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👤 flat, hbu?

1 2

👤 Baik banget, kamu gimana harinya?

Alhamdulillah kalau kabar mu baik nder, kalau aku sih seperti biasa nya, Biasa biasa aja.

👤 flat

Sama, kek B B aja ya kan

📝 Moots, hows your day?

👤 flat, hbu?

👤 Baik banget, kamu gimana harinya?

👤 flat

👥 3 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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📝 Hallo kaliaann, First impression kalian ke aku tuh apa ya??


👤 Seems fun, lets get closerrr

👤 friendly

👤 pasti jamet

👤 ems gth, lucu, humble n jamet yh luhk 😏😏

👤 seems friendly:D

👤 keliatan asikk nii

👤 seems friendly, cute

👤 hshshsh keceee seems friendly

👤 keliatan gemes

👤 seems friendly, tipe tipe social butterfly gituu 😻💖💖

👤 Anaknya lucu :D

👤 Senormalnya anak rp, mungkin kalo udah interact aku bakal tau deh kamu gimana.

👤 KECE BANGET PLES, aku pantauin ch nya kek keren aja gitu.

👤 Baik, ramah

👥 15 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board


1️⃣. 食べたり飲んだりすることは、活動後に失われるエネルギーを増やすための人間の活動です。なぜなら、食べ物や飲み物には体が必要とする物質があるからです。ジョングクはバナナミルクが好きですか?この一杯でも旅行者のお土産によく使われます。やわらかいバナナの味と香りがミックスされたクリーミーなミルク。このミルクが多くの韓国人のお気に入りであることは不思議ではありません。While I like all f🅾️🅾️ds and drinks that can be consumed, there is no element of choosing.

🆖️🅾️🆗️🅰️🅱️🆘️ 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 !

Sod tadi di archive an

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What do you think about me ( @jathly ) ?
  •   📌. Look so friendly, social butterfly, good person && humble
  •   📸. Look like jamet persimpangan,very strange, absurd, and ridiculous.
  •   🧢. Seems intimidating, cool, good person. looks quiet, indifferent, but cares about others.
  •   ☎️. someone who is excited, kind, cheerful, loyal, humble and never brings feelings.
33 votes

𝗧HE MØST IMPORT𝗔NT✰. ꀤ am a man born in Medan in December. play a game with a face claim system. I chose ꒻eongguk ꒻eon as Face Claim, because ꒻eongguk has a different character from the other muses. ꒻eongguk is a talented man. ꒻eongguk is a man born in Busan on the first of September one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven. ジョングクの私にとって最もクールなニックネームは ꓄ꀤꈤꌩ ꅐꍏꀤꌚ꓄ ꀘꂦꂦꀘ です♤. : ジョングクまたは芸名ジョングクは、²⁰¹³ 年にビッグヒットエンターテインメントの下で結成された韓国の少年バンドꌃ꓄ꌚまたは防弾少年団の歌手およびメンバーです。彼の役職は、メインボーカリスト、リードダンサー、サブラッパー、および中心。.

釜山のジョングク: ꌃusan, previously known as Pusan ​​and now officially known as Busan Metropolitan City, is the second most populous city in South Korea after Seoul, with a population of 3.5 million. メダンのガラン: The city of Medan is the capital of the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. This city is the third largest city in Indonesia after DKI Jakarta and Surabaya, and the largest city outside Java.

もちろん、自由な時間には、誰もが間違いなく何かをするでしょう。彼の趣味の1つです。私とジョングクの趣味は何だと思いますか?. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a hobby is a special pleasure that is done in spare time. The KBBI also emphasizes that 𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀 are not the same as work and are not used as a means to achieve certain goals. My hobbies are singing, dancing, play a game and studying math if I can. I like it because it can make my heart happy and calm, and easy to do ( 🎧🎤🎼📚📖📱). While Jungkook has hobbies : He likes playing games, drawing and football. Jungkook's hobbies include video editing (Golden Closet Films), photography, discovering new music and making song covers (🎧🎤🎼📚📖📱). 私の趣味とジョングクはとても似ていますよね?🅾️🆗️.


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