sauce" by Nct Dream is released now. Happy comeback for Nct Dream. Happy comeback for Nct Dream rp-ers. Especially Khalil, Athala, Jecko, Azka, Rayyan, Cindernabila, Jerrick, Gerimis, Kavelar, Haidan, Andrel, Fahreja, Rajenan, Jaidan and Diluca.

And also happy comeback for my lil baby Dejun, Akito, Adisa😍💋

🔒 A whisper message to Adriel, Only he/she can open it.

Sisanya besok dah, gua lowbat. Atau gak nantian dah ya, sorry😁

Oke wait a minute, ijin save ava yo

📝 Drop @ coba, ntar gua buatin avatar dari picrew.

👤 @drownded

👤 @Hanjiseongv

👤 @momouhicrai

👤 @PalingDejun

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👤 @ceursedkid

👤 @oiheejin

👤 @heyRoseanne

👤 @whipplash

👤 @LeeLudsa

👤 @yahajaehyun

👤 @Hyqeyoon

👤 @sajakminju

👤 @JeonJungkoork

👤 @lJAEMlN

👤 @imksunoo

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Anak dream coba absen @aussierbot

"If someone tries to take my freedom away, I won't hesitate to take theirs. Our father didn't make me that way. I have been like this since birth."

Gibran Yeager is a former member of the Survey Corps. He is a main protagonist of Attack on Titan. He lived in Shiganshina District with his parents and adopted brother Azian Ackerman until the fall of Wall Maria, where he impotently witnessed his mother being eaten by a Titan. This event would lead to Gibran's intense hatred towards the Titans as he swore to wipe all of them off the face of the Earth.

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