Emoji feelings??✌️

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Forward from: ?Ethiø?best_dancer's?

🏵 500mb INTERNET PACKAGE CHALLENGE 🏵....only @ethiobtdancers

Suicide is stupid?
You wanna know what's stupid?
Hurting someone so emotionally, that they think suicide is the only answer.
For all those out there..
You don't deserve death..
that bitch does!
Don't pray for an early death like its a blessing.
There's a lot to come in your life...Just don't!...Be yourself out there!...if they hurt you..you need to get through it!

They say suicide is for losers!
Well......everyone's feelings has limits!
Till the end....they wait...then take the action.....we might not think about it first!
But each and every step you do for fun or anything...would kill someone someday!
Its not suicide that's stupid...its that MF, that put you all through this, you should've thought twice before hurting her...but for NOT thinking that this would come...your the stupid one here!


Vote plzzzz👆👆🙏🙏

Forward from: ?Ethiø?best_dancer's?
500MB PACKAGE CHALLENGE 🏵....only @ethiobtdancers

Forward from: @mdrobot
እናንተን ለማስደሰት ቀን ተቀን የሚለፍ ብርቅዬ ተወዳዳሪ የሌላቸው አዝናኝና አስተማሪ ቻናሎችን ይቀላቀሉ።

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🙏 በፈጠራ ቀልዶቻችን ወደር የማይገኝለት በኢትዮጵያ ታዋቂው እና አንጋፋው የሳቅ በሳቅ ቻናል ይቀላቀሉን ይረኩብናል

🙏 😂የትም ያልሰሟቸውን አንፍር ቀልዶች በ ታዋቂው ኮሜድየን ቶማስ ይዘን መተናልእስከጥግ ይሳቁ 😂😂😂😂

🙏 አዝናኝ😂አስደሳች አስቂኝ ቀውጢ ቻናል NewMUSIC.አዳዲስ FUN GIF የሚገኝበት.picPOSTለማድርግ እናትዬን ቀውጢ ቻናልነው ይቀላቀሉን

🙏 በየቤቱ የተደበቁ የ ሙዚቃ ታለንት ያላቸውን ልጆች ሚያወጣ ግዙፉና ብቸኛው የ vocal channel 🎶ÑON §tUDIO VIBS😜

🙏 በእውቀቱ ስዩም እና ሌሎች ገጣሚያን በአዳዲስ ግጥሞች ተመልሰዋል በግጥም ብቻ

🙏 ስርዓት ያላቸዉ ምች የሆኑ ቀልዶች 😂 አስተማሪና መረጃ ተኮር ዘገባዎች 📖አስቂኝ አዝናኝ ባህላዊ አባባሎች 😁

🙏 በደቡባዊ አማርኛ በድምፅ ብቻ የተቀለዱ እጅግበጣም አስቂኝ ቀልዶች የሚገኙበት ሸንት አስጨራሽ 🇪🇹🇪🇹 ሀበሻዊ ቻነል

🙏 🇸🇳Create awesome short videos and share with us 🇸🇳

🙏 Kiss GIF፣ 🌐 SCHOOL life፣ የፍቅር አጋር ለማግኘት🚻፣ ያፈቀረ እና አፍቅሮ የተጎዳ ብቻ❗️ 💟👇💟

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🙏 አዝናኝ-ጥቅሶች - - 😂 አስደሳች አስቂይጫኑ🇹በኢትዮጵያ ቀውጢውና አንደኛው 85.700 ሺ አባላት ያለው የቴሌግራም ቻናል ለመቀላቀል ይንኩት

🙏 ገራሚ ገራሚ ሐበሻ HD Kiss💋 ማየት ከፈለጉ ይቀላቀሉንሀበሻ KISSING ለማየት ይቀላቀሉን👉🏿Kiss ላማረው ብቻ💋

🙏 በፌስቡክ የምታቁን አዝግ እና አስቂኝ
የሆኑትን የአቤ ና ከቤ ቀልዶች

🙏 🥕🥕 ካሮት 🥕🥕MUSIC
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ከላይ ባሉ ቻናሎች ምርት እና አገልግሎቶን ማስተዋወቅ ከፈለጉ እዚጋ ይጫኑ

Forward from: Fashion everyday

Forward from: unleashed hearts
Suicide is stupid?
You wanna know what's stupid?
Hurting someone so emotionally, that they think suicide is the only answer.
For all those out there..
You don't deserve death..
that bitch does!
Don't pray for an early death like its a blessing.
There's a lot to come in your life...Just don't!...Be yourself out there!...if they hurt you..you need to get through it!

They say suicide is for losers!
Well......everyone's feelings has limits!
Till the end....they wait...then take the action.....we might not think about it first!
But each and every step you do for fun or anything...would kill someone someday!
Its not suicide that's stupid...its that MF, that put you all through this, you should've thought twice before hurting her...but for NOT thinking that this would come...your the stupid one here!


Forward from: unleashed hearts
I Still Miss You

Sometimes in dreams,

Sometimes in night and dawn,

I still miss you in every way,

That I choose to move on .

My life shares many glories,

But still there are many incomplete stories,

I wish one day you will come back ,

And we will write 'The End' together,

May be not in this birth ,

But may in my next life we will be Us forever.

Photos me and my friends
and to fun by my videos
#New music


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