Elevies Gallery

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Contact ; @Eleviesgallerybot
Hfw / moots ; @Elemootsbot

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HALOO, jangan lupa jajan huruf 😝

say hi to rachel

Forward from: Cainty.

Hello-Bello! @Cainty is looking for a new mutuals. All type of gallery username is allowed! Only for main acc. Side acc and admin upsubs please DO NOT INTERACT! Kindly contact @CaintyBot if your interested yaa. Thank you, fellas ☆__☆

Forward from: Gorgeoxs!
Halo, teman-teman! @Gorgeoxs sedang mencari banyak, sangat banyak, banyak sekali, ratusan, ribuan, jutaan, miliaran, bahkan triliunan orang untuk menjadi mutual galeri username kami. Semua tipe galeri username di-perbolehkan. Kami tak ambil pusing dengan galeri username yang berisi full mulchar, anime, atau bahkan para aktris. Semua kami terima sebagai mutual kami. Selama akun mu benar-benar akun utama dan sering diving. Jika kamu suka sekali berinteraksi dengan mutual mu, akan mendapatkan nilai plus dari kami. Tertarik untuk menjadi mutual kami? Silahkan hubungi @gorgeoxsrobot. Jangan lupa sebutkan akun mu yang akan digunakan untuk subscribe channel kami dan beri @ channel mu agar kami dapat memberi feedback kami pula. Terima kasih banyak!

iyh sm sm bebih


walaupun cuma satu yang jawab tapi tidak apa apa, drop wish kalian buat elegallery donk! anw maaf sedikit

kalian elies kan, kalo bukan jahat bgt

siapa mau daget, aku lagi hepi karena ni galeri akhirnya debut



timakaci muts yang sudah hfw

moots hfw ya.



☁️. @Madki 9*
🐰. @Yuluta 6*
☁️. @Nmommy 2**
🐰. @Femijnine 2*
☁️. @Sktory *
🐰. @Perfject *
☁️. @Fobrever *
🐰. @UchinagaAefi *

— Payment only avail dana, spay, gopay, qris (+rate)
— Take lebih dari satu akan dapat potongan harga
— Connected to @Eleviesgallerybot, @Lapdy, or @Tongether

Forward from: Gandhi.
[HFW] Hi everyone who saw this message, @Paroperty looking for as many mutuals as possible but only accepting username galleries. If you are willing to do subs for subs and become a new mutual who can forward messages on your channel, active, not a clone account (must be a main account), diligent diving, not cheating, then immediately bang on my door by filling in a form like @.channel + @.yours + @.bot or you can use your wording then send it to @ragandhibot. Much obliged and have a pleasant day ahead!

Forward from: Canauda's / hfw + isi pin
[ For all my mutuals business, can you help forward this message to your channel? Thanks before and have a nice day muts! ]

Hi! @Canauda is looking for a new mutuals business. We are looking for a mutuals who can provide good feedback, main acc only, side acc, jarang diving, ga hfw, adm upsubs dni please. Kindly contact @canaudabot if you interested to be my mutuals, thank youu. 💟💟

Forward from: YEYU!
halo halo aku masi nyari moots baru yaa!! aku nerima galeri usn only dan menggunakan main acc yaa @injunv_bot thank u!

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